I just can't keep track of myself [ota]

Nov 28, 2010 20:10

Mac had been busy fixing the Nova. She'd been so busy, she hadn't gone back to her room for almost two days. She'd given Liv the tour, done her job and then gone to the auto shop and just not come out. Two meals had been sent each day along with a fairly large canister of coffee, so either Ethan knew she'd locked herself away, or Shar Pei was ( Read more... )

st john 'pyro' allerdyce, ✝ james logan, sgt mackenzie richards

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Comments 8

45825243_t78_a November 29 2010, 09:23:14 UTC
Logan had been keeping to himself even more than usual, not bothering to keep an eye on the 'new' arrivals, and generally being pretty effective at keeping people away with some serious piss-off vibes. He had enough on his mind without dealing with people. At least - though he wasn't aware of it - he had avoided getting any chemicals in his system by not spending much time in his room, even when he was expected to be there. The roof was more quiet, and he could smoke. Logan had hardly been anywhere else aside from there, the mess hall, and the gym ( ... )


mechanic_mac November 29 2010, 10:14:21 UTC
The quiet groan was accompanied with a hand swatting where she thought the leg would be. She was under the impression that Ethan was stalking about and decided to interrupt her little nap on the grass -which fair enough, wasn't the best place to sleep, but whatever. "Dude, jus' lemme..."

Opening her eyes to give her friend a glare, the furrowed brows melted to a surprised expression. "Oh, hey, you're not Ethan." Which meant someone was randomly getting her attention, wow, that didn't happen a lot.

Leaning up on her elbows, squinting slightly up at this guy -facial hair, messy hair, bulky guy, still no clue which one he was- Mac let the frown wipe away her surprise. "Um, need something?" Because randomly being nudged usually meant that, right?


45825243_t78_a November 29 2010, 10:43:11 UTC
He stood his ground at the first signs of protest, focusing on exhaling slowly to keep it from turning into a growl, though his scowl was etched on his face semi-permanently. She was the perceptive sort, wasn't she? Not Ethan... "No shit."

Her question of what he wanted was deserved, but annoyed him all the same, because he didn't have an answer. It wasn't quite bullying, not in the way Victor did. His choice of target alone was evidence enough of that; women were rarely involved in the whole business of asserting dominance. And yet maybe it was similar in being a random demand for attention.

"Someone piss in your bed or somethin'? There's better places to sleep."


mechanic_mac November 29 2010, 10:48:43 UTC
"Well sure there is, but I don't wanna have to go there." Mostly, because she was the lazy sort. Weird, wasn't it. She managed to stay lazy while being in the military; which worked wonders for those stupid six am rises but whatever. If she missed breakfast she missed breakfast. "Besides, the ground was here when I fell."

Mac could admit to falling, she did. She had intended fully on going to bed, but instead...didn't make it.

"Someone piss in your corn flakes?" All in all, Mac was a poor choice for bullying either way. Sure, you might win the battle and cow her a little -mostly just because big and bulky beats witty and sarcastic every time. But the nuances that come along with playing those games are not worth the trouble.


codenamepyro November 29 2010, 10:51:12 UTC
"Why do you constantly take up more space than you need?"

St John had this thing, it seemed, where a casual walk to be nosy ended up cut short by someone being strange in the middle of the camp. "I mean, seriously, who does this?"

With his feet beside Mac's head, St John just stared down at the woman. He wouldn't exactly call her a friend, well, okay, maybe she was a friend. But she wasn't a good friend or anything.

Well, okay. She was possibly the only friend he actually had in the camp, but she was a pain in the ass either way. "I hope you get stun."


mechanic_mac November 29 2010, 10:57:37 UTC
"Shut it, pipsqueak, I'm busy."

She and Pyro -mostly Pyro when you thought about it, had a very antagonistic relationship. But she'd agree that they mostly made a point on it. Little St John -who would be called that if Mac wasn't sure that he really would light up and let go with that term- was just too much of a punk to accept that Mac started out most of her friendships with a good hazing.

"It's too late in the year for getting stung by anything. I think." Not that Mac really cared either way, "Shouldn't you be off sulking in a corner somewhere?"


codenamepyro November 29 2010, 11:09:07 UTC
At the pipsqueak comment, he nudged her head just a little with his foot; it wasn't like he wanted to kick her or anything. She hadn't really warranted that just now. No; Pyro was just wondering why Mac bothered leaving her garage to lay out on the grass for no apparent reason.

"What're you even doing?" Because he ignored other comments from her all the time. Especially when she brought up brooding, sulking, emo-ing or 'man hormones' because that shit was just repetitive these days. "Cause seriously, you can't see shit here."

Least of all when she closed her eyes.


mechanic_mac November 30 2010, 18:02:58 UTC
"I'm trying to sleep, piss off."

She didn't open her eyes, because she wasn't trying to see anything. "Seriously, punk," reaching up, she caught the back of his knee, twisting him out and down until he was sprawled on the grass above her instead of standing over her. "Shut up and let me sleep."

Because of course, it was completely rational to lie out on the grass in the middle of the base -almost literally, and sleep for a while.


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