Scavenger Hunt

Mar 18, 2012 19:55

1. Create 20 "quote" icons
Icons Here

2. Write a fic dramatising a favourite scene from Leverage (300 words)
315 words of fic: The minutes after the explosion - The Radio Job

Oh god. DAD! Oh, oh god no, no, no, no. That can't be true. He had to be out of the warehouse, right? He couldn't have been in there, it just wasn't possible. Oh please god, no.

But Nate knew it was true, Jimmy's last words had proven that. He knew it had been coming, had obviously seen the bomb, he knew he didn't have much time left. He knew there was no way out of this, no chance of escape.

So he said the words that no ran in an endless loop in Nate's head. Tell 'em Jimmy Ford loves his son.

He loves him. NO, LOVED him. Past tense now. Because no way in hell would anybody have survived that blast. Nate had felt it when he was thrown through the air and he'd been still far away.

But Jimmy? He'd probably been right next to the bomb. Nate didn't even want to think about it.

He couldn't hear what Eliot was shouting in his ear, he didn't notice Hardison holding Sophie and Parker back. All his senses were turned inside, his father the only thing he could focus on right now, the only thing he could think about
in this very moment.

He would never ever see his father again. Sure, sometimes he'd hated him, but deep inside? He was his father after all. The man who had made him who he was today, at least important parts of it. Deep down he had loved his father, that's
why he hadn't shot him or turned him in before and that's why he'd gone after him today. But it was too late now, he couldn't tell him the truth about his feelings anymore, it was too late for that.

He could just hope that deep inside, his father knew the truth about Nate's feelings:

Tell 'em Nate Ford loves his father.

3. Make 2 Leverage-related banners with the text "Welcome to Llmcrorybar's Weekly Spam Post"

4. Write 1000 words of fic on the prompt "Parker stole a castle.
Push it until my luck is over by race_the_ace

5. Make two mini pic-spams (8 pics minimum each). One of JIM STERLING, one of TARA COLE.


6. Make a fake CD cover (front and back) as if the Leverage crew was a rock band.

7. BAD PHOTOSHOP! \o/ - badly photoshop the leverage crew's faces onto a cast photo from another TV show or movie poster.

8. Scavenger hunt (specific)
1. sourpony's Doctor Who Last Icon Maker Standing comm: LIMS Comm
2. mizzy2k's AO3 account: Link
3. The Roadhouse - telaryn's fic journal: Link
4. theron09's Leverage Big Bang fic for 2011: Link
5. The team comm for 2cbetter2's [info]ncis_verse team: Link
6. A Star Trek Next Generation fic by weaselett: Link
7. One of haces222 landcomm sig tags (any landcomm): Link
8. An Eliot/Aimee fanfic by trappercreekd: Link
9. errant_evermore's DeviantArt account: Link
10. A Torchwood fanfic by pastellschwarz: Link
11. Last year's St. Patrick's Day Schedule:
12. Leverageland's application post: Application
13. A spam post from llmcrorysbar that has over 300 comments:
14. The online word counter we use for fic challenges:
15. Heist 5's Challenge 06 "TV Tropin'" challenge post:
16. Team Hacker's Heist 4 Yearbook:
17. A Leverageland graphic challenge which is not icons (challenge, voting or results page):
18. Last year's St. Patrick's Weekend Bash's Gift Giving exchange page:
19. Leverageland's profile page:
20. The Leverageland rules post: Rules

9. Scavenger hunt (crossover fics).
1. Angel the Series The House Rules by Posetheblackcat
2. Any Disney movie
3. Avengers (Marvel)
4. Harry Potter Not Even Close
5. Hunger Games Leveraging the Odds
6. Stargate Atlantis The Difference Between Absolution and Redemption by race_the_ace
7. Doctor Who
8. Firefly The Two Sons Jobs
9. Supernatural Preludes of War
10. Eureka Secrets
11. White Collar The Gallery Job
12. Psych The One That Got Away
13. Sherlock The insane thief and consulting madman
14. Star Trek (any) You called me and I came home to your heart
15. Warehouse 13 Close encounters of another kind
16. Heroes and all that could have been four heroes
17. Inception The Elephant Job
18. NCIS The Dead Marine Job
19. Stargate SG-1 Shining like Fireflys by race_the_ace
20. The Losers Worlds Collide

10. Scavenger hunt (I will go down with this ship)
1. Sophie/Nate = by foreverwriting9
2. Sophie/Eliot = by alinaandalion
3. Sophie/Other. = by ijemanja
4. Nate/Eliot = by spelerison
5. Nate/Parker = by ClaudiaRain
6. Eliot/Parker = by Shezzi
7. Parker/Hardison = by impertinence
8. Eliot/Hardison = by fayjay
9. Eliot/Parker/Hardison = by unavoidedcrisis.
10. Nate/Maggie = by Morralls
11. Eliot/Sterling = by vampirepam
12. Eliot/Maggie = by Wah-Keetcha
13. Maggie/Sophie = by havocs_cry
14. Eliot/Quinn = by
15. Sophie/Nate/Eliot = by lmx_v3point3
16. Sophie/Parker = by Pirates Sparrow and Turner
17. Tara/Parker = by Shhh-Its-An-Alias
18. Tara/Sophie = by Morralls
19. Eliot/Original Character = by trappercreekd
20. Eliot/Other Female Character From Show(Aimee, Kara Lynn, Mikel, etc. etc.) = by hannasus

11. List of participants.
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