Yay kids!

Oct 15, 2005 18:19

Cruising the internet (let's resort back to car metaphors for the internet, ok?) a few days ago, I came across this website that just blew me away. I don't care to look up how to post the link, but the address is Quiverfull.com. I mistakenly interpreted it as, "I have a penis and it's filled with sperm that's almost out.." but Colin pointed out that it probably just means a very full family. And this is why. The followers of this fairly obscure denomination of Christianity firmly believe in leaving birth control up to God, and thus, have friggin huge families. Like 17 kids huge. It's amazing. I can see how interpreting the Bible in an intensely literal way could make you believe that we're to keep having LOADS of unprotected sex, but from virtually every other viewpoint, that's just nuts. I do not intend to put down anyone's beliefs, I just didn't know this denomination existed. Obviously, I don't follow this religion because I think it completely ignores several options out there. The basic idea is that birth control of any form is wrong because if God wants you to have a baby, he'll make you have one, regardless of your age. So..you could be a 48 year-old woman having yet another baby, even though there is strong evidence that indicates that that is tremendously unhealthy for the mother AND greatly increases the chances that the baby will develop a birth defect of sorts. And that would be part of God's plan. I don't know, maybe that is. But to me, it just seems smarter to be like, "hey, let's try to not get you pregnant now that you're so freaking old".

If you go to one of the links, aboverubies.com, you'll find a website that strives to uplift the womanly role of staying chained at home popping out babies every year. Well, they phrase it nicer than that, but that was my impression. If you're a lady and you want to be a stay-at home Mom, that's awesome. Do it. There are far too many kids out there that could really have benefitted from having a parent be at home with them after school. But if you're a lady that wants a career and kids, do it, damn it. And if you don't want kids, then don't, ok? Ok, back to the website then. In my opinion, the authors have skewed scientific information to suit their needs. I object. I feel like innocent women are going to stumble across this website and then be convinced that it's information is accurate. Somewhere on the site it talks about how Satan attacks wombs in many ways and how birth control is just one of those ways. It tells how millions of people are on the pill and that they don't realize that they are aborting something like 8 million babies every year. Well..that's not exactly how birth control works. Birth control ups your hormone levels to prevent ovulation so you can't get pregnant. And anyhow, most people that are taking birth control pills do so because they are TRYING to prevent pregnancy. Obviously, if you wanted a baby, you wouldn't be on birth control.

I just thought these two websites were interesting. From the outsider's point of view, it's like, "why hello, cult". But all the families that have posted comments on them seem to have healthy, happy relationships with all of their many kids and siblings. Good for them. Maybe I'm missing out on something. At the same time, I don't really think the human race is in any danger of being wiped out in the near future, seeing as there are billions of us and especially with families of 12 and more...shoot. That's just a lot of people.
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