-log- completed // closed [Emma and Ethan]

Nov 05, 2010 10:57

Instead of being chidish, which she could've easily done and rearranged the whole meeting just to amuse herself, Emma ate earlier than she'd decided and stopped by her own office to merely pick up her cell phone, a few small notes and have her calls forwarded to her cell, before heading towards the agreed meeting toom to wait for Captain Sykes.

Their professional relationship was quickly falling into the entirely unprofessional with squabbles, one upmanship and pettiness. Frankly, Emma wasn't surprised. She'd pegged Sykes as the type unwilling to share control. He had his own way of running things and didn't like anyone else changing those. Which honestly, pissed Emma right off.

It was partly why, after being told, second hand, about Sergeant and soon after Lieutenant Barq would be joining the team at Sykes' request, Emma had invited Lorna to come to Washington shortly after when the young mutant called her. Sitting at the head of the table in the meeting room, a glass of water in hand, Emma sat and waited -patiently, for Sykes to join her.

It was hard to not be inuriated by the likes of Emma, even though Ethan knew he shouldn't have allowed her comments and actions to make him act the way he did. In the end it would achieve nothing other that make him look like a fool and that was what annoyed him more. His meeting with the General had been delayed, through no fault of Sykes and that meant he was only coming out of his office at 17:35.

Crossing the hallway from his office to the meetings room he nudged the door open with his hip; cell phone still in his pocket, pen behind his ear, a file in one hand of his notes and a half eaten sandwich in the other. If anything Ethan looked harassed, steeley blue gaze flicking from Emma's seat at the head of the table - typical - to the neat arrangement of her notes and glass of water. Sitting down in the seat one down from Emma, Ethan swallowed his mouthful of food. "My apologies, General Stone and I had some important matters to attend to. I'm sure you understand."

He wasn't really all that sorry, as far as he was concerned Emma was proving to be nothing but a barb in his side but General Stone made it perfectly clear that she couldn't be gotten rid of. So he was just going to have to play nice and learn to grin and bare it.

"Oh, please, whenever you're ready." It was common knowledge that Emma did not like to be kept waiting, for anything, by anyone. The fact that Sykes had been with Stone didn't even matter and Emma would still use that later since Sykes was the tardy one.

"Shall I give you a moment to organise yourself?" Since his files were clearly in a mess and he was clearly not in order, Emma figured could further play up her immaculate organisation and presentation. One did not run a school with over 100 mutants, maintain a position in the Hellfire Club, manage an international business empire and still have fingers in a few pies elsewhere without learning key personal management skills.

"I dare say I can wait another few minutes for you."

"Hrmph." That's all the response Emma is going to get as Ethan has his mouthful of chicken and bacon sandwich and his nose buried in his files. He's not normally like this, he didn't get where he is today without being a perfectionist but he has also learnt over time that it's best to go in favour of giving the General what he wants rather than pointing out you are busy.

That's the policitcs of the military, which obviously Emma wouldn't understand.

Swallowing his sandwich Ethan reaches over and takes Emma's glass of water, knocking it back in one go and giving her a charming and usually disarming smile at her. "Excuse me whilst I go get you a fresh glass." He doesn't even wait for an answer, if she wants to give him attitude over being made to wait then fine, he'll just give her the same treatment he gives other soldiers when they act like they are better than their equals. He returns a few moments later with two new, clean glasses and a jug of iced tea from his office; pouring Emma a glass Ethan lifts his own and sips with far greater manners than displayed earlier.

"Okay, I'm good to go. So how the hell did a mutant, who seems to have some connection with Logan, get into my camp then Frost. I was under the assumption you were able to read minds and the such like? Happened to miss this one did we?" Ethan taps at the brief remit notes on Daken that he slides across the table to Emma. "He got dangerously close to killing Richter."

Obviously, Emma isn't aware at all that she needs to keep the General happy; clearly it never occured to her to work her way through the higher ranking officials. Clearly, she doesn't know how to play politics -it's not like she muscled Stryker out of controlling his own team or anything.

Watching with concealed amusement, Emma picks at her nails while Ethan ventures off to get the refreshments, tapping her foot against the floor absently. When he returns and launches into what she thinks might be a prepared attack -though thinly veiled perhaps, Emma turns her attention to the file he slides to her. "As with every mutation mine has limitations; when a mind is sheilded, I can't read it. Perhaps you should be more worried about your security."

Sliding the notes back to Ethan, having memorised them, Emma fixes an inquisitive look upon the Captain, "After all, he got into your camp, and was wearing one of your soldiers uniforms." She would naturally have to corner Ric later to get the details from him.

"I'll keep your limitations in mind then." There's a tiny hint of a smile at that as Ethan pulls out a set of black and white stills taken from the camera systems. "It would seem he infiltrated from the camp next door having killed the men and then entered our camp. Footage shows that he spoke to several members of the team as well for that matter which also concerns me as to why no-one flagged up a tattoo'd and mohawked soldier roaming around. However in lieu of the situation I have increased security around the camp and brought in better camera systems. Do not worry though Frost, your funding is not required for that aspect."

Ethan had managed to get the General to pay up for that side, he didn't want to have to run to Emma everytime he needed a cheque to be signed. "It would seem however that he managed to get past both of us. Did you have anything in mind as to what to do with him?"

Because Ethan sure as hell did.

The fact that he had taken some inititive to get the securtiy upgraded, she really wasn't going to comment on the fact that he had gone over her head or that he'd let his soldiers mess up. Again.

Emma had a good many ideas; one of them involved barbed wire and his throat but she wasn't about to voice that. "Perhaps, although since you have spoken to him, I trust you have a better grasp on what he could be capable of, and if he would be receptive?" Emma wasn't about to admit that he was in a better position to make the decision. Emma just didn't want to go and speak with the young feral -she was sick and tired of dealing with ferals. So, if Sykes had any bright ideas, she was open to them.

This time.

"He's churlish, lacks discipline in some respects but has a keen eye and a lot of potential. Yet he remains a threat to Richter and that is not something I can stand. I'm thinking that perhaps we offer him an ultimatum of sorts; work with us or we'll end your opportunity to remain who you are. I was hoping that your limitations weren't so extensive that you couldn't render him at least useless for a little while, a demonstration of what he has come up against... yet if you are saying he was able to slip past you then perhaps I should find someone else more capable."

Ethan is thinking through who would be able to assist and prove their worth. Perhaps Rogue could absorb his powers futher? Or maybe one of the mutants able to influence emotion could? Even Martinez was looking like a possibility. He has other ideas too but he shan't voice them right now. Better to keep his cards played close to his chest with Emma.

"It's a matter we can re-address later. Now, we have the matter of Lieutenant Barq, she shan't require a separate office as I'm setting her up with some space in my own for anything she should require. Especially seeing as she'll be spending her time reporting back to me with any issues." It's not as confrontational as it could have been, but the tone of voice indicates an undercurrent of 'I dare you.'

Bristling just slightly at the insinuation that her powers were less than adequate, "I said I couldn't read his mind, I didn't say I couldn't get into it." Sure, she's going to inflict one hell of a headache on herself if he has anything beyond just basic mental shields, but she was just as irritated with her abilities being called into question as Ethan was about his ability to command coming into question.

Absently, Emma catches Ethan's errant thoughts on what other routes to use, "I can tell you now, Rogue will decline taking anymore of him and if you force her, Richter won't be worried about Daken at all." Julio's protectiveness of the indestructible girl was amusing and perhaps unwarrented, but it was there none the less. And maybe Emma understood it a little.

"Ah, yes, Lieutenant Barq, it was so nice to recieve a file on the woman. After all, I'd hate to be blindsided one day if she should ever be required in an emergency. Or, heavens forbid, the place needed evacuated. I'd hate to not know who was on base and who wasn't." Petty, perhaps. "And I have no problem with you playing house. After all, it saves money on kitting out another office."

The comments work though and Ethan is pleased to see that Emma has taken the bait, he arches an eyebrow however when she seems to casually read his mind. That was unexpected. He frowns, forehead creasing in displeasure. However he doesn't complain just files away that snippet of information and makes an effort not to allow his mind to wander off topic or onto anything else for that matter.

"I felt that you'd understand my need to bring in someone to assist me as quickly as possible. With all the issues that have arisen I felt it best to bring in someone I could trust without question." This time the smile is tight, he'd feel bad but this is Emma. If Ethan was honest he has just about reached the point where he doesn't care what impression he makes any more. She seems to have made up her mind that he is going to fail every step of the way so he might as well do what he wants, when he wants and how he wants. "Lieutenant Barq will be fine mostly in her room for space but I felt that it would be a waste of money to set her up with another office. We wouldn't want you to incur additional and unwarranted costs now Frost."

He'll ignore her petty attitude, if she didn't like it then tough shit.

She practically just waves it off. She's not at all concerned with what the hell he thinks he's doing or what he wants to do, she has one goal in mind, it's still her primary target and she just needs to work around Sykes. "So long as she is capable and does her job, whatever job that happens to be."

Emma is more than aware that she doesn't rightly have a leg to stand on; in response to Barq being brought in without so much as a heads up to Emma, she'd pettily invited Lorna down. It wasn't even an official request yet, there had been nothing filed for Lorna beyond what Emma had sent to the room she'd given the magentism manipulator and simply added her name to the roster. Lorna hadn't even agreed yet.

Not that Emma saw Lorna walking away, not with what Emma had in mind for the young woman. "Since she will be assisting you, I trust I won't have to worry about her?"

"Absolutely. Barq will report to me unless I should be disposed of for any reason and even then she'll ensure to keep me in the loop." Ethan was hoping not, he really didn't want to have to pander to Emma's needs and play nice. Sure him calling in Barq was a little underhand but it had been with good intention actually. It wasn't just to stick a middle finger up in Emma's general direction, it had been to ensure that there were less issues.


"Trip seems to have arrived safely, I gather he had a meeting with you. Did everything go alright? I intend to meet with him as soon as possible to find out whether there are any other requirements he might need. The General wishes to allow him some free roaming to learn something positive about the camp."

Their publicity was going to come entirely from Spencer Trip and his reporting when his article or journal or whatever was completed, so naturally, Emma understood just how much freedom Stone was willing to give Trip. "Yes, he seems rather eager, in a good way." From what she'd been able to gather, he'd already started making friends, he'd already started asking his questions, Emma would even say he was showing signs of wanting to take away some kind of training with his power as well.

"He's untrained as far as his powers go, but very good with words." And Emma was rather taken with him in a purely professional manner. He was smart and witty, it would get him far. "I'm sure you'll find him completely competent in his skill set, but I may be looking to give him a little tuition as far as his abilities go."

Electric manipulation could be utterly devestating or truly beneificial to them. They just had to take steps to ensure the outcome they wanted.

"If you feel tuition is needed then I can't see any issue, perhaps I should look to training him in hand to hand combat. You never know when he might require those kid of skills too." Ethan mused as he jotted down various notes in neat, tight block capitals written in pencil. It was curious to find that they had nothing to argue over in this case and it felt Ethan feeling a little out of sorts. He was accustom to the banter and bartering and not this easy agreement.

"Now that Richards has returned from her leave we'll be able to put her to good use too," Ethan wasn't planning on letting just any one go discover the mutant behind their vehicles. Anyone deemed unworthy would be ushered well away. "Perhaps St Allerdyce would best be kept away though, he and Richards didn't seem to see eye to eye much."

Reading over his notes Ethan can't see anything else that immediately jumps out at him in regards to the team.

"I have been meaning to ask just what her function within the base was." Not that Emma had much care for the woman who was maintaining their vehicles, beyond the fact that she apparently was capable at it. "Have you considered training more of the members? They could use it." There were a few that sprang to mind. "Beyond that, I'm sure there are a few members who could assist and train along side. Logan is rather adept, Wilson and LeBeau are passable. It may be beneficial for the younger and less experienced to have some kind of class."

Since Jack Hendley had a tendency to try and kill people. "Someone should keep an eye on Allerdyce over the next few days."

Emma wasn't really feeling the need to needle and argue, in fact, she was rather amiable to most of his points. She hadn't flat out heard something from him that she utterly detested and didn't want to hear. "Why don't Richards and Allerdyce get along?"

"Richards is one of the best mechanics the military has seen not to mention her mutation is invaluable; she can, in essence, activate anything mechanical from a vehicle to the plumbing system in this very building. She's also a hard working and driven soldier." Ethan hummed in response to the idea, he already was giving Rogue some one-to-one tutoring but there was still plenty of room for him to train greater numbers. It had been in his long term plans but maybe it would be best to try and instigate something sooner rather than later with the team.

"Perhaps. It would also do well to get them working as a united front rather than a mass assembled rabble."

As for Allerdyce? Well Ethan would keep an eye on the young mutant, as annoying as he could be he was also alright. If you could just over look the attitude and eye rolling. As for why Allerdyce and Richards didn't get along. "Something about attitude." Or sorts, Ethan hadn't gotten a straight answer out of either of them, only been witness to Allerdyce fleeing and Richards chasing him with a monkey wrench. Amusing now to reflect upon but at the time slightly distressing for all those who had been unlucky enough to endure the cold showers that followed for the next couple of days as Richards sulked.

"Is there anything else to address or discuss?"

Might be a good time to mention Lorna perhaps? Or are you going to wait till he walks out and finds her. Because really? Petty. Very, very petty.

Tapping her finger on the table in front of her, she was considering just letting him bump into the strange, green-haired woman at some point, but with everything that had happened with Daken previously, it would likely be healthier for Lorna if she didn't. All other issues aside, Emma had invited Lorna out in a bid to get the woman more involved in her beliefs now; since Lorna's interest in activism had taken a turn.

"One thing," the wording, Emma knew, had to be careful, "I've inivited a, friend, we'll say, to the base for a short while, potentially as a recruit." Since Lorna could be utterly invaluable if Emma was able to work things the way she wanted to -so long as Lorna didn't hold it against her later. "She has a lot of potential, and is already very well trained." Stone wouldn't argue with Emma about any mutant she brought onto the team, Sykes, she wasn't sure about.

"Lorna Dane, she arrived yesterday."

Invite was one thing, Ethan wasn't too concerned if Emma wanted to bring people into the camp. Okay perhaps he should phrase that better, he was bothered however he had been told to accept the fact that Emma would be bringing in associates of her own and that was, quite simply, that. But to follow up with the fact that she had arrived yesterday irked Ethan somewhat.

He didn't respond though, well not outwardly at least. Just nodded, jotted down the name - LORNA DANE - and tapped the cap end of the pen against his temple. "What mutation does she possess?"

In his head though Ethan was chanting at himself to not grumble or complain. He had brought Barq in so Frost was welcome to do as she pleased. Sort of.

Emma raised her eyebrow and twisted to stare at Ethan, a small smirk curling her lips, as if to remind him that she could read his mind. It was mildly amusing, really. It was. "Magnetism manipulation." Which frankly, Emma was looking to see just how well Lorna had mastered.

"Really you can't miss her," Emma added, conversationally, "her hair is lime-green." And Emma knew it wasn't a rebellion against constraints like Mayspring's little oddity was. "However, she recently was unjustly treated in California, I felt it would be prudent that her attentions be focused a little better before she did something brash."

Not to mention land herself back in jail. And really, that was the extent of Emma's logical excuse for bringing Lorna here; beyond the 'if you can so can I' mentality that really was the reasoning.

Ah yes. Mind reading. Fuck. Oh well. His mind flitted over to drab military procedures that involved mountains of paperwork, completed with precision and detail but at the mention of lime-green hair it was as if a record had skipped and his mind just lingered on that one statement.

"Oh. I see." He didn't really. Well not yet at least, with a name there came the power to research and Ethan planned on finding out what he could about this Lorna Dane. Curious to find out what connection Frost had to her as well for that matter. Perhaps Emma bringing in her 'friends' was going to be an issue but then again he wasn't intimidated. Frost was nothing more than a st- mind reading abilities Ethan! Remember that. Promptly his mind was filled with thoughts on the Texas Cowboys and their current ranking in the NFL tables. What?! He was a man? Would you have preferred boobs and ass?

Laughing outright, something she hadn't actually done in a fair while, Emma picked up her glass and took a sip. "I'd suggest offering training to keep a grip on those thoughts, but it's just so amusing I'm tempted not to bother." There were a few people in camp that had the training that kept her out unless she pushed; Gambit, Logan thanks to Jean, Hope due to her power, Martini due to his, Psylocke because of her own telepathic abilities. Emma was weighing up the benefits on teaching Ethan to at least sheifl his thoughts a little better.

"Lorna has spent six years working with a group called the Academy of Tomorrow. They are a peace keeping group that work around the California area, founded when the riots supported by the Friends of Humanity had peaked. She's looking for something a little more active than passive." And frankly, Ethan was not going to like her, and Emma didn't see Lorna liking Ethan -hopefully she'd gotten over her 'hunky man' phase and actually developed some kind of depth to those crushes of hers.

"Anything else?"

"I uhhh- ummm." That had taken Ethan back a bit, wiping a hand down his face it was sometimes hard to keep up the military man demeanour. He was, beneath the stoic facade, just a man (or mutant if you were going to be picky) and he could hardly help that sometime his thoughts got the better of him. Especially when sleep had been difficult to achieve of late with the sheer amount of paperwork and time he had been putting into organising things around camp. Investigating Daken. Dealing with the fall our from the death of Abbot. New arrivals. Emma. The mission.

Last night had seen Ethan in his office till 4am before he'd fallen asleep at his desk and been woken at 7am by a soldier with a mug of coffee and a look of sympathy. When had Ethan allowed it to have gotten to this stage? Perhaps he should ask Emma about dealing with his lack of mental barriers?

Pondering this over he jotted the notes down regarding Lorna, thankful to see that Emma was offering something about her. "I'll forward you everything on Barq. I promise you Frost that she's a trust worthy soldier. I'd trust her with my life, mutation not in place. Apart from that I do believe that covers everything."

Emma gave a brief nod, noting that she'd have to get Sebastian to forward files on Lorna down now. Damn Sykes and his bloody nature. If he'd just been aloof and smug about the whole thing she could've been a bitch and let him find out everything about Lorna -and she didn mean everything, the hard way, first hand, with Lorna's scathing wit and snotty disposition.

"Fantastic, I take it next time we can come to suitable agreement on an office?" Since Emma loathed the seats outside of her own office, which made her smirk. "Mine would be the logical answer, so as not to disturb anything Lieutenant Barq may be doing." Emma counted this as a point to her, just so you know.

"Excellent idea Frost. I wouldn't want to interrupt Barq doing anything important so, seeing as your office will be less... what's the term? Ah yes! Less utilised to its full potential?" I think you'll find the point goes to Ethan.

With a bright smile Ethan stands up, downing the last of the iced tea in his glass and scooping up his files and the now empty jug too. "Perhaps you can see to arranging some refreshments to be brought to your office too? Good." And with that he'll leave you, striding out into the hallway. Smug perhaps too?

emma 'white queen' frost, captain ethan sykes

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