whimoffate (Chessy)
Age: 32
Timezone: CMT
How you discovered Leverage: I will credit Wil Wheaton for this one. I had seen the show, but I didn't get addicted until he announced he was going to be on the show and went and did a marathon watching of the eps. I was hooked after that.
Favourite Characters: Nate/Sophie but I love the whole cast.
Favourite Episodes: Both Davids, The Lost Heir Job, Two Live Crew Job, The Lost Heir Job and The Maltese Falcon Job
Favourite Ships: Nate/Sophie Parker/Hardison
Other Fandoms: Currently? Castle, Psych, Burn Notice, Bones, NCIS, I actually watch a lot of television.
Other Interesting Information: Zip. I am boring. Oh, but I am graphic deficient.