Practicing ~ Or Showing Off [OTA]

Aug 14, 2009 11:39

{She wasn't sure if it was the amount of sunshine, or the fact that she wasn't doing too much, but Alison found that she had an abundance of energy stored up in a matter of days. She wasn't sure if she was the same as a solar panel or a wind turbine, and no one had taken the time to explain it all yet.

So she'd made her way out of the camp, through a few trees and far enough away that she couldn't hear the constant chatter of the few people around. She didn't need to draw attention to the camp, but she knew there was some cloak around it, so she didn't go too far, in case she left it.

With a brisk sigh, she annihilated several trees with a quick burst of light energy to clear the area. Although light shows were easier, it would take her ages to work off some of this excess, so she went the firework route instead.}

Hope Stryker doesn't mind a little Guy Fawkes celebration, in Africa and no where near November. {She laughed slightly with a flare of her hand and another spark cluster going off.} Just too bad if he does.

✝ alison 'dazzler' blaire, victor creed, ✝ tristan 'bane' wallace

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