SPDB: Team Iconing Challenge!

Mar 16, 2013 08:47

Job: Have fun making as many icons as you can in your team!

Deadline: Monday 18th March, 4pm EDT/8pm GMT [ COUNTDOWN CLOCK ]

- Someone makes an entry at your team's community and they post the Leverage screencap in this post; the next person posts a comment saying "Claimed!" and then has to create an icon from that screencap and post a screencap of their own, and so on.
- You cannot post twice in a row.
- This is a team challenge, which means the more people on your team that participate, the better. There will be extra points for this!
- Whoever makes the post (it doesn't have to be a team mod) needs to submit the link to the post here. You will also need to make the entry public by the deadline.
- Points will also be given out to the team with the most icons made.
- All icons must be new and original for this challenge; all icons will be up for grabs for everyone to take as they please (CREDIT IS A MUST!! and comments are nice, too, if you're taking an icon.)
- The same screencap can only be used twice (and try not to do it intentionally, but things may be moving fast, so I'll let you get away with some repeats)
- If a 'pile-up' happens, I may deduct points. Try not to claim a screencap if you can't finish the icon after claiming.
- Icons must be 100 x 100 pixels and under 40kb in size (to fit LJ restrictions.)

+1 point per icon made
+50 points to the team with the most icons
+50 bonus points to the team with the highest rate of participation (aka % of most members participating)


icons, team challenge, roundup post

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