Nov 27, 2010 00:39

Where most others in camp who had inhaled the drugs pumped through the ventialtion system last night were having a less extreme reaction to the chemical compound Ethan was struggling. You see the thing is he's a man who is excellent at keeping his emotions in check and putting on that cool, calm facade to everyone else and then going to the gym and ( Read more... )

[plot] chemical, victor creed, elisabeth 'psylocke' braddock, captain ethan sykes, ✝ lt katrina 'delta' christoffel, haylie 'spitfire' collins, sarah 'ophelia' mayspring

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watch_the_nails November 27 2010, 06:46:32 UTC
Thanks to whichever bright spark had come up with the idea of releasing the pheromones in the first place, Victor was currently feeling more territorial than ever. As well as following Emma around like some kind of stalker - even more so than usual - the feral had taken to patrolling the base as if he owned it, which in his mind, he did. Not only that, but he'd begun 'marking' his territory too, and that had been what he was in the process of doing when he'd caught sight of Ethan running through his exercises.

Narrowing his eyes, Victor growled under his breath and tensed; this was the man he'd accused of mating with his 'partner', the male who was a threat to 'his' female, despite Emma's calm denial. In his current state, there was no way he could just walk on by and let that son-of-a-bitch carry on with his strutting and posing. He hated Ethan anyway, and the rivalry he saw between himself and the other man - whether real or imagined - was bound to end up erupting sooner or later.

Two Alpha Males and a bunch of testosterone was bound to be a bad combination.


captaine_sykes November 27 2010, 13:44:10 UTC
Oh look. A pissy little tom cat who wants to 'claim' his territory. Ethan smirked as Victor approached, rolling his shoulders and staring the feral down. Victor might like to think that this camp is his but as far as Ethan is concerned this his his camp and these are his team mates who are here to abide by his rules.

Had Ethan known about the accusations he would have laughed them off, in Victor's face too for that matter. Still would now if Victor brought them up. Instead he's curious as to why Victor is pissing all over the place when there are perfectly decent toilet facilities available.

"You not been house trained yet Creed?" Leaning against the trunk of the nearest tree Ethan watches Victor. Taking in the way that the feral prowls, body tense and eyes narrowed. Ethan knows a threat when he sees one and what he is seeing right here is Victor posturing. Daring to try and assert his authority.

Pfft. Pathetic.


watch_the_nails December 1 2010, 20:16:51 UTC
"Let's just say you might wanna check your boots before you put 'em on tomorrow," Victor smirked nastily, giving a couple of shakes before wiping himself off on his pants and shoving his bits away in his combat fatigues, sneering at Sykes while he zipped himself up. 'Claiming' his territory in as crude and as public a way as this was a very deliberate act on his part, despite the more primal, natural urges which lay beneath the gesture. "What, you wanna come closer an' wipe it off for me?"

For all his latent homophobia, he wasn't above making a joke like that if there was a chance it could make someone else feel uncomfortable.


captaine_sykes December 1 2010, 20:43:57 UTC
"Sure you wouldn't rather have your boyfriend Richter do it instead?" Ethan has been observing the camp and the team mates, he knows that Victor and Richter seem to have some kind of dysfunctional friendship wherein the feral appears to tolerate the Mexican and apparently sticks up for him too. Well that's if the file and paperwork is anything to go by which is... intriguing to say the least.

"Anyway I'd rather not run the risk of catching anything you've got Creed." Ethan thankfully has also seen worse, training and living with military types for most of his life. Living in shit conditions under fire also means you get up close and personal with your team mates pretty quickly. Though normally, Ethan would probably threaten Victor with punishment rather than engaged him in a verbal fight.


watch_the_nails December 2 2010, 06:14:08 UTC
"You couldn't catch so much as a goddamn head cold."

The feral sneered at Sykes, refusing to get riled up over that comment about Ric. He'd have rather chopped off his own hands than let the Mexican touch him in that way. He drew himself up to his full height - like a pissy tomcat fluffing up its fur - and strolled nonchalantly towards the other mutant.

"So tell me, Captain," he intoned, being sure to make a mockery of Sykes' title, "What the hell brings a nice guy like you to a place like this, huh? Ain't you a little too good for us t'be hangin' around here like Stone's favorite lapdog?"

Victor was pretty damn sure that Sykes thought of himself as being a cut above the rest of them, sneering down his nose at the troops as if they were little more than animals. Hell, he'd been hanging around with Emma long enough.


captaine_sykes December 3 2010, 22:55:01 UTC
Ignoring the jibe Ethan studies Creed, watching him and noting down the way he postures. How the feral has such little regard for Ethan too when he doesn't really know his opponent; it's a little bit thrilling if he's honest too. Facing off to someone he thinks will have that edge that Ethan really yearns for.

"Someone needs to keep you and your pathetic associates in line. So far you and your team have done nothing but cause trouble and mayhem wherever you go and the military are sick of it. Why else do you think that they brought in the best of the best. I'm here to show you what you morons could be if you just put the effort in." He won't bite at the lapdog comment at first, he was going to rise above it but then...

"I'd rather be seen as Stone's lapdog than the lapdog of Stryker which I hear you and your brother are. What deal did you think you were making with the Major huh? One for your freedom? Are you that stupid Creed?"

Ethan doesn't think of himself as being a cut above the rest. He knows he damn well is. It's not because of Emma though, it's because of all their stupid and foolish mistakes. Their inability to conform and work for the greater good. Nothing more than savage idiots like in Lord of the Flies.


watch_the_nails December 4 2010, 07:12:49 UTC
Victor looked curiously at Ethan for a moment, as if gauging his words - and then, he just started to laugh. Who did this jumped-up little shit think he was, trying to judge him like that? If Sykes really did think the feral had agreed to join Stryker because he wanted freedom, he was so wrong, it almost hurt. He was still snickering nastily as he replied, baring his fangs.

"Seriously? Is that what y'really think?" Victor sneered, mocking and belittling Sykes. "'Cause if it is, you're more of a goddamn idiot than I thought. I already am the best, asshole - I'm the best, an' there ain't never gonna be better."

As if to make his point, he allowed his claws to unsheathe themselves in a warning gesture; he was the predator here, and in his mind, Ethan was the prey, even if the kid didn't know it yet.

"I didn't agree t'work for Stryker 'cause I wanted freedom. Chains ain't been made that are gonna keep me. I'm here 'cause I enjoy what I do, an' if y'think otherwise, you ain't just a pissy little pup barkin' up the wrong tree - you're barkin' in the wrong goddamn orchard."


captaine_sykes December 5 2010, 21:04:52 UTC
"True. Maybe I was wrong about your need for freedom Creed. But what about your brother?" And if that wasn't an effort to twist the knife then who knew what was. With Logan's recent departure off camp to pursue something of personal importance it was all too easy to goad the feral. Those two had always come as a 'buy one get one free' deal, though really it seemed more like Creed followed Logan around like a lost puppy at times. So desperate for his brother to accept him and validate him, though there was no doubt that the feral would deny this.

The sight of the claws had Ethan adjusting his stance, shifting from casual at ease to a position more prepared for a fight. He was obvious about it too. Not backing down from the challenge. He wasn't afraid of the big bad Creed.

"Best there is huh? From what I hear you're nothing but sloppy Creed. Lost your woman over another one, signed your life away and can't even successfully kill off your team mates when they piss you off. Why is it that you're so friendly to the Mexican huh? You never answered my question? Maybe the women are all just a front."

Ethan knows this routine all to well. Big, pissy tom cats hate having their masculinity questioned and Ethan is looking for a fight.


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