Hello there. So after looking at the
voting results for the kinkmeme proposal, we've decided to put off posting that until the Little Black Book challenge is completed in early July (about a month from). We're still trying to discussing whether to do it
aianonlovefest way or the submitted & posted in batches way.
Until then, the drabble meme is still going on!
Since we've had the prompts up for over a month, I decided it's time we have another drabble meme submission post to get some fresh pairings and prompts. Writers will still be welcome to submit drabbles from the list of old prompts, but maybe they will find some inspiration in our new ones!
1. Comment to THIS POST with your prompts (you may leave as many as you want; they're not screened; you may leave anonymously if you choose). Your prompts must contain three descriptive words that you would like someone to make into a story (for example: "dance, seduce, red" or "stranded, frustration, secrets") AND a pairing (Adam/someone). Take a peak at the
ship cheat sheet for ideas or add someone new (OMCs & fictional characters are welcome as well).
2. You will have approximately 48 hours (until Tuesday evening) to leave prompts. I may close it down early if I get too many prompts.
3. Tuesday night I will make a post listing all the prompts where you can begin to submit your completed fic in screened comments. As the completed fics come in, I'll post them (anonymously, unless the author elects to have their name attached) in bunches.