A Little Light Reading - OTA

Nov 11, 2010 22:32

With his lone copy of 'Hustler' safely stashed away under his mattress - technically he supposed it was contraband, and there was no way in hell he wanted his 'reading material' taken away from him - Victor found himself with little else to do except try and amuse himself without ending up breaking anything ( Read more... )

victor creed, chris 'bolt' bradley, ✝ lt katrina 'delta' christoffel, julio 'rictor' esteban richter, ✝ theodore bradson

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dirt_bloodsmile November 12 2010, 05:18:44 UTC
Teddy was pretty sure he look mentally handicapped at the exact moment in time, what with a spoon hanging vaguely from in between his teeth, a half eaten bowl of cereal in his hand, bed head, and a downright bemused expression at seeing Victor lounged out like a great big muscular house cat.
"Well hot damn fluffy can read." Teddy's tone was teasing and light as he plopped down on a table in Victor's line of site munching experimentally at the box brand lucky charms before he found them satisfactory.
He may not have been around Victor that much when he was in the war, (and hell he still wasn't sure Victor remembered him as part of the firing squad) but he'd watched enough in his nervous anxiety that Victor Creed was a hell of a lot smarter then he let on and severely doubted this fact had changed over the years.


watch_the_nails November 12 2010, 05:44:32 UTC
Victor glanced up when Teddy spoke to him, drawing his attention away from the newspaper. Although the feral wasn't exactly pleased to find himself in the other mutant's company, the man hadn't yet proved to be an excessive irritation - and, with the shared military history which they had (although Victor hadn't yet realised that Teddy had been there on that day) he did at least treat Teddy with a small degree of respect. Half the mutants on the base didn't even know which way round to hold a goddamn gun.

"You wanna see how fluffy I am after I ram that spoon sideways up your ass?" he commented drily. He bristled more at the nickname than at the implication of his lack of intelligence; only Rictor had yet earned the right to insult him without any real consequence.

((OOC: Argh, that icon! It kills me. XD ))


dirt_bloodsmile November 12 2010, 07:08:00 UTC
Teddy snorted as he swallowed another spoonful of the comically colorful cereal. “Sounds like a party Creed. But I'll take a rain check for the sake of my back end if that's alright with you."

It took him a second of dry amusement to say anything more, but when he caught proper site of the newspaper he raised an eyebrow and pointed at it with his spoon. "You usin the sports section in that?"


watch_the_nails November 12 2010, 09:02:03 UTC
The feral glanced at Teddy again, then back at the paper; he wasn't using it, but he'd never been one to be civil, and he narrowed his eyes slightly as he pulled out the sports pages and handed them to the other mutant. There was no harm in giving him something which he didn't really care about, anyway.

"There y'go. Whaddaya care about them for, anyway? You gonna jerk one off to the Angels or somethin'?"

Teddy wasn't the only one grabbing a bite to eat; while he'd been reading, Victor had been helping himself to a few stray bread rolls and pieces of cold chicken that he'd found in the fridge. As such, the paper was now spotted with an attractive variety of grease marks.


dirt_bloodsmile November 12 2010, 20:19:39 UTC
"Thanks, and no. I got a cousin who plays for the Dodgers so I figure I might as well see how bad or good their doing for the sake of looking like I know what the hell is still going on."

Teddy didn't quite mind the food marks as he searched through the paper for Baseball stats and finished off his cereal. In fact any amount of civility Victor had was hardly going to be met with a complaint.


watch_the_nails November 12 2010, 20:53:08 UTC
"Well, ain't that just peachy for ya."

The feral went back to reading the rest of the paper, his eyes scanning once more over the article about the earthquake. He refused to believe that no-one would have noticed the real reason for what had happened, and he found himself wondering just who had orchestrated the cover-up. Could Emma have done it? She certainly had the funds, and perhaps the influence; after what she'd said about Stryker, he doubted that she was in league with him. Plus, Emma's connection with Ric meant she would have wanted to protect the Mexican.

"Hey, bolo. Y'seen this yet?"


dirt_bloodsmile November 12 2010, 20:58:02 UTC
"What? They finally cover the shit that happened in Japan? Or you find the swimsuit catalouge in the newspaper?" Teddy knew he should stop teasing, but it was an automatic reaction...and well with Victor the statement probably wasn't too far fetched.

There was still hope though that it was the latter topic. He'd seen far too little mention of it past 'Japan and American relations being on shaky ground,' and wanted to know just how bad/harmless they made it all seem.


watch_the_nails November 14 2010, 09:22:53 UTC
Victor didn't object to Teddy's teasing, not this time. That was the kind of joke he could live with; something that implied he was a hot-blooded male, making him feel like the Alpha he thought he was. He glanced back over at the other man and held up the front page towards him, pointing at the article with a clawed finger.

"Japan, y'idiot." He all but thrust the paper into Teddy's face. "Someone's managed to pull off one helluva cover-up, an' I'm guessin' our resident lil' faggot didn't have the balls to do it on his own."


dirt_bloodsmile November 14 2010, 18:47:52 UTC
He took it with little complaint, and other then a derisive snort his only reaction was a light curse, "Shit."
He took another glance at it for any little slip up remarks but found not a single one, "Jesus when they wanna keep shit quiet they really cover their tracks don't they?"


watch_the_nails November 14 2010, 21:47:39 UTC
"An' you're surprised?" Victor huffed. "I guess y'ain't worked with Emma for long enough to realise what she's capable of, huh. That bitch could prob'ly blow up the goddamn White House on live fuckin' TV an' somehow manage to convince everyone it was some kinda gas leak."

He had to admit, he was still in awe as to how the truth had been covered up, but he should have been used to that by now. Even Stryker had managed to pull off some decent media blackouts.


dirt_bloodsmile November 14 2010, 21:50:39 UTC
He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair in mild annoyance. "I've been out of the military for a long ass time Victor, it's easy to forget how damn convincing they can be. Still that is pretty damn impressive, I mean there isn't even a single reference towards the team past the press conference."


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