Mar 17, 2004 17:29
Happy St. Patrick's Day! Green is everywhere except the grass, which is still a dead brown covered with snow. It's snowing here now. Hopefully it keeps up and causes a delay for school tomorrow.
I formally take back what i said a few months back about Mia. I was uninformed then and just recently saw what she earns. She is the best player in women's professional soccer and should earn more than she does ($85,000).
Well, the NCAA tournament is starting very soon. hopefully the teams I like make it all the way. Still looking for a marriage project partner and a prom date. Hopefully all of this will resolve itself soon.
High school is winding down and I still have no idea which colleges accepted me and how much I'm getting from each. It's really bugguing me since a lot of people know all that info already.
Little more than a week left in the third quarter, and the end of march, and nearly the end to the sport jackets. Can't wait for the year to end. Will miss the people in the class though. Hopefully we'll all stay in contact and stay friends through the years.
Dunno what to do about the class trip. Let me know what you think, and why. Cya around. Peace.