Intro post!

Apr 27, 2010 13:57

Name: Vivien
Location: UK
Likes/interests: Writing, TV

Favorite character(s)? Artie, Sue, Tina
Favorite ship(s)? Artie/Tina, Will/Emma... any away from the main triangle (square? whatever we're calling it these days).
Favorite episode? Wheels
Favorite song(s)? Vogue, Proud Mary, Lean on Me, Dancing with Myself, Somebody to Love... far too many.
Which cast member would you most want to meet? Any

Other fandoms you enjoy? Too many - Spooks, Chuck, Dr Who, Lewis, Torchwood... I could go on for days, really
Favorite ships? None really
Favorite movie(s)? The Princess Bride
Favorite book(s)? Anything by Peter F Hamilton
Quote: (Can be any quote/poem/lyric/etc. you like / feel suits today / etc. :D)
ANYTHING: Could be a gif or a video or a picture or a statement or a drabble or anything. The world is yours.)

intro post

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