Title: One Half the World
Author: kitausu
Rating: PG
Summary: "One half of the world cannot understand the pleasures of the other." --Jane Austen
Notes: written for the LGBTfest prompt "Gaila is bisexual; she's not sure why people on Earth assume that's both common and accepted among Orions, because in her experience it's neither."
All lives, save loveless lives, true Love should pardon. )
Comments 7
That's what I really liked about it. And it was nice to see T'Pring not be an evil bitch.
Thank you!
She isn’t like Gaila or Christine Chapel, loud and flirtatious; she isn’t like Jim, what with the way when Sulu takes bets whether he’ll get into a fight or pick someone up it’s always a fifty-fifty chance either way... she isn’t like Nyota, who goes into riot girl mode. She’s a quiet drunk, not so much losing control as letting her emotionless façade fade a little at the edges.
Aww. I like the characterizations in this paragraph. They all sound so correct. I especially like riot girl Uhura, because yeah, I believe it, and it's a small detail but still really great.
Wonderful fic! I will be bookmarking it.
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