Big kids at heart - OTA (nudge for time_schizo )

Mar 02, 2011 11:24

There’s a steady swooshing sound accompanied by some ridiculously loud laughter and gleeful yelps of amusement followed finally by a loud THUD coming from the stairwell in the Lincoln House. It would seem that Martini and Julio have gotten a hold of an unwanted mattress and are using it as a method of sliding down the stairs. It’s full of claw ( Read more... )

mark 'martini' martinez, julio 'rictor' esteban richter, adrian 'force' clark

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Just felt like tagging in before I bugger off for the evening! forceful_gift March 2 2011, 21:18:30 UTC
Adrian had been walking by rather innocently. He's just had a PT session and was looking forward to getting back to his room for a quick shower in total solitary peace. He'd been passing Lincoln House when he heard the laughter.

Deciding to poke his head in the building Adrian found himself standing at the bottom of the stairs with a mattress-bound Julio travelling rapidly towards him. With a light jump, Adrian is then floating high above the mattress and it's driver.


time_schizo March 3 2011, 08:18:28 UTC
Martini hasn't had this much entertainment in quite a while. It's the simple pleasures that bring him the most joy. The fact he and Ric collectively have the mentality of a twelve year old also contributes to his unending source of glee.

He's anticipating a crash of spectacular proportions when Adrian is in the way, but is delighted when that fails to happen. He claps, laughing loudly at the antics. "Smooth moves, floaty dude."

Then he's dashing down the stairs and hauling the mattress back up again for his turn. Balancing precariously on the top of it, he strikes a surfer's pose and then takes off with a loud "BONZAI!" It's only then that he realizes he forgot to make sure Ric was out of the way before taking off.


movetheearth March 3 2011, 11:42:13 UTC
"ADRIAN!" Ric yells loudly, a mixutre of being pleased to see him and a warning cry, though he is thankful that Adrian levitates out of the way just before the mattress collides with the wall. Rolling off of the mattress to sprawl on the floor Ric pays little attention to Martini as he rushes past him to haul the mattress back up the stairs. "Hey! Come to join in?"

It's only when he hears the cry of BONZAI from his boyfriend punctuated by the swooshing sound that Ric realises Martini is probably about to collide into him. Mattress and all. Scrambling on his hands and knees Ric manages to get out of the way at the last minute casting Martini an angry look, ranting at him in Spanish. "Are you trying to kill me Loco!? Warn a guy next time!"


forceful_gift March 3 2011, 20:16:51 UTC
Adrian seems suitably surprised, both at the sudden shout, the invitation and the Spanish rant. He moves slightly backwards before floating down to earth, being aware at the same time should another rogue mattress come sailing down the stairwell. He smiles at the person he hadn't actually met before, feeling he should probably give his real name lest he be referred to as floaty dude for the rest of his life. "Thanks, I was just surprised. I'm Adrian, don't think we've met."

After regaining his bearing he shakes his head, smiling slightly. "And, uh, thanks Ric.. but I really should be showering. Just got back from training and I probably stink." He gives himself a mock sniff with a sheepish smile. "Also, you're probably going to get in trouble 'cause of this. I mean it's not the most silent recreational activity."


time_schizo March 4 2011, 04:40:47 UTC
After crashing into the wall spectacularly and getting up without a single scratch on him, Martini completely ignores the rant coming at him from Ric. He gets at least one of those every day. Plus, after all the times he's saved Ric from death, he figures the dude owes him big time when it comes to no warnings about the little things.

He turns his attention to the new shiny toy/person he hasn't seen before. "Martini. The better half of that bozo over there." He waves a vague hand in the direction of Ric, who is still doing a remarkable impression of a mad wet hen.

He begins hauling the mattress back up. "Pleased to meet ya, floaty Adrian dude." His smile turns a little vague, his eyes no longer focusing on the present the longer he stares at Adrian. The stare is a little unnerving as he looks not directly at Adrian but all the way through him and then to either side. What he's seeing is anyone's guess.


movetheearth March 4 2011, 13:51:50 UTC
Used to being ignored (or at least his rants being ignored by Martini) Ric resorts to muttering under his breath. "Better half my ass Loco." There are a few more choices words before Ric simply decides to turn his attention to Adiran.

"He's my other half yes, but not the better, though still mi novio, mi amado." The death glare Ric was giving Martini a minute ago gives way to a look of affection as he watches him haul the mattress back up the stairs. Seeing that his boyfriend is lost with his 'Things' Ric picks up the conversation with Adrian. "Ignore Martini when he gets like that, part of his mutation, you get used to it after a while. Just... yeah he's a time manipulator." Ric shrugs like that explains everything, which it kind of does ( ... )


forceful_gift March 4 2011, 18:36:01 UTC
Adrian smiles at Martini rather brightly, he's probably just going to let the 'floaty dude' nickname slide for now in the hopes that it blows over. Whenever Martini zones out Adrian seems vaguely alarmed before focusing his attention on Ric.

"Uh, okay.. pretty interesting power. Never heard of something like that before."

Ignoring the possible connotations of Ric's statement he just shakes his head. "Sorry, man.. busy busy.. y'know?" He's not actually terribly busy it's just that the idea of sailing down a stairway on a mattress doesn't seem like the smartest of things to him.


time_schizo March 5 2011, 08:47:30 UTC
"Uh huh. Really?" To anyone else, it might have seemed like Martini had rejoined the conversation. But his eyes were fixed on a point just above everyone's heads and the words he spoke were directed towards his Things.

Adrian's excuse to leave finally snaps him out of whatever time he's mentally wandered off into. "But must you go?" The words sound a little distracted with Martini's mind only partly returned to the present. He gives a puppy dog look that always works on Ric. "Where's your sense of fun? Just once won't kill ya or anything."


forceful_gift March 5 2011, 11:18:43 UTC
He frowns as Martini seems to be having a one-way conversation. Standing there awkwardly shifting from foot to foot until Martini actually addresses him personally. Adrian is unshifted by your puppydog eyes. He has a secret heart of stone.

"I'm bad at surfing, mattress surfing isn't going to get any better than that. I like my brains in my head rather than smashed up against a wall." He knows this is impossible though as it would take more force than that to smash through one of his bones and he could always just fly off the mattress.


movetheearth March 6 2011, 09:45:51 UTC
Ric bounds up the stairs to jostle Martini out the way and grab the mattress, sitting himself down on it. "Spoil sport, we've not done any serious damage to ourselves yet!"

Dragging the mattress over the edge of the step he laughs, the first few steps illiciting the usual thud thud noises followed by it gaining speed and crashing into the wall. Ric rolls off and lays at Adrian's feet, staring up at him and smiling brightly. "See! Brain still in head."

Standing up Ric hopes that one last plea will finally crack Adrian. "It's alright, it's great fun really and if anyone comes to yell at us Martini can freeze their asses till we escape, can't you Loco. Live a little hombre and embrace the fun side!"


forceful_gift March 6 2011, 11:47:39 UTC
In mock exasperation Adrian throws the towel off and slings it over the bannister before throwing his hands in the air.

"Fine, fine! I'll do the crazy mattress thing!" He then holds the mattress in one hand and nonchalantly jumps to the top of the stairway with the mattress in hand before calling down the stairs. "I mean, I can't have you thinking I'm no fun."

And with that he jumps onto the mattress and proceeds to go sailing down the stairs, holding himself perfectly in balance and ready to fly away just in case before he goes sliding down towards Ric and Martini.


time_schizo March 8 2011, 06:50:18 UTC
"You won't regret it. Trust me!" Martini grins in triumph as Adrian is finally won over. Between Mark and Ric pestering him, he really never stood a chance. With the team always so darn serious, it's about time everyone had a little fun around there

Standing where he is with Ric, part of his last vision finally catches up to him. He nudges Ric insistently until he's about a foot over and a half from his previous position. "I'm not having you end up back in the hospital just yet." His point is proven as Adrian goes sailing by on the mattress. If Ric had still been standing where he was, he would have been knocked for a loop.


movetheearth March 8 2011, 21:55:20 UTC
It's probably not a good thing that Adrian has caved as once Ric and Martini get their way once with someone they soon think it applies to everything. They're such children at heart really.

With only a little bit of grumbling Ric shifts over as Martini nudges and moves him, straightening his clothing and only realising why when Adrian does indeed sail past at speed. Ric leans over, lips brushing against Martini's cheek and murmuring out a thank you before leaning heavily against his boyfriend, not caring about the very public display of affection.

"See Adrian! We were right and you're not half bad at it considering." Ric's pleased, the kid needs to learn to loosen up anyway because from their first meeting it was pretty obvious he was wound up tighter than he should be at that age.


forceful_gift March 9 2011, 20:21:06 UTC
Adrian is grinning when he steps off the mattress and looks towards the two, the grin falters for only a second before it's plastered back across his face. He'd never tell whether it was just surprise that caused it or simply jealousy at the other two being so open. He does however, send the mattress floating back to the top of the stairs.

"You're a big kid, Ric, really." And yes, that probably does sound weird coming from an eighteen year old, but hey... Adrian is wise beyond his years. He walks closer towards the two, picking up his towel from the bannister.

"And now that I've indulged you, can I please go shower?" He smirks though, showing that he's only joking and did indeed enjoy the little moment of welcoming fun. But he's a clean freak at heart and the need for a shower is paramount.


time_schizo March 12 2011, 06:29:25 UTC
Satisfied with Adrian's participation, he reached over and clapped a friendly hand on his back. He was going to get along well with this one. He had a good feeling and those feelings were never wrong. "Be gone with thee, o stinky one!" Martini commanded, waving his hand as if dismissing Adrian.

Then he turned and ran full throttle up the stairs, tripping on the last step and crash landing head-first onto the mattress. He popped up after a moment, none the worse for the wear, wide-eyed and grinning like the lunatic he was. ".....Wow. That was fun!"


movetheearth March 12 2011, 12:41:38 UTC
Ric nods, letting Martini speak for the both of them when he absolves Adrian of any further participation in their childish antics. He does however try to warn Martini that he'll... oh well... never mind.

"You're an idiot. You know that eh? What I see in you I don't know sometimes. Now come on! Let's see if you can go any faster with that thing Loco!" Ric is immediately back into his childish mode, goading Martini on despite the potential health risks.


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