Title: Almost Anonymous Sex (In An Alley)
possibly_thrice Rating: R for none too explicit sex (also cleverly disguised by POETICKALNESS) and language
Pairing: Gaila/Not!Gaila from the cut scenes on the DVD. You can see her
Summary: For
this kinkmeme prompt. Leira's name and backstory are entirely
igrockspock 's. See also the wonderful drabble she wrote about Leira
A/N: THERE IS SO MUCH POTENTIAL IN THIS IDEA and I kind of did no more than flesh out the bare bones a little but I am hoping that some other fine soul will continue on the theme! And when I wear my hopeful face, no one can resist me, right?
Gaila dances alone, and people think they're her partners but they're not, they are only bodies abstracted into smelly slashes of paint by the shifting unsubtle lights overhead. )