Drop and give me fifty!! - OTA

May 31, 2011 17:25

The open space in the center of camp has been cordoned off for the last couple of days, Ethan has been over seeing as the ground is remarked with clear distinction of combatant training areas. Posters have been dotted around camp notifying the team that they are all expected to attend the team training days that are up coming. First of all is the ( Read more... )

elisabeth 'psylocke' braddock, lorna 'polaris' dane, alice 'flick' caine, marie 'rogue' darkholme, elizabeth 'acier' acier, captain ethan sykes, haylie 'spitfire' collins, wade wilson, adrian 'force' clark, jubilation 'jubilee' lee, sarah 'ophelia' mayspring, angelica 'firestar' jones, dr hope chandler, sgt mackenzie richards

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adventure_alice June 3 2011, 12:41:27 UTC
They had taken this long to even get to the point where Alice felt pushed. Not that it was a bad thing, not utterly. She was settled, the camp was comfortable and now, well, now she was just itching for something to do. Something slightly reckless would be nice enough. But even then, it didn't have to be.

Of course, running through one of the lamest PT sessions she had ever put up with in her life and then being told to make her way to the courtyard for combat assessment, Alice isn't exactly sure if she should just blow a hole in the floor and tell them to combat that or not.

Although that might be seen as insubordination and thus take her completely off the mission possibilities and then she'd just be bored to death. Fuck.


captaine_sykes June 3 2011, 13:49:47 UTC
Ethan had read the history and files he'd been provided with on Caine, her history, her mutation and the change in personality that had occurred after the death of her husband. All information that has been collected and collated by the Government and gave him an insight into the woman he was about to spar with.

The notes on her p/t session indicated that she was someone who obviously would enjoy being pushed and so Ethan doesn't waste any time in beckoning Caine into the cordoned off area of the sparring zone. Especially as she is wearing a look that either suggests she's bored by the entire matter or about to kill.

Ethan really hopes that she's just bored.

"No head shots, no going for the eyes and no use of your mutation. This is a sparring session but please feel free to use what combat skills you do have to their full extent." Ethan ensures his mutation is in place before taking up a stance similar to that of a boxers though, he's obviously waiting to see what Caine will do before he fully reveals if he is on the offensive or


adventure_alice June 3 2011, 14:24:01 UTC
For the most part, Alice generally carries that look; it's one that states she's entirely fed up -and not just with the situations, not just with the people around her, but with everything. She just has too much respect for a faith she lost belief in to take the easy way out.

Her eyebrow raises slightly as the Captain takes position and gives her the guidelines. He takes on boxing, Alice falls into her karate training. Jonathon made her take it up, just in case, he'd said. Before the powers really became evident, before she knew how to operate them better, he'd wanted her with a level of protection, in case something went wrong.

She brings her leg up in a swipe to knock his wrists away from his face -she could manage the no head shots, Sykes had a target in his shoulders and torso, and Alice was slight enough that his knees would make a good place to focus as well. And he did say she wasn't to hold back.


captaine_sykes June 3 2011, 23:04:02 UTC
Unlike most others Ethan has been sparring with today Alice really doesn't hold back, he's forced to lower his wrists at the high kick, but evades the next move only because he sacrifices a chance to try and land a blow. Boxing alone is not going to suffice in this match against Alice so Ethan is forced to shift to his mixed martial arts.

Matching Alice's own kicks Ethan opts for a low-roundhouse kick, trying to knock Alice off of her feet or at least get her to back up enough so that he has a chance to grab hold of her. There is no question in his mind that Ethan will be giving Alice a green form and requesting future sparring sessions with her.

He's not had this thrill of a worthy opponent since he went a few rounds with Rogue when she still had Daken in her head.


adventure_alice June 3 2011, 23:17:04 UTC
The roundhouse does force Alice back, but she flips rather than steps, one leg followed by the other instead of a back spring. It puts her in a good position to drop into a back kick aimed for the Captain's midsection.

Alice has no problem preforming, she likes the rush of adrenaline that comes with a battle, enjoys the thrill, even if it is just a spar. The fact that her opponent is larger and physically stronger than she is just makes it all the more interesting.

Her blocks are her best thing, but she's more interested in an offence than her defence, so she chooses not to rely on them. It's more fun mounting the attack anyway.


captaine_sykes June 4 2011, 00:13:41 UTC
The blow lands, thankfully Ethan's mutation takes the edge off of the blow and he doesn't fall or stumble back like many other opponents would. Instead he grabs at Alice's leg and twists it around, forcing her to hop on one leg.

The only flaw in her fighting style is that Alice is too eager to attack that she doesn't take advantage of moments where she could block and take a step back to assess and suss out her opponent. That's his only criticism.

That and she's as fiesty as sin, which he hadn't been anticipating so much. Still he uses this to try and grab Alice backwards into a Bear Hug hold, using her slight frame to try and disarm her.


adventure_alice June 4 2011, 18:15:12 UTC
The grab at her leg makes her balance shot a little and she does need to hop. The only problem is that as she feels the grip her natural instinct takes over and she tenses the moment the Captain pulls her closer.

She understands just how it will end if she is grabbed in a hold, which means there's only really one thing for her to do. Alice dropped to the mat, twisting her leg in his hold and wrapping her other leg around his knee to push him off balance.


captaine_sykes June 5 2011, 21:18:39 UTC
Alice's response to being almost grabbed and pinned in a bear hug hold isn't one that Ethan has seen executed in a long while. Considering he is holding onto Alice's other leg, Ethan has no other option than to allow his balance to be pushed off center and his body to fall to the mat.

He's mindful not to land and hurt Alice in any way but he refuses to loosen his grip too much, immediately bucking his back up so to keep Alice from pinning him down. It's not so much a case of him having the greater body strength and weight, if Alice gets Ethan held down in a certain way size will mean nothing as an advantage to him.

Ethan tries to rolls their bodies over so that he can use his weight to try and regain the upper hand.


adventure_alice June 6 2011, 11:52:52 UTC
Even with the slight struggle, she doesn't exactly need her own leg to get the hold in, although it does make it a little more difficult. But her husband used to wrestle, and she knows exactly what she has to do to fold her body up and pin the Captain's so that she can at least have a semblance of winning. If she can't beat him, she'll just immobilise him.

Her back bends in one of the most awkward ways, something she's always managed to do, her hand pinning down one of his ankles as her leg coils around again. She's been teased about it before -how flexible she is.

The only thing is that it puts her head in a horrifically vulnerable position, her neck could be snapped in an instant and it's something that she's never bothered to correct about her form -there's always that rush of 'maybe this time' with it.


captaine_sykes June 6 2011, 13:37:29 UTC
Pinned to the mat Ethan is looking for any and all means to escape from the hold. Alice has gotten the upperhand, a mixture of skill and Ethan's desire to not harm her in the process of their sparring session.

There's a moment, a chance when he could pull free as he realises Alice's vulnerable neck, exposed and presented in such a position that it could be easily snapped. Any other circumstance and Ethan would go for it, but this isn't about killing or harming his opponent, it's about finding flaws and rectifying them.

Bucking and trying to wriggle free Ethan finds himself well and truly pinned. He bangs his hand down on the mat to signal that he condeded defeat, unwilling to harm Alice.


adventure_alice June 6 2011, 14:22:31 UTC
She wasn't sure if it was good or not that he decided not to take the shot at her neck -even if he had, he wouldn't have exploited it in a fatal manner, but the possibility that he would've pushed her to fix the weakness was there, and Alice wasn't too keen on that.

As he hit his hand to the mat, Alice released her hold, rolling heels over head to pull herself to her feet, shaking out the thrum of adrenaline in her veins. It's not just the fight, it's not just the activity and the use of her muscles.

There's that 'what if' ringing in her head like it always does.


captaine_sykes June 7 2011, 10:29:20 UTC
Oh Ethan will be pointing out the vulnerable aspect to her pin, he might not of taken advantage of it, but he sure as hell won't be letting Alice just walk away without addressing the issue.

Holding out a hand for a handshake Ethan meets Alice's gaze, he's clearly forming an opinion of the woman now. "A very impressive set of skills you have there, though you left your neck exposed. Anyone could execute a baliog pomali type move and you'd be dead or at least seriously injured."

Something is telling Ethan though that it might have been part of Alice's plan all along to leave her neck exposed. Maybe she had some other plan, or not. "Despite that one issue I'll admit that it's been a while since I met someone who fought with such precision outside of the army. Would you be willing to spar again in the future?"


adventure_alice June 7 2011, 11:00:42 UTC
She could list off twelve different scenarios where she could've been fatally wounded or maimed. She knows exactly what would need to be done. It's not some kind of weird ability after a fight, it's just her mind going into over drive, showing her exactly what could've gone wrong -or right- to end it all.

"Thank you, I'll work on that." Her tone is passive, possibly an indicator that she has no intention of working on it at all. But the offer to spar again, in a less controlled manner perhaps, that's something she could lean towards.

"I would, yeah." She'd let herself go enough, and maybe if they were willing to send her on missions, showing an improvement -at least with Sykes, would be a good thing. "That'd be good."


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