Thought you saw me wink, no, I've been on the brink so tell me what you want to hear--(OTA)

May 17, 2011 18:05

The entire time between the virus and the recovery of such had been a blur to Atticus. Thankfully Dr. Chandler had found them all a cure long before the sickness could begin to become a fatal worry, but it had taken Atti longer to get himself back together than he'd wanted. He'd been groggy, always tired (moreso than usual), and still unable to ( Read more... )

✝ arrosa 'prophet' laoren, lorna 'polaris' dane, atticus bergenson

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greenhaired May 18 2011, 00:03:49 UTC
Lorna wasn't a regular in the mess hall; the food was mediocre, the smells got to her, and she preferred eating outside anyway. She stopped by only when she needed to and this was one of those times. What Lorna didn't expect, not really, was an unfamiliar face.

She wasn't at the point where she knew everyone, but she had a pretty good idea who was who. Having that sort of 'in' with Emma gave her that much, and a little nudge when new faces would be joining the team. Lorna knew it was Emma's method of keeping tabs on people, Lorna knew that Emma was trying to make sure she knew everything, and that she kept some stuff away from Sykes, what Lorna didn't know, was why. But that could come later ( ... )


cantseethis May 18 2011, 02:50:00 UTC
Unable to help overhearing, Atticus smiled gently over his own coffee, a soft chuckle escaping him. He let out a small sigh and leaned back into his seat.

"Try and see if they'll place it in your own cup, they're sure to become exceptionally friendly then." He shook his head before taking a drink from his coffee again.

It would seem dreadfully psychotic but he was beginning to consider having his own personal coffee maker. It'd be contraband, but still, much more convenient.


greenhaired May 18 2011, 14:35:35 UTC
Lorna just smirked, "I'd be amazed if they could figure out how to brew anything with an air of decency." Going from top notch barristers in L.A to coffee machine crap was a smack, the portions were rubbish and it was all instant crap. Lorna seriously considered logging a complaint.

"I've never known anywhere more capable of burning tea." And that was an accomplishment. "We haven't met, I'm Lorna." She was getting out of the habit of using her codename, something Emma encouraged, while Sykes sort of rendered moot by using last names only. Irritating, but manageable.


cantseethis May 18 2011, 16:25:16 UTC
It wasn't as if Atticus needed some sort of high classy coffee, it was far from the truth. But this couldn't have been even considered C grade coffee. Luckily for him, he could ignore the taste. Sort of.

"The longer you're around this sort of kitchen staff, the easier you'll find that they are capable of soiling almost any food worthy of consumption." He'd missed the good ole' days were it was just a kitchen, and they came and went as they pleased. But he supposed given the growth of the team that couldn't be done anymore.

Atti gave a nod, they hadn't met. He'd seen her around the camp once or twice under a cloak but that was the jest of it. "Yes, I'm afraid I've been a little more solitary than I should have. Lorna, a pleasure to meet you. I'm Atticus."


greenhaired May 18 2011, 18:06:05 UTC
Food, Lorna wasn't overly bothered with, she tended towards fresh stuff and pasta, things that were bloody difficult to ruin. But she needed her caffeine and it needed to be decent, so more often than not, she wound up drinking tea unless it was first thing in the morning.

Taking her tea from the dour faced woman, Lorna decided that since there was conversation, she might as well sit for a while. "I can understand that," she hadn't exactly been a social butterfly, there were a few people she knew and she figured she knew them well, but there were a decent lot that she'd barely even nodded to. "It seems like a small place, but it's really not."


cantseethis May 20 2011, 22:25:34 UTC
Her company wasn't unwelcome. Hell, it would be good for him to become social again. It was standard human necessity, wasn't it? And understanding was also always welcome.

"Of course." He said lightly as he played with his cup of coffee. "That's what they'd like us to think. But as far as you probably know by now, there's quite a bit of us."


greenhaired May 23 2011, 12:54:53 UTC
"Yeah, it seems so." Running her finger around the rim of the cardboard cup, Lorna considered just what it was supposed to mean, the large camp, the number of mutants. She wasn't really too sure. "But it should be a good thing, right?"

Lorna had signed up because Emma asked her to, she wasn't strong armed or blackmailed into it, she didn't realise that so many of the others weren't actually where they wanted to be. But they were mutants, if they wanted to leave why didn't they? It wasn't like they could really stop anyone from leaving, could they?


cantseethis May 24 2011, 05:28:51 UTC
It was a nice thought. But knowing what he did, Atticus knew better. A clever person should have known better, but Emma and the rest of those in charge did such a wonderful job of covering it all up.

However, it wasn't his place to go and throw around that information. It could ruin Hope, and he certainly didn't want to go and demoralize Lorna. Who knew who she held ties with? So he took in a deep breath and gave a small nod. "That it should."


greenhaired May 26 2011, 16:05:49 UTC
"You don't sound convinced." Lorna knew Emma had a devious streak, Lorna understood that Emma could argue white was black and by the end of it people would be inclined to agree with her because she was just that manipulative. But Emma was Lorna's mentor, and frankly, Lorna wanted to be Emma Frost. Why the hell wouldn't she?

But there was this niggling doubt, which unfortunately seemed to have been put there by Daken, but it was something Lorna had to consider. Were they all pawns or did they at least mean something? She wasn't fond of the idea of being expendable, not in the least, and push came to shove, Lorna knew she'd need to watch her own neck.


cantseethis May 30 2011, 06:40:53 UTC
"To be perfectly honest with you, I'm not." Carefulness or not, the truth had a problem with finding it's way through his lips. Good or not.

But Atticus quickly caught up with himself. He gave a light smile and tried to shrug off the comment. Surely she didn't need to worry about any of the things that this team shouldn't be doing. And surely she probably wasn't that daft herself. "I wouldn't worry about it my dead. Ms. Frost has a very good handle--usually--on the more complicated matters that arise around here."


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