Jun 22, 2011 00:12

There were probably, at least, one hundred and one other more important things that Ethan should have been doing at that time; memos, emails, phonecalls, meetings, letters and paperwork. All of it however had been put aside and Ethan had taken to the open training ground where the grass had been cut back on a 150 yard long strip and a hole made into the ground at the far end. Setting the golf ball down onto the tee Ethan lines up the clubhead with the ball before stepping away and taking a couple of practice shots.

He's nowhere near the likes of Tiger Woods skills wise with this, his wife Emily had bought him the clubs for Christmas last year. She'd obviously been at a loss as to what to buy her husband but the gesture and thought behind it had been there and actually, now? Ethan was starting to appreciate having another excuse to get out the house and get away from the fighting and arguing. His father-in-law, General Porter, was also a keen golfer so it was the perfect bonding exercise to ensure he could further his career and keep the in-laws happy.

Happy with his shot Ethan brings the clubhead in line with the ball, sets his shoulders hip width apart and finally, after a moment of calm, takes a swing. The club hits the ball with a resounding THWACK and it arcs through the air and bounces at the far end of the makeshift driving range. Happy with his shot Ethan reaches for another ball from the bag.

emma 'white queen' frost, captain ethan sykes, [plot] operation worldwipe, angelica 'firestar' jones

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