This is a masterlist of all the FinnKurt scenarios and/or kinks that we are currently working on or plan to work on in the future. Some inspired by the glee anon kink meme, some straight from our brains~
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Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles are Finn-mun's favorite vampire series, too. I have to say my top is Joss Whedon's Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel series. But that's more for the humor. I do freaking love Anne Rice's vampires. And this storyline is fun because Finn is the one pursuing Kurt instead of the other way around.
Basically the .hack/Glee crossover one happens mainly online, in a game. Think World of Warcraft or suchlike. Basically the fun twist in that one will be that the first time they meet in-game, Kurt saves Finn from, well, basically some bullies. Complete 180 from real life. XD
We're still here and still doing FinnKurt stuff, no worries! IT'S LIKE MY LIFE. XD We just mainly do it through instant messaging rather than through LJ. One day when I'm not lazy I'll post up what we have so far of some of the Works in Progress. House Party, Road Trip, and the toys one we've gotten pretty far on. I think we're technically almost finished with the toys one, though at the moment we've been focusing on House Party. Because drunk!Kurt is adorable and drunk!Finn is very tactile. And both have like nonexistent brain-to-mouth filters. |D
Oh! I almost forgot, I need to edit this list. There were some more ideas that we remembered recently~
Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles are Finn-mun's favorite vampire series, too. I have to say my top is Joss Whedon's Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel series. But that's more for the humor. I do freaking love Anne Rice's vampires. And this storyline is fun because Finn is the one pursuing Kurt instead of the other way around.
Basically the .hack/Glee crossover one happens mainly online, in a game. Think World of Warcraft or suchlike. Basically the fun twist in that one will be that the first time they meet in-game, Kurt saves Finn from, well, basically some bullies. Complete 180 from real life. XD
We're still here and still doing FinnKurt stuff, no worries! IT'S LIKE MY LIFE. XD We just mainly do it through instant messaging rather than through LJ. One day when I'm not lazy I'll post up what we have so far of some of the Works in Progress. House Party, Road Trip, and the toys one we've gotten pretty far on. I think we're technically almost finished with the toys one, though at the moment we've been focusing on House Party. Because drunk!Kurt is adorable and drunk!Finn is very tactile. And both have like nonexistent brain-to-mouth filters. |D
Oh! I almost forgot, I need to edit this list. There were some more ideas that we remembered recently~
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