Nov 27, 2010 00:39

Where most others in camp who had inhaled the drugs pumped through the ventialtion system last night were having a less extreme reaction to the chemical compound Ethan was struggling. You see the thing is he's a man who is excellent at keeping his emotions in check and putting on that cool, calm facade to everyone else and then going to the gym and ( Read more... )

[plot] chemical, victor creed, elisabeth 'psylocke' braddock, captain ethan sykes, ✝ lt katrina 'delta' christoffel, haylie 'spitfire' collins, sarah 'ophelia' mayspring

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captaine_sykes November 30 2010, 15:52:50 UTC
Clearly Collins wasn't getting it. It didn't matter to the Captain whether she was going to attack or not, he'd just put her back in line like the rest of those pathetic idiots that were part of the team. Hell half of them didn't have a clue what to do when confronted with the camp and military rules so it was no surprise to him that Collins just wasn't conforming.

"No. An order. Back down now Collins." Cocking his head to one side Ethan adjusted his stance to make it clear that he'd do whatever it took to make sure that Collins knew he place. "De-power or you can spend your time cooling off in the brig and being sutiably punished. That's not a threat either. That's the rules which you agreed to follow by when you joined this team. Do you understand Collins?"

Not only did Ethan have strength, speed, agility and durability on his hands to ensure he'd survive he also had the benefit of knowing that Emma Frost would back him up no matter what.

It didn't matter to Ethan now that this was not how he'd normally respond to someone toeing the line, the fact was Collins was disobeying direct orders from her superior. The only person here making threats was Collins.


{insert mun banging head here} notouchpolicy December 2 2010, 05:21:13 UTC
"When I joined this team? That's the problem with you military idiots, you don't get that a lot of us had no choice." Haylie knew how to obey the chain of command - her mother made damn sure she did, because God forbid she embarrass her mother in front of the Chief of Police or the Mayor. However, in this state, there was no conforming.

She was growing more and more infuriated by the minute, and Sykes having brought up her recruitment just irked her more after her conversation with Roy. She was all but blackmailed into this hellhole. How she didn't realize it before was beyond her. And at this point she couldn't be bothered to give a shit.

"No, Sir, I don't get it. Maybe if I wasn't manipulated into comin' to this place, I'd feel differently!" That... was the straw. Her powers had been close to bubbling over since her arrival and the rage boiling inside of her meant that her control was all but gone. And that's when the gloves came off.

Unable to contain her powers, she let out a furious scream. The material of her gloves disintegrated entirely as a large wave of energy was released from her body, rippling out in a radius of about thirty feet and shredding everything in it's path.


{Pets from afar and then wonders if her military boy is maybe a little foolish too} captaine_sykes December 4 2010, 00:13:19 UTC
"You think I don't know? Oh Collins how stupidly presumptious of you. It's not my problem that you were brought here, I'm just here to make sure you keep in line." Ethan does know that many of the team were forced here, though he'll admit that the files happened to leave those key facts out at first. It was only after his demands and persistance that he got all the facts. But he can't be shown to be overly sympathetic to them or else he could jepordise his position as Captain and within the military.

The blast of energy surprises him but Ethan is smart enough and running on pure adrenaline and chemicals to have his full mutation in place. He keeps his footing, though his clothing takes a battering at the wave of energy. Struggling towards Collins there is only one thing he can do and that is to put her down so that she doesn't cause more trouble or damage.

Any other time this situation would never have gotten so far but Ethan isn't even considering that right now.


{gonna hide in the corner now, kthxbai} notouchpolicy December 5 2010, 04:42:01 UTC
As if it's not enough that she's releasing the pent-up energy inside of her body, the pheromone was activating her "fight or flight" response so much that she was going to push the limits of her body and control to defend herself against the supposed threat she believed Sykes to be. Her head snaps up when she senses him pushing through the blast and for a brief moment, her eyes meet his. There's a brilliant red color flaring around the blue of her irises, almost like actual fire in her eyes.

"Get out of my way!" The sound seems to echo through her rage - completely unbridled - as she lifts her left hand. With a simple flick of the wrist, a second wave of energy flares out toward Sykes and stops just short of his feet before unleashing a large explosion. The force of the explosion is enough to even fling Haylie several feet and send her crashing into the side of a building.

With her power exhausted and her body temperature dropping off severely, she falls to the ground and doesn't get up.


captaine_sykes December 5 2010, 22:35:23 UTC
For the briefest of moments Ethan is mesmerised by that gaze, how inhuman Collins looks with that fiery red tint to her eyes before he finds himself hurtling backwards through the air and landing, somewhat ungracefully on the ground.

It takes him a few moments to get his bearings, he doesn't hurt (thank god for mutations) but he knows that the amount of energy he has exerted to keep his durability in place means he will be exhausted the moment he gets his mutation back under control. Stumbling at first he finally finds his footing and heads over to Collins, scooping her up off of the ground and heading towards Med-Bay. He'll deal with the fall out later but right now he needs to get her seen to medically and then find a fed to collapse into for a few hours.

Today is truly not his day.


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