Drop and give me fifty!! - OTA

May 31, 2011 17:25

The open space in the center of camp has been cordoned off for the last couple of days, Ethan has been over seeing as the ground is remarked with clear distinction of combatant training areas. Posters have been dotted around camp notifying the team that they are all expected to attend the team training days that are up coming. First of all is the ( Read more... )

elisabeth 'psylocke' braddock, lorna 'polaris' dane, alice 'flick' caine, marie 'rogue' darkholme, elizabeth 'acier' acier, captain ethan sykes, haylie 'spitfire' collins, wade wilson, adrian 'force' clark, jubilation 'jubilee' lee, sarah 'ophelia' mayspring, angelica 'firestar' jones, dr hope chandler, sgt mackenzie richards

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captaine_sykes June 3 2011, 14:06:10 UTC
Ethan is staring at the Doctor like perhaps he missed out on something, in all honesty he had not expected her to want to participate in the physical side of the assessment, let alone the mutation side with Emma. He had not even been surprised when Atticus had skipped his p/t assessment. Anyway, he and Frost had already discussed the fact that Doctor Chandler was unlikely (read:never) to be sent on a mission due to a range of factors.

One of which being that Ethan simply didn't believe that Hope could handle it.

He clears his throat, waiting for the Doctor to finish her, perhaps unnecessary comments before he speaks, arms crossed over his chest. "You are more than welcome to return to your lab Doctor, seeing as I have no intention of sending you on a mission. Your passive attitude towards fighting is not deemed suitable for missions anyway, as the team require someone that is willing to do anything, by any means necessary. Which indeed does involve taking life. However as someone who conducts tests and experiments to determine outcomes, I'm sure you appreciate that I too am required to... how did you put it? Ah yes play gladiators so to determine which of our team mates require further assistance."

Ethan is already filling out an amber form for the Doctor to take. "I would certainly hate for the team to be put in a position where they could further hurt themselves and put you under more pressure in the med bay."


a_soul_awake June 3 2011, 14:12:49 UTC
She bristled, not because the Captain so casually dismissed her abilities in a fight. She had none and was perfect fine with this. However, just tossing out that she couldn't had injuries or any medical emergency was a rather low blow, completely childish and just grated.

Still, she was not going to get into some silly sniping contest with him. The Captain was wrong, on all accounts, when it came to her medical capabilities and working under pressure. There was no need to correct him now when she would most likely prove this at a later date.

"I have beds and nurses waiting for anyone who is injured during your little exercise," she said smartly. "You can send in anyone you need to at any time."


captaine_sykes June 3 2011, 23:58:45 UTC
Childish? Perhaps it should be considered a case of the pot calling the kettle black. If the Doctor perhaps approached conversations with the Captain with less of a constant tone of condescension and attack, and was more willing to try and at least see matters from his point of view, then maybe he wouldn't just give up and treat the Doctor like he would some lowly private. Like his Momma said anyway, if there is nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all.

Should Hope have tried to argue her point of view in a more pragmatic manner, then maybe the Captain wouldn't just write the Doctor off as being particularly obtuse. He does appreciate her medical capabilities, they've proven to be invaluable on more than one occasion, unlike the Doctor who seems to find it difficult to fathom his role, but the fact that she refuses point blank to even try and comprehend why this physical assessment was necessary, only fuels his opinion that, whilst incredibly intelligent the Doctor clearly lacks people skills.

Or at least the skills required to tactfully deal with the people in charge of the camp. More specifically, those that had provided the Doctor with the most technologically up-to-date medical facilities and the freedom to continue her research without hindrance or continual Military interference. It's all about give and take in this team, Ethan puts his heart and soul into running the team and ensuring that they are all treated like equals, rather than the lower class mutants many others seem to deem them as.

Perhaps next time the Doctor wishes to raise an issue in such a manner, she should keep that in mind.

Anyway sending the Doctor on a mission would only complicate matters further, she is best allowed to be based in a location where all her equipment and knowledge can be utilized to its fullest and ensure that the team receive the best care and support available. Rather than sending her off to an obscure location and dealing with the aftermath that followed.

"Thank you, I doubt anyone will be injured anyway as I have ensured that all potential outcomes are considered and no-one is likely to harm themselves during my little exercise," Ethan smiles tightly as he signs his name before handing the form to the Doctor. "You'll need to see Emma, irrespective of your opinion on the matter. I am not in the position to clear you of participation in her assessment."


a_soul_awake June 4 2011, 00:13:19 UTC
"I'll have a talk with her as well then." She took the form, folding it neatly and tucking it into a pocket of her lab coat. Of course she had dressed to remind everyone what her role was in the camp. She certainly hoped it would exclude her from these ridiculous tests.

"And while I trust you'll take every precaution to make sure no one is injured, it's best to plan for every potential outcome, especially with this group." In her time with the team she had seen plenty of simple things go wrong. She wasn't about to take chances on this. Better to have the med bay ready to go.

She had been here longer than the Captain after all.


captaine_sykes June 4 2011, 00:22:18 UTC
Ethan just nods, he knows that Emma can be even more stubborn than he is and whilst Ethan had tried to plan ahead for those he predicted would be skipping the p/t and physical assessments with him, he really couldn't make any assumptions as to what Emma had planned.

"That I cannot deny." So far he's seen more injuries sustained amongst this team than any other he has been placed with during his lengthy military career so far. That said though he's also seen distinctly less death, which has been an incredibly weight off of his shoulders. This is why Ethan knows that it's best to allow Hope to get on with the medical side and make decisions that are deemed appropriate to that element of management. He can only plan for so much and the team do seem to have an incredibly ability to find trouble where ever they go. A fact that had been left out of the files in the handover.

"I appreciate that Doctor, and I'm sure the team do as well, now don't let me keep you any longer from dealing with Emma and returning to your work."


a_soul_awake June 4 2011, 00:27:36 UTC
She nodded politely at him. At least he was being reasonable about this. She wore dog tags, like the other soldiers, and she expected he would at least demand she learn the basics or God forbid, hand her a gun. These military things were an annoyance.

"Good luck with your other assessments," she said before turning sharply on her heel and walking away. She had to deal with Ms. Frost who would take a lot more convincing.


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