Drop and give me fifty!! - OTA

May 31, 2011 17:25

The open space in the center of camp has been cordoned off for the last couple of days, Ethan has been over seeing as the ground is remarked with clear distinction of combatant training areas. Posters have been dotted around camp notifying the team that they are all expected to attend the team training days that are up coming. First of all is the ( Read more... )

elisabeth 'psylocke' braddock, lorna 'polaris' dane, alice 'flick' caine, marie 'rogue' darkholme, elizabeth 'acier' acier, captain ethan sykes, haylie 'spitfire' collins, wade wilson, adrian 'force' clark, jubilation 'jubilee' lee, sarah 'ophelia' mayspring, angelica 'firestar' jones, dr hope chandler, sgt mackenzie richards

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mad_asahatter May 31 2011, 17:19:11 UTC
While Ophelia was not the most interested in the whole physical exercise thing, she was relevantly fit. Her running was weak mostly due to her under developed leg muscles, although she could and did hold her own with stamina -when they just let her jog rather than pushing her to a speed she did fine, she could maintain and steady pace for a set duration of time.

Things like weights were hard on her since she wasn't exceptionally strong, but the more cardio based of tests -the rowing machine, the step machine, even the bicycle, she'd done rather well on.

With her face flushed pink, her cheeks rosy from exertion, and her hair plastered to her forehead from the sweat, Ophelia was directed to the courtyard for the hand-to-hand assessment. They seemed reluctant to pair her against one of the soldiers, even the smaller of them worrying that they might break the somewhat slight woman. Ophelia just smiled and walked towards where she was told.

The endorphins were giving her a buzz all of her own, and she rather liked that. So a little talk with the Captain wasn't a problem for her.


captaine_sykes May 31 2011, 19:26:28 UTC
Oh wonderful. Just great. Ethan has already grumbled to Emma about the potential backlash that he'd get from this little exercise and here he is having to do some one on one training with a resident crazy. At least this time Ophelia hasn't got her sidekicks with her which means Ethan has a chance of at least getting some sense out of her.

Or so he hopes.

Beckoning Ophelia over onto the grass Ethan is at least pleased to have seen that Ophelia has made an effort with the assessment and though, she is not the strongest, she certainly as persevered on. "Okay Ma-Ophelia." Emma had already mentioned to him about the surname thing. "Can you do a few stretches for me and then we'll work out what you're capable of doing and go from there."


mad_asahatter May 31 2011, 19:49:16 UTC
It's good that he didn't use her surname, she'd get surly at that and it was a bad idea, really. At the instruction to stretch, Ophelia went about loosening her limbs; relaxing out her legs and then, well, pulling her arms at the wrists.

Shaking her elbows out, Ophelia finally stood with a nod, grinning widely and waiting further instruction. "Ready."

She doesn't mind testing, even if it is a completely different kind of test, and Ophelia is a bit of a crowd pleaser at times, and this isn't exactly massively different. So she wants to do well, which just makes her bubble up a whole host of 'go-get-them' attitude.


captaine_sykes May 31 2011, 20:26:39 UTC
Perhaps it's not the stretching routine that Ethan had been hoping for but it's better than nothing and Ophelia has also warmed up earlier through her p/t prior to the one on one training.

Raising his fists Ethan takes a defensive stance and nods at Ophelia. "Alright, when you are ready let me sweet what you've got."

Irrespective of Ophelia's strength or agility Ethan still puts his durability to it's full use because an errant foot in the wrong area can bring down the toughest of mutants. And there is no way that Ethan is about to be taken out by the likes of Ophelia with a foot to the ball.


mad_asahatter May 31 2011, 20:56:07 UTC
This whole 'lets pretend to fight' thing is a little bit iffy for her. She does know how to fight, but she tends not to need to. But this whole thing was supposed to be about what happened when the powers weren't there. So, she had to do the pretending thing for now.

It was awkward, not using her powers to calm him to the point where she could simply punch him in the nose and walk away. She makes the conscious effort to keep her powers to herself while she takes up a slightly defensive but marginally offensive stance and considers her options.

He's bigger than her, and stronger, so she's going to need to use her size to that benefit. With that in mind, Ophelia took a shot and started with the most basic hand, arm and elbow attacks to the torso area.

Really, it was just like dancing.


captaine_sykes May 31 2011, 21:21:09 UTC
The distinct lack of an assault on his emotional well-being really comes as a surprise and that works even more effectively than trying to calm him would. Ethan almost doesn't remember to keep his guard up as Ophelia executes some impressive, though basic, arm and elbow attacks.

He moves with her, blocking each rudimentary move and starts to return the moves, trying to encourage Ophelia to let go a little more and reveal what more she knows. Clearly there is more to this mutant that first meets the eye but for the moment Ethan will keep his thoughts in line and watch out incase she gets ahead of herself, and ends up using her mutation.


mad_asahatter June 1 2011, 14:24:50 UTC
It's easy to read his surprise, but she sort of lets that go in favour of anticipating where to block. She can hold her own to a basic level; less trained and more simply going with things. She dances, occasionally, so she simply lets that take her where it takes her, some strange rhythm in her head dictating her pace.

Twisting to block a side attack, Ophelia is a little surprised herself to find her leg joining in the game, making a swipe for the Captain's side with a little more force than strictly necessary considering how it's all simply a spar.


captaine_sykes June 1 2011, 21:12:29 UTC
The moves that Ophelia happens to be executing are exactly textbook, she leaves a few places on her body vulnerable to attack but in all honesty Ethan isn't too concerned over that. She seems to picking up on her own errors and correcting them by about the third time through the motions.

Ethan blocks the roundhouse kick, purposely counter-acting the blow with a low kick of his own. If anything he thinks he'll be able to pair Ophelia off with a few of the soldiers during her p/t and have them work on her various techniques. Clearly she's got potential, something Ethan obviously underestimated about the unusual individual.


mad_asahatter June 1 2011, 22:30:49 UTC
Ophelia is used to being underestimated, she'd gotten over it a long time ago and just dealt with people. It was a nice little burst of surprise any time she shocked people anyway.

What's odd, perhaps, is how she tries for a counter to his counter attack -by hopping onto his foot and kicking his other knee with her other foot. She is fairly textbook; mostly because she learned everything from a textbook so to speak.

There's a mild build in her own emotions, letting things bubble up to spurn her on; the want to do well, the want to impress, some misguided attempt to win. She doesn't let them out, but she knows what she's doing.


captaine_sykes June 1 2011, 23:13:33 UTC
Ethan tries to change things up a bit, adding in moves that are a little more personalised or are from other styles of hand-to-hand combat. He's not pushing too hard, not really aiming to hurt Ophelia at all, and always leaving enough scope should Ophelia want to reveal any other aces up her sleeve.

He moves back, trying to lure Ophelia into a false sense of security, feigning a move to the left before turning to his right, getting behind Ophelia to try and see how she responds to the pace being changed.


mad_asahatter June 1 2011, 23:24:32 UTC
Ophelia's reaction is simply to flail around, the change startling her a little bit more than she would expect. Her hand flying out rather than being directed in any sort of attack and smacking into the Captain's jaw. There's little force in it, the back of Ophelia's hand just slapping him.

What is really the issue is the bubble over. Startled and stunned, Ophelia's instinct is to lash out and halt anything that might hurt her. Which means her powers burst forward.

Much worse than any punch, those feelings of apprehension, determination and the want to impress pounce forwards, launching at Sykes like a fist with no real target other than to stop anyone in their tracks with a pure overflow of emotion.


captaine_sykes June 2 2011, 11:05:56 UTC
The slap most certainly doesn't bother Ethan at all, he barely even registers the feel of it. It's more a case of him watching her hand connect with his jaw than anything else. What does knock him off of his feet, stumbling backwards and arms flailing out as he lands with a hard thud on his ass, is the sudden and unexpected use of Ophelia's powers.

He could well start yelling, but he won't because he was the one who had changed the moves up and startled Ophelia. Clutching at his head, which is pounding with a heady mix of emotions, Ethan tries to calm himself down, desperately trying to center himself whilst not clinging onto the wave of emotions that Ophelia has just dumped on him. It takes him a good few minutes to get some semblance of normality back in his brain, though his emotions are still pretty much all over the place.

Shaking his head and massaging at his temples Ethan waves a hand at Ophelia. "I think it's pretty safe to say you've passed Ophelia." He scrabbles for a green form, signing it quickly and thrusting it in Ophelia's general direction. "You can go see Frost... or hug a tree or something... really I don't mind. Just go."


mad_asahatter June 2 2011, 17:05:10 UTC
She is sheepish, she didn't mean it and it's not like the last time she let loose on Sykes at all, because this was purely accidental and she wasn't putting any ill will into it. He should be thankful for that, perhaps, the fact that she was only letting loose a little bit of jitter-bug feelings.

Taking the slip, trying to drain back what she could of her onslaught, Ophelia sort of curtsies to Ethan before giving a salute and prancing off -most definitely not in the direction of the training centre to see Miss Frost and absolutely in the direction of her new favourite tree.

He did say she could go and hug Twiggs if she wanted.


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