Arrival of Dazzler

Aug 02, 2009 23:01

{She stepped out of the jeep with a wink to the driver, noticing his blush as she slung her bag over her should and sauntered into camp, hips swinging like she belonged there, all the while she was agonising over her decision.

She didn't really want to be there, hell, who would? But they offered the money that could launch her into super stardom, and that was what she wanted. So she would utilise her every talent, just like she'd been taught. She'd drawn some lines. Flaunting her mutant power on stage probably wasn't the best idea in the world, but it got the attention and the offer. Blessings in disguise, that's what the preacher said. Somehow, she doubted he had this in mind.

So there she was, Alison Blaire, singing and dancing sensation, standing in the middle of nowhere Africa, and feeling utterly exposed. But she had her game fact on, and her game face? The true woman's weapon, her wardrobe.}

Okay, Ali, lets do this thing.

[content] arrival, ✝ alison 'dazzler' blaire, victor creed, ✝ nicky creed

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