Nov 27, 2010 00:39

Where most others in camp who had inhaled the drugs pumped through the ventialtion system last night were having a less extreme reaction to the chemical compound Ethan was struggling. You see the thing is he's a man who is excellent at keeping his emotions in check and putting on that cool, calm facade to everyone else and then going to the gym and ( Read more... )

[plot] chemical, victor creed, elisabeth 'psylocke' braddock, captain ethan sykes, ✝ lt katrina 'delta' christoffel, haylie 'spitfire' collins, sarah 'ophelia' mayspring

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proper_twinkie November 27 2010, 01:07:51 UTC
The man was losing it.

He was standing there beating up a tree. It was so hard not to laugh but Betsy got the distinct impression that laughing would only piss him off further so she swallowed it down leaving only a hint of a smile on her face.

"I think Greenpeace would have something to say about that, luv." Dammit. She couldn't help herself.


captaine_sykes November 27 2010, 01:21:44 UTC
Ethan stops in his rage against the... foliage and lowers his fists. Thankful that he had luckily had the sense to raise his mutation and protect his fists from the potential damage to be inflicted. He stares at Braddock though and rolls his shoulders, the anger still thrumming through his veins but also something else.

He doesn't know what it is right now, still too focused on that urge to kick ass and then some. "I don't give two fucks what Greenpeace think. It's my camp, which makes these my trees so I'll do whatever I like Braddock."


proper_twinkie November 27 2010, 01:32:18 UTC
She'd seen the man throw his weight around. Betsy had even see him lose his temper but seeing him so forceful made her stomach tighten a bit. She didn't know he had it in him.

Without thinking, she took a step forward. She really didn't want to get thrown in the brig again but she just couldn't help but poke the bear and test his dominance. "Tree can't fight back though, can it? Perhaps you'd have a go at someone a little more... spry."


captaine_sykes November 27 2010, 13:31:21 UTC
There's something about Braddock that makes Ethan want to puff out his chest and strut like a Peacock displaying his tail feathers. Why? He doesn't know. Not so much ignoring the urge he plays it down, instead focusing on the comment about having someone else to fight. To spar with.

Raising an eyebrow Ethan chuckles and moves in closer to Braddock, hands shoved into the pockets of his combats as he leans in closer. "You offering?"


proper_twinkie November 27 2010, 14:04:34 UTC
"It's not as though it would be our first time." She smirked enjoying the innuendo and the subsequent fantasy that flashed in her mind with it. Let's just say they found something better to do against that tree than punch it. It was rough and raw, full of more passion than Betsy really thought the man was capable. The scene just flashed in her mind a second, but it was hot and her body reacted. She didn't even feel guilty. Fantasies were freebies and there weren't many people, guy or girl, on this base she hadn't mentally fucked a time or two.

It was still pretty chilly outside but Betsy unzipped her jacket and tossed it to the side. It was too bulky and she'd be warm enough when they started to fight. "Ladies first." She uttered softly, leaning in even closer before she sent a psionic blast straight at his chest with enough force to send him flying.


captaine_sykes November 28 2010, 10:25:42 UTC
Gaze lingering on Braddock as she unzipped her jacket Ethan was momentarily distracted as the psionic blast hit him. Normally he'd never allow such things to distract him, it was one of the first rules he'd been taught about fighting women; Never Let Her Distract You.

Sliding across the ground Ethan was quickly back up on his feet with the agility of a man who had been thrown about a fair few times in his life but he wasn't bruised or even battered. Charging at Braddock a speed he false stepped as if going to swing for a punch but at the last minute brought his body low and tackled her to the ground, teh both of them rolling across the leaf littered floor.


proper_twinkie November 28 2010, 18:43:16 UTC
He changed his style. When they sparred before he was always so collected. In fact, his moves were so calculated she had no problem seeing, in his mind, what was going to come next. It forced him to clear his mind and trust his training. Ethan could adapt well but Betsy still thought he was too mechanical ( ... )


captaine_sykes November 30 2010, 15:34:09 UTC
Normally Ethan fought by the book, never played dirty and only used moves that were deemed fair and appropriate. Sure he knew how to change his moves and fight like this, he wasn't foolish, but it wasn't the done thing. It wasn't acceptable to fight dirty when training or trying to set a leading example yet that didn't seem to matter to the Captain mugh right now. He seemed far too focused on venting this pent up aggression and emotion. Showing off for Braddock and struting like the proverbial peacock ( ... )


proper_twinkie November 30 2010, 17:02:58 UTC
She was good at close contact but only if she was free to dodge and move around. In his grasp, it didn't leave her with a lot of options. He out-muscled her.

Betsy squirmed and struggled beneath him until she felt his hot breath on her ear. She bristled at the lies but it was pretty clear where his brain was at by his words and the way his was pressing himself against her. Betsy lifted her ass to try and get her legs up under her but it only really succeeded in pushing her ass even more firmly into his crouch. "And where is my 'rightful' place, Sykes? Under you? Is that why you made sure I couldn't be with anyone else? You didn't like the idea of Jack fucking me in your office when you wanted to bend me over that desk yourself."


captaine_sykes November 30 2010, 17:13:42 UTC
Hardly concealing a groan at the way that Braddock squirms and wriggles Ethan holds her still, resisting (barely) the urge to bite down on her neck. He doesn't understand why he is feeling this way, the need to possess and claim Braddock, it doesn't make sense to him. Nor does his urge to fight and attack but his head is so full of questions he can hrdly find the answers.

"It's what you want thought isn't it? Why you keep throwing yourself at me huh? Why you wanted to fight me now so you can submit." Ethan lets his lips graze Braddock's shoulder before he releases her enough to shove her away and roll onto his back. He's so close to doing something stupid he needs to get some space. Think clearly.

"You and your old man can do what you please as long as it's not in my office. Over-step that boundary and I'll have the both of you sent to opposite poles."


proper_twinkie November 30 2010, 18:06:44 UTC
Climbing to her hands and knees, she watched Sykes out of the corner of her eye. Her chest heaved a bit as she tried to get control of herself. She may have flirted in passing before. She was a sucker for watching men squirm. But now it took ever shred of self restraint she had not to turn around and pin him. She had the image of him taking her roughly in his office. Pulling her hair and he slammed her from behind. The harder he was, the stronger response it dragged out of her until her legs shook slightly.

This wasn't right. Not just the moral dilemma of it but the intensity. Jack was older. As a mate, he wasn't the best candidate anymore. She still wanted him. He still oozed testosterone but Ethan was younger and bound to have more stamina. Not to mention 'opposite poles' just made her think of a threesome in which she got to be the bologna and they went at her until the best man won ( ... )


captaine_sykes November 30 2010, 18:58:46 UTC
The thrum of desire still stings, like Ethan is in heat and needs to claim and take Braddock as his own. The only thing holding him back is his own reaction to the chemical, that need to keep his body primed and ready for a fight.

He is however trying to ignore how close Braddock is, how she looks on her hands and knees; panting and looking suitably ready to be ruffled. "You keep telling yourself that Braddock. You're just a bitch in heat aren't you. Eager to find something or someone to fuck you stupid till you can't see straight."

Sitting up Ethan turns to grin at Braddock, that glint of amusement and determination still in his eyes. "Tell me I'm wrong soldier."


proper_twinkie November 30 2010, 19:58:46 UTC
No! Her brain screamed from the inside of her head. She wasn't the barracks whore he believed her to be even if at the moment that was exactly what she wanted. But not just anyone. Never that. Despite what most people thought of her, Betsy was incredibly selective. A monster tease more than a slut. Even with foreign pheromones coursing through her, she didn't seek out the closest person to her. She was drawn to the strongest, the smartest, the most powerful. She wanted the best. It was an incredibly short list and Sykes made the cut ( ... )


captaine_sykes December 1 2010, 20:26:26 UTC
Despite the way he was speaking to her, the snide comments about spreading her legs and the tone which he had taken Ethan had actually begun to (begrudingly) like Braddock. She was ballsy, to the point and stood her ground even when she was wrong. There had been minimal bitching about her punishment, or the training regimes he'd run through with her and throughout their one on one sessions Ethan had seen another side to Braddock.

A side that had made him wonder quite why she flirted so much when she had a good head on her shoulders. That was what really got to Ethan though. He hated to see a female who used her body to get what she wanted, something he had witnessed far too often when he was younger.

"You are my soldier on this team Braddock. You're beneath me in the chain of command." And with that he snapped, grabbing her by the ankle and hauling Braddock closer Ethan kissed her. Hands holding on her hips as he leaned in to force a bruising kiss against her lips.


proper_twinkie December 1 2010, 21:14:02 UTC
Betsy reached but there was nothing to grab onto. Nothing to keep her from being pinned under her commanding officer. She didn't even have time to say 'no' when his mouth was on hers. She didn't kiss back at first. She struggled and squirmed, pushing on his chest but it was like pushing on a wall. It didn't help that she was fighting against herself as well.

This was what her body wanted. Even a decent part of her brain was crying out hallelujah! No more building sexual tension. No more wondering what his kiss would taste like. It was coffee and the slight metallic taste of blood from where her lips were being pushed so violently against her own teeth. She held out 10, maybe 15 seconds, before she started kissing him back and pressing her body up against his.


captaine_sykes December 1 2010, 21:37:11 UTC
A few seconds (well really closer to a minute if he were honest) after Braddock responded to the kiss his senses started to return, like the animalistic need to claimtakecontrol was sated enough for the moment to allow Ethan to see clearly. Breaking the kiss he pulled away, scrabbling to his feet and panting like he'd just run a marathon.

Staring at Betsy, where he had just left her laying there on the ground Ethan tried to formulate a suitable response. Comment. Statement. But nothing came to his mind.

Turning on his heel Ethan strode away, punching a tree as he passed and disappearing into the treeline as he storms back towards camp.


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