in the hospital bed [for Martini, Rictor and possibly Mystique, but open to visitors]

Apr 22, 2011 11:37

Following her conversation with Julio over the phone, Rogue had attempted to sleep and found it far too difficult. She had bits of his memory floating around, the nightmares were almost as bad as with Carol. She'd expected something like this, but she'd never expected the depth of despair that she'd found. Rictor masked a lot of things with his ( Read more... )

[plot] sickness and health, mark 'martini' martinez, julio 'rictor' esteban richter, marie 'rogue' darkholme, raven 'mystique' darkholme

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time_schizo May 3 2011, 01:08:17 UTC
Martini knew on some level Ric and Rogue were fighting. But it was vague and distant, no more real to him than the hallucinations he saw in his schizophrenic state. He was lost, trapped in a past that was little bits of himself and everyone around him. He felt the panic of the uncontrolled earthquake (notagainwhydidntiseethisimuseless) and the fear as he cradled Ric's head, begging him to wake up (cantbedeadhesjustsleepingitwontlastshedidntmeanit.)

If it had been only that, he might have been able to stay focused and snap out of it. But he kept tuning into different pasts (Daddynopleasewakeuphecantbedeadwhywonthemove) not all of which were his (haveyoueverbeenkissedgirlohnowhathaveidonewhycanihearhiminmyhead). They tore at his mind, digging into it with sharp claws that wouldn't let go. Frightened and alone, he wanted to go back to the present. But he couldn't remember the way. How was he to get there?

It was the sound of the slap, loud as the crack of a whip, that brought him back. He stood there, not understanding everything that had passed between them. All he knew was he wanted them to stop. "No!" It was all he could muster as he tried to fight off the past (whatstheuseofhavingyourpowersmarkyoudidntwarnme) that threatened to overwhelm him. He sank to his knees, feeling so very tired as the tears pricked the corners of his eyes, threatening to overflow. "Nonononono...."


movetheearth May 3 2011, 01:37:00 UTC
At the cry of stop Ric breaks his eye contact with Rogue and whips around to look at Mark. It happens too quickly and one moment his boyfriend is upright and the next he's on his knees, breaking down over whatever he's seen and Ric? He feels so guilty for just letting Mark gone through that whilst he'd been too busy fighting it out with Rogue.

Dropping down to his knees Ric wraps himself around Martini, one arm firmly around his boyfriends waist and the other brought up to cup Martini's cheek so Ric can bring his closer and press his lips to the slightly stubbled but warm skin. "Está bien loco. Ahora estás a salvo. Estoy aquí. Yo te protegeré."

Ric keeps up his mantra of comforting words and promises, constant reassurance for Martini to try and latch onto. Glancing up at Rogue, he's so close to yelling at her, telling her that this? This is all her fault but that will mean taking his focus away from Martini and until he's calm enough to try and move him to Ric's room there is nothing that will redirect his focus. "Te amo loco."


marauding_miss May 3 2011, 12:49:53 UTC
The fact that she wants to throw Rictor through a wall pretty much stops Rogue where she stands. There are tears springing from her eyes, the slap across her face stinging and the shock of it rooting her to the stop. She hasn't hurt in years, not since Carol's powers, not from something as pathetic as a slap, it wasn't even a decent backhand, just an open palmed slap across that cheek and Rogue's ready to cry?

But then, Julio was always the emotional sort, so the tears end up spilling down her face, even as she watches Ric hold Mark and the fact that she wants nothing more than for that to be her, right there with him instead of Rictor.

"Could you," she has to pull back the waver in her voice, her fists clenching at her sides, "could you both just leave? Please." Because with Mark right there, she can't stop herself from feeling how she feels, and with Rictor right there, she can't stop blaming him for how she feels. And she can't watch them right there, with their touches and comforting kisses and those fucking words without her heart breaking apart.


time_schizo May 4 2011, 10:24:17 UTC
He just feels so lost, withdrawing back into himself until there's nothing left but the tiniest little speck still observing the present. Mark doesn't like it out there. Something has gone wrong and he feels like somehow its his fault. Rogue had kissed him and instead of being sensible, he'd just let her do it like some pre-teen who had never done so much as held hands with a girl. Now his boyfriend and his friend were fighting. All his fault.

It was the sensation of touch that finally got through to him. He could feel the warmth of Ric's hand on his cheek and the gentle sensation of his lip leaving a small kiss on his skin each time they touched. While he came back, it wasn't fully, or even mostly. Just enough to function on a basic level. " 'm okay, Ric, really," he mumbled. The words came from far away as his hands carded their way through Ric's hair.

Marie's request very nearly sent him reeling back into his mind completely. All he could do was look at her with the saddest pair of eyes, filled with anguish, love, and confusion. How had this all happened? Could anything ever make it right again?


movetheearth May 4 2011, 11:05:38 UTC
The tension in the pit of his stomach finally releases when Martini starts to respond, mumbled words and the touch of his boyfriend's fingers in his hair are enough to at least quell the worst of Ric's fears for now.

With some effort Ric gets to his feet, puling Martini up after him and glaring at Rogue. Thanks to her and her stupid request he's now going to have to deal with Martini feeling like he's been rejected.

"Whatever. We were leaving anyway." Stepping towards the door Ric keeps his fingers entwined with Mark's tugging him along behind him. Julio is reasoning that if he can keep Rogue and Ric apart then it'll be fine, that distance will make sure Rogue gets the message loud and clear that she's not wanted by them... and yet. The look on Martini's face? Well Ric isn't sure that Martini is going to feel the same way, as he looked pretty hurt and didn't seem all that phased by the kiss.

Stamping down on stupid thoughts his mind generates Ric pulls open the door and steps out into the corridor, waiting for Martini to follow before he starts muttering under his breath about selfish bitches and over stepping the line.


marauding_miss May 4 2011, 22:07:43 UTC
Rogue was well aware of the glare Julio was aiming her way, but she was trying her hardest to ignore the look in Mark's eyes, the pain and confusion, because that was just as painful as watching Julio hold him.

On some level, she understood that her feelings would fade down, and then she'd have to try and patch things with Mark. But Julio and his issues were going to linger; the nightmares, the darkness, the addictions, she'd be battling those long after her affection faded back to her own feelings.

On top of that, she now had the burden of Julio's outburst. She couldn't push past the fact that he'd hit her, that he'd actually slapped her to shut her up and then turned to Mark, hurting her more. She doesn't say a thing as Julio starts to pull Mark from the room, doesn't say anything as she hears him start muttering.

She just wants to be alone so that she can break down in private.


time_schizo May 5 2011, 08:35:39 UTC
Mark numbly let himself be led like a little lost lamb by Rictor until they got to the door. Then he pulled away and turned back to look at Rogue. She wasn't crying yet, but his eyes, set minutes ahead in the future, could already see the sadness yet to come.

He tried to get the words out he longed to speak, something to either comfort her or ask her why this had all happened, but nothing came. He was too scattered to focus in on the moment. All he could do was continue to stare at her with the eyes, full of simple and naked emotions that could not be erased. With one last look at Marie, he stepped out after Ric, leaving her to the tears yet to be shed.

Once outside, he turned to Ric. Where there had been purely sadness in his eyes before, now there was also anger. He struggled to find the words he wanted to say. Old snippets from conversations long since finished and future phrases that had yet to hold any meaning kept wanting to bubble up and overtake his voice. Finally, he found one that fit the circumstance and let it come. "Idiota." It was only one word, but it was snapped out with the same intensity as if he'd found the words to yell at Ric.


movetheearth May 5 2011, 09:24:07 UTC
It hurts more than it should that Mark lingers, seeming to want to say something to Rogue but Ric doesn't interrupt him. He just waits and seethes silently to himself. He's thankful when it seems whatever Martini wanted to say is lost and he finally leaves.

The anger directed at him, a look that Ric hasn't often had directed his way at this level of intensity, just earns Mark a closed and shuttered look from Julio. He's waiting for Mark to yell at him, scream at him for slapping Rogue or... anything really, but the only word he gets is idiota. The venom in it still stings and Ric, who'd opened his mouth to respond snaps it back shut and stares at Martini.

Ready to respond he starts coughing into his hand, it sounds worse than it is and of course that attracts nurses who'd already been puzzled by the yelling. He eventually raises his head and waves the nurses off before stepping in closer to Martini, voice low and tone revealing exactly how angry he is.

"Don't call me idiota, Loco. She kissed you, I think I was justified to get angry and... just leave it. Just cállate."


time_schizo May 6 2011, 02:30:45 UTC
He opens his mouth to reply before he reels away from Ric, eyes off and distant as they seek out a scene that has already finished playing out. "No....don't do it..." He's still trapped in the previous minutes, only now beginning to process the argument that had passed between the two and understand just how nasty and ugly it had gotten.

Mark can't deal with it all. Everything feels so stifling and the walls seem to lean in, threatening to close in around him. It feels like his throat is closing up. He swallows nervously, looking for a way out. "Can't deal with this." He mutters, more to himself than to Ric. He needs to get away before he panics and does something he shouldn't.

Time begins to creep slower and slower, bending to the anxious time manipulator's will. Ric's close proximity saves him from being caught in it. Finally remembering his boyfriend and just how mad he is at him, Martini glares at him with a look usually reserved for those who have mocked his sanity. "Julio, you're going to regret everything so much." It's not a long speech, but it gets the point across.

Suddenly, Martini is gone as surely as if he'd teleported away, leaving Ric alone in the hallways as time begins to revert back to normal. Mark's going to be disappearing until he feels less like he wants to scream, throw up, and cry all at once.


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