My tweets

Apr 07, 2023 11:59

  • Thu, 16:09: RT @ akiakuvw: i miss him so fucking much holy shit
  • Thu, 16:11: Will I ever get tired of seeing Zenos smirking while inside Neith? Noooooope.
  • Thu, 16:13: RT @ SUWISUWII: sacrifice // hope
  • Thu, 16:15: If you have your ps4 or 5 linked to your twitter account you can still upload screenshots via the ps app in case it refuses to do so direct from the console.
  • Thu, 16:18: RT @ FFXIVXD: Despite originating from Elezens, the rapier never became popular in Ishgard. This is believed to be a result of the nation's…
  • Thu, 16:30: Why is it 2023 and people are STILL insisting Klance was queerbaited by the snow runners? Why are people so delusional it was NEVER going to happen. Also we DID get rep with Shiro even if it was handled so badly people don’t even bring it up when talking about queer rep.
  • Thu, 16:38: Lust, probably. Could’ve solved a lot of problems by killing Fandaniel rather than fucking him lol
  • Thu, 16:47: FIIIIIINEdaniel
  • Thu, 16:52: RT @ looneyorca: obsessed with this image he looks so pathetic. Pathetic little man . So feeble . He looks like a wet dog .
  • Thu, 16:53: RT @ Swillillilly: "I have a Twist n' Turn waist AND bendable knee action. What does Garlond have, tell me? Okay, so he has real rooted hair…

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