Title: Cute Fish Part 3
Pairing: Adam/Tommy
scorpio_15Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~3,700
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. I own nothing. None of this happened.
Warnings: Language, graphic sex.
Summary: It’s the final part to the Cute Fish Trilogy! High school Adam and Tommy attend the Prom xD This is twitfic, i.e., written off the cuff on twitter 140 characters at a time.
A/N: Lol, I remember when I wrote this on twitter and it took me HOURS, but it was so much fun! Hope you enjoy it. A HUGE shoutout to @stellina429 for compiling my twitfics for me…thank you girl!
If you haven’t read the first 2 parts of Cute Fish, I highly recommend doing so before reading part 3. You can find them here:
Cute Fish Part 1:
http://scorpio-15.livejournal.com/23678.htmlCute Fish Part 2:
http://scorpio-15.livejournal.com/23826.html TWITTER:
ScorpioIsRising Where I post links to all my fic.
Masterlist Cute Fish Part 3