The Team Survivors Membership Pledge
If you wish to remain a member of Team Survivors for Phase Three, please read and sign the following pledge.
The Team Survivors Membership Pledge
Section I: Participation
I. I understand that participation is key to this community and to this team.
II. I understand that my failure to participate regularly is detrimental to my team as a whole.
III. If I fail to enter in any of the community’s challenges over a span of two weeks, I know that will be asked to reconsider my membership.
IV. If I am going to be absent from the game for any extended period of time, I will let my team leader know beforehand.
V. I understand that I have chosen to be here, and when I no longer wish to regularly participate in challenges, when I am no longer having fun, I am free to leave.
Section II: Challenges
I. If I do not understand a challenge, I will ask my team for clarification.
II. If I do not like a challenge, I will still try my best to complete it.
III. If I cannot complete a challenge, I may opt-out, but this will not be a regular occurrence.
IV. I understand that I am not expected to enter every single challenge, but that I am expected to be a relatively active participant on my team.
V. If I am struggling with a particular challenge, I will not hesitate to ask my teammates or my team leader for assistance.
Section III: Winning and Losing
I. I understand that this game should be fun, but that it is also a challenge to be won; my participation will reflect that.
II. In the event that our team is in the lead, I will be gracious.
III. In the event that our team is trailing behind, I will do my best to stay positive.
Section IV: Behavior
I. I understand that any bashing, bullying or other unpleasant and rude behavior will not be tolerated.
II. I understand that swearing, while tolerated, should be keep to a minimum.
Section V: Miscellaneous
I. I understand that, first and foremost, my team and my team leader want me to have fun and enjoy being a member of Team Survivors.
II. I understand that if I severely violate any aspect of this pledge, I am at risk of being cut from the team.
By signing this post, I acknowledge that I have read and understood this membership pledge and will follow it to the best of my ability.
Please sign this pledge by commenting “I agree” in a comment to this post. If you have any questions, please let me know.