Come on, come on, get down with the sickness [ota]

Apr 11, 2011 18:34

It started a few days ago on her morning jog around the base. First, it was her head. The pain had been so great that she thought discharging some energy would make it stop. Unfortunately, it did nothing. Second was her chest. It started tightening on her morning visit (which was more sneaking through the window than visiting) to Spencer's room. ( Read more... )

[plot] sickness and health, akihiro 'daken', haylie 'spitfire' collins, wade wilson

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mongrelverine April 12 2011, 06:46:50 UTC
Daken wasn't feeling one-hundred percent himself. The mere fact he had a cough and headache when that should have been physically impossible with his mutation told him a lot about his condition. But doing the smart thing and seeking treatment wasn't high on his priority list. Instead, he stood outside Jefferson Hall, smoking a cigarette, as if hoping the magic powers of nicotine would make his problem go away.

Seeing Haylie cross the grassy sparring area improved his mood immensely. He was still incredibly bitter over how she had used her powers against him. Despite how he felt physically at the moment, he wasn't letting this opportunity go to waste. Spitting out whatever phlegm had just come up from his last cough, he flicked his cigarette away. The feral strode over to her with a purpose, stopping in front of her and blocking the way.

"We really must stop running into each other this way." There was a wicked smirk on his face. Daken was a very good actor. Just by looking at him, it was impossible to guess anything was wrong.


notouchpolicy April 14 2011, 01:55:33 UTC
It wasn't bad enough that Haylie was feeling like shit without so much as an inkling as to why or what it was. But now she had to deal with her resident creeper attempted rapist douchebag stalker. And she really was hardly in the mood to bother with her usual brand of witty sarcasm, but she'd suck it up and do it for the sake of appearances.

"I don't think it's called runnin' when you're makin' a habit out of conveniently showin' up in front of me." As always, she stared up at him as if he were boring her to death, fingers twitching ever so slightly as she felt the familiar tingling of energy building up in her hands.

The odd thing? She wasn't trying to charge up on purpose.


mongrelverine April 14 2011, 07:16:00 UTC
"What can I say? You've caught my interest." His arms crossed. "I always get what I want, Haylie. One way or the other." Of course, with his wounded pride, simply taking her by force wouldn't be enough. He was going to hurt her, but not directly. He'd make sure the ones she cared about would suffer the worst of his wrath so that she would feel all the worst once his punishment for her finally came around.

Daken knew standing in front of Haylie was never a good idea. The woman seemed to barely have enough control to keep from exploding the camp at the best of times. With his usual agility, he moved until he was instead directly behind her, pressing up close. He grabbed her arms to prevent her from turning around. She couldn't blow him up if she couldn't aim behind her. "I'm a patient man. It takes a lot to piss me off. But I have a very low tolerance for idiotic women who blow my eardrums out." This close, the slight wheeze in his voice became clearly audible.


notouchpolicy April 14 2011, 19:33:04 UTC
For the first time in her life, it occurred to Haylie that finding a way to release the energy from areas of her body other than her hands was a must. There'd been times where she'd nearly burned through her clothes, and how her feet burned through the floors during a power surge during the invasion, but otherwise her sole focus was on her hands. Well, it was safe to say that would have to change ( ... )


mongrelverine April 16 2011, 00:57:38 UTC
Sick though he was, Daken still had enough energy to take care of one uppity woman who had more sass than fighting moves. He was back on his feet almost as soon as he was on the ground, his claws already out and ready to tear and make ribbons out of her flesh. Sick or not, he was tired of Haylie taking advantage of what he saw as his patient nature.

"You're in over your head, little girl. I've been perfecting the art of killing longer than you've been alive." He gave a few vicious jabs with his claws towards her, one towards her arms and one towards her legs. Extremities were easy to cut, sticking out from the body like they did. He had already summed up her fighting technique.

She knew some moves, but lacked the natural instincts of someone for whom fighting was like breathing. Her powers were her main offensive source. Having been on the receiving end, he already knew to avoid her hands at all costs. So that was just what he would have to do.


notouchpolicy April 16 2011, 02:29:02 UTC
Daken was quick- she expected that. She even expected him to slash at her like the animal he was. What she hadn't expected, however, was to get caught on the thigh by his claws. The blood began slowly trickling down her leg as she backflipped away before he could get in too close.

Landing in a crouch, her vision began to blur again and when she held a hand out for what was supposed to be a simple sonic boom, what came out was powerful enough to explode outward from her a good twenty feet, leaving a giant crater in it's path.


mongrelverine April 16 2011, 07:39:27 UTC
Daken began running as soon as he saw her hands go up. Scanning his line of
vision, he ducked behind the closest tree and covered his ears as the blast exploded. Cautiously peering out, he saw a hole in the ground that looked like the world's biggest gopher had attacked it. He moved back out from his hiding position, scowling at Haylie.

"Cowardly move. Why don't you fight like a--" Unfortunately, the crater had also kicked up a lot of dust and dirt, neither of which was good for someone with mucus in their lungs. Daken doubled over as he began coughing, each one a shuddering spasm through his body. It had grown much worse since the day before. He knew if it had been him and his opponent had just shown that much weakness, he'd finish them off. He waited for Haylie to do the same.


makesppldead April 16 2011, 16:22:16 UTC
It would only be a little embarrassing that Wade had overslept and would be late to his own 'class' per se. Ok so maybe he wouldn't give a shit but he didn't want to get any hassle from her. Though it was odd that he had overslept in the first place. He felt a little weak and drowsy, but he paid it no mind ( ... )


mongrelverine April 20 2011, 04:34:37 UTC
Recovered from the coughing fit, there was an unamused look from Daken at the mercenary's bad pun. This was between him and Haylie. The newcomer was unwelcome in every way possible. Plus, he resented idea of two on one, as it seemed unfair. It was a very hypocritical thought for someone who never bothered with fair play to have.

His claws out, Daken darted forward with an experimental slash. He didn't know Wade's fighting style yet and wasn't about to walk into a stab wound by being stupid or rash. "Get your own dance partner. She's mine." He snarled with a possessive air that was pure animal, with any trace of his human side buried deep within.


notouchpolicy April 24 2011, 05:40:44 UTC
Had she been able to summon up another blast, let alone see what she was blasting, she would've tried to finish off Daken for now. But her head was pounding and her vision was blurred. Now she noticed that she was panting and she couldn't get up.

As she glanced up at Wade, she felt a sudden wave of relief rush over her and she would hug him for this later. Maybe.

"You're late, Wade."


makesppldead April 24 2011, 06:11:05 UTC
Not that he cared anything about anything for being fair, Wade wasn't really counting on Haylie to be much help. Just about as much as he expected Daken to put up much of a fight. It was obvious the both of them weren't in tippy top shape.

It was easy to ignore Daken's animalistic bullshit. He'd dealt with Logan, he'd dealt with Victor, Jr. was really no different to him. He smirked and turned back to Haylie. "First day late and you're already causing problems. Sit tight buttercup, I'll deal with you in a minute."

"As for you." The merc pointed one of his blades at the feral, twirling it in his wrist. "You don't seem like you're in any place to be coughing requests at anyone. But please, feel free to try and take her, sport." Despite his comments and demeanor Wade was no fool either. He wasn't going to rush into an attack, especially leaving Haylie without cover.


mongrelverine April 24 2011, 08:56:24 UTC
"That's the plan." He jabbed at Wade, his claws meeting the blades with a resounding Ping! as the colliding force made them bounce off. He ignored the vibrations that shot up his arms and backed off, circling around Wade as he sought another opening. The rising urge to give into another coughing fit was swallowed back down.

"Of course," Daken said as he feinted a move towards Wade's shoulder while kicking out with his left leg, "why stop with just her? You're pretty enough." He gave a lecherous wink to the mercenary. It was no surprise. He'd made suggestions and more to just about every inhabitant of the camp by now.


makesppldead April 26 2011, 03:15:55 UTC
Experienced with the blades in his hand, and their repercussion, Wade held firm as they vibrated. Though he was pushed back a small amount, his boots gritting into the earth below him. Even as Daken circled like a lion--no, like a vulture. He didn't get the courtesy of that comparison. Anyways, as he circled very much like they animal he was Wade remained poised in front of Haylie. He knew this would be like a game of checkers. Chess was probably a better word for it, but he didn't know how to play that. Move your pons you loose your king.

"Are you looking for me to boke all over you? I'm sure that'd be a nice little mid morning snack, but please, what a waste of food." Wade made a disgusted face at the notion but he shouldn't have been surprised at all.


mongrelverine April 27 2011, 08:00:52 UTC
Daken ignored the words, instead focusing on his next move. Both were evenly matched in skills. Sick or no, it was time to take a risk if he ever wanted to reach Haylie. He stopped circling and made a dash forward, aiming his left claws in a move that locked him up once again with the katanas. "You talk a great deal of shit."

He could smell the distinct scent of Wade this close to the other man. There was a cocky smirk on his face as he stared into the other's eyes. Wade was right in one sense. He was pure animal all the way through. "But I've yet to see you back it up with actions, mercenary." The other hand quickly stabbed towards Wade's unprotected midsection.


makesppldead April 27 2011, 19:50:39 UTC
The feral only made him smile, holding firm as he blocked his left claw, bringing the other katana down to block his midsection from the other. And people always wondered why he'd carried two. "Then you shouldn't have been so scared to approach me earlier."

Wade was ridiculous, but he wasn't stupid. He'd never run blindly rushing into a fight, as much as he enjoyed them. Oh no no no. Let the blind man come to him. Hence, shit talking instigation...

As his katana connected with Daken's right claw he took advantage of the feral's balance set into his attack. With a shove he pushed up against them in attempt to throw him back, lifting his leg for a side kick towards Daken's midsection.


mongrelverine April 28 2011, 20:19:00 UTC
The kick collided solidly, sending Daken back a fair bit. He wasn't bothered much by the pain. Bruises and bumps were nothing when compared to bullets and stab wounds. Any other words were put aside as he began coughing again. These ones sounded much worse than before.

When he was done, he turned back to Wade with a bored expression on his face, his claws slid back into his hands. "You're not worth it." There was no point in exerting more effort than was necessary during a fight that had become tedious and pointless in his mind. Then he pointed at Haylie. "And I'll be catching up with you later."


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