(no subject)

Nov 14, 2006 10:01

From: Jackson, Rob (VP Spiritual Life)
Sent: Monday, November 13, 2006 2:40 PM
To: Connally, Daniel Morris
Cc: Rusk, Kathy; Hartless, Sharon; Emerick, Dane E. (Campus Pastor); Hughes, Charles Richard (Campus Pastor); Jackson, Rob (VP Spiritual Life); Tanner, Pamela Tracy (Campus Pastor's Office); Pamer, Jeanne L. (Campus Pastor's Office); Johnson, Sarah Marie
Subject: FW:


The prayer force and I will continue to pray for your protection, testimony and walk with the Lord as well as your requests below.

"I only want to be used by God in every way possible. That is my biggest prayer and prayer request.

Please continue to pray for protection, guidance, purity, and wisdom for me to minister properly to the guys here. "

Thank you again for your sacrifice in keeping us free. I praise God with you for the new believer you are discipling!

Dr. Rob Jackson

Vice President for Spiritual Life/Senior Campus Pastor

Liberty University

434 582 2651



From: Connally, Daniel Morris
Sent: Sunday, November 12, 2006 12:25 PM
To: Spiritual Life
Subject: RE:

Brother Todd

If you could please pass this on to Pastor, Jackson, Emerick, Dave and Chris and Johnnie. And the others as well but primarirly them, they know me. Also feel free to share the updates to the sudent body whom I miss, daily and long to see and be refreshed in a way only another believer could understand.

Things here in Iraq, Praise God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, for He commands His angels to protect His children, allow me to give you some examples. Recently in this deployment one of my Marines had accepted Christ as his Savior. I showed him (Matthew) Romans 9:10, and he replied, "I have been waiting for 3 years for someone to tell me that." I was exstactic he was waiting for so long to here those simple words Christ spoke or rather Paul said through the Holy Spirit, so long ago, "Whoever believes in his heart and confesses with his mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord will be saved" Praise God. Everyday is a battle and everyday presents itself with a new struggle . For real the biggest battle is the battle of the mind, staying pure, pornography is everywhere, it is the culture of the military, though I have none and do not look, it is posted everwhere in living places and also on every one's computers, except mine. It is just everywhere, so it only takes a glimpse though right?! That is the biggest thing. I do not fear for my life or the enemy, I have learned to only Fear my Lord, I say that with absolute sincerity. I fear God alone, no one or thing else. I along with a few others recently were on a convoy, like we normally do, and we search for IED's (Improvised explosive devises) and was blown up. Praise God we were alright, no one was hurt, my friend Matthew was on the turit with the weapon so he was most vulnerable to the hit and the explosiond was aimed for me, the driver. The vehicle was a Hummer so it is smaller than what we are used to driving. Me and Matthew that morning were going over Psalm 91 and reading the verse about how we rest under the shadow of the wings of the Almighty and how the enemies weapons will be useless against us. Matthew, craves the word and reads daily, just about, he has almost memorized everything he reads, it is funny. He absorbs like a spunge awesome. It is so great to see a new believer and his passion for the Lord, it is also encouraging for me, and gives me a project, I find myself less complacent when I know I have to live a more Christ like example for him, I cannot preach what I am not practicing, is what I am trying to say. So, God is using His children in amazing ways, he is continually protecting from the enemy and though we are here in Babylon, in a literal and physical desert we trust in our Lord that His ways ARE higher and His thoughts ARE higher. I have learned as well contemptment in the situations I am faced with daily, like Paul, I have embraced the situations I am placed and God uses me how he choses. I only want to be used by God in every way possible. That is my biggest prayer and prayer request. I have also learned in the last 7 months to take everyday to its FULLEST, I have always had the problem of worrying about tomorrow, Mom and Dad always said, "Dan, take it one day at a time" You can ask my Girlfriend Brooke, we have both learned to make the best of every day. Praise God for today and for what I learned yesterday. I love the Lord and He has given me a huge burden to carry but the Lord's yoke is easy and His burden is light, I feel alone sometimes in this trial and burden but I know that the Lord is right there at my side yoked together in His mission. I can go on and on, I am very passionate about talking about God and very excited to talk to anyone who love's the Lord. Thank you for oyur prayers and encouragement I cannot wait to meet you. Please continue to pray for protection, guidance, purity, and wisdom for me to minister properly to the guys here.
Thank you again.



From: Klinger, Todd on behalf of Spiritual Life
Sent: Tue 10/31/2006 1:02 PM
To: Connally, Daniel Morris

Daniel -

My name is Todd Klinger, I work for Pastor Rob Jackson at the Campus Pastors Office at Liberty University. On behalf of the staff here I want to express our deepest gratitude for your service to our country! We praise God for you and the troops, and we are praying for your protection and safety. I will not pretend to understand or be able to relate to all the atrocities of war that must weigh so heavily on your heart and mind, but I do want you to know that I am here for you if you ever need anything. I don't know how frequently you have access to communication vehicles, but if you ever need someone to talk to or if you have concerns you wish to share I can be a sounding board and even make sure your concerns get connected to prayer chains among the pastors at Liberty. If you need anything please never hesitate to contact me at tklinger@liberty.edu.

In Christ

- Todd Klinger

"The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace."

- Numbers 6:24-26
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