Walk in the effing park - ota

Oct 31, 2010 21:00

Her leave had officially ended two days ago, and although she'd reported that she'd gotten back, she'd pretty much immediately set foot in the garage and never left. Although food was sent the day after she'd come back and Mac sent back a little 'thank you' for Shar Pei, she'd still deigned not to leave her second haven ( Read more... )

captain ethan sykes, jack hendley, sgt mackenzie richards

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Comments 46

captaine_sykes October 31 2010, 22:20:34 UTC
Mac was in luck, Ethan was to be found in the training center. Actually he was busy swimming laps in the pool, powering through the water with speed and a focus that was rarely found outside olympians.

Reaching the edge of the pool though Ethan realises he's not alone in the pool room anymore, pulling himself out of the pool Ethan shakes the water out of his ears and looks at Mac.

"Finally decided to show your face then huh?"

Oh yes, Ethan was aware that Mac had returned but not deemed him worthy of a visit. Shar Pei might well adore Mac, that was how Ethan knew she was still alive, they shared a brotherly concern when Richards got too focused on her latest project.


mechanic_mac October 31 2010, 22:28:02 UTC
Shrugging absently, Mac tugs open her laces and ditches her boots, rolling up her cargo pants and plopping herself down by the edge of the pool. She doesn't really care about her ass getting soaked, a little water isn't as bad as a lot of oil, so who cares.

"I figured you might miss my lovely face," and she did get just a little lonely from time to time. Feet soaking in the pool, Mac watched Ethan drip water on the floor with a smirk on her face.

"Are you sure you didn't fall out of a GQ magazine? I mean, I swear I saw you in one." It's a long standing joke that she'll tease his mild vanity over his body -which fair enough he needs to maintain, but Mac likes poking buttons.


captaine_sykes October 31 2010, 23:02:22 UTC
"Nope, only on your wall." It might well be a running joke but that doesn't mean Ethan is going to take it without a little bit of retaliation. With a smirk Ethan rolled his shoulders and dived into the pool, possibly over kicking his legs as he hit the water so Mac would be suitably soaked by the back splash. Ethan might well be vain about his body, he would argue it's not like that at all and it's all down a need to keep his body toned and perfected like this because of his mutation.

Surfacing by Richards' feet Ethan propped his elbows on the side of the pool and wiped the water off of his face. "Didn't get you wet did I?"


mechanic_mac October 31 2010, 23:11:37 UTC
Wiping the drops from her face, running her hands through her hair to distribute the water a little better and stop it being clumped and dripping, Mac just smirked and shook her head. "I bet you ask all the girls that."

Kicking her feet in his direction she laughed, although she wasn't really bothered about the state of her clothes at all. She'd change before she headed back to the garage, if she headed back tonight.

"So, I see there are a few more busy little ants around the place. How's that going?" She hadn't really been too bothered with the arrival of the so called 'team'. In fact, she'd been glad when she'd worked out her leave so that she was off base when they all rolled in.

She wasn't a fan of the meet and greet. "Killed anyone yet?"


hunteroffreaks November 2 2010, 07:26:45 UTC
Jack had his hands wrapped up and found himself facing off against a punching bag. He'd kept up his training no matter what base the team had gone to, but lately, he had grown more lax about it. He'd like to think it was sheer laziness, but truth be told, he was tiring out faster than he used to. As stubbornly as the hunter refused to admit it, he was getting old.

Still, despite his misgivings about no longer being in his prime, the hunter was in fairly good spirits as his hands jabbed away at the bag in a rhythmic pattern as the sweat soaked through the wifebeater he was wearing. He paused for a moment to grab a water bottle nearby. His breathing came light and easy.


mechanic_mac November 2 2010, 08:36:12 UTC
Having hauled her ass out of the pool and grabbed her boots, Mac had trudged upstairs to the gym where she was fairly certain she had a change of clothes lying around. She hadn't really thought there would be anyone in the gym -mostly because she'd just seen Ethan and she still wasn't used to other people being around.

Instead there were a silver fox standing around and Mac was suitably startled to short out the water cooler in the corner before fixing it and moving on like nothing had happened. "Yo," it was a standard greeting as far as she was concerned and Mac didn't regularly give them out. "Never expected anyone to be up here."


hunteroffreaks November 2 2010, 08:49:55 UTC
Jack turned his head towards Mac, his body automatically stiffening up at the appearance of a possible threat. She had approached from his blind side and was just out of eyesight. He'd been so focused and into his own personal zone that he hadn't even considered the possibility of an intrusion.

"Howdy," he grunted out, setting the water bottle back down as he flexed his hands. He'd broken the fingers so many times that they had the tendency to lock up on him if he didn't keep the fingers regularly going. He hadn't seen this woman around the camp before. His first immediate thought was whether she was a human or a mutant. Thus, his words were guarded, but not yet unfriendly. "I thought the same."


mechanic_mac November 2 2010, 08:58:29 UTC
"To be fair, I hadn't planned on being here." Unaware, or uncaring, of Jack's guarded nature, Mac just kept her pace and headed to the lockers at the back of the area, opening out her own and finding her change of clothing and a towel for her hair. "But when needs must, and I don't really wanna be walking all the way back to the dorms with chlorine sticking to me."

Mac wasn't really known for her social skills, and for having been at the base more than six months, only a handful of the guards and personnel could tell you what she looked like. "Rule of thumb, swimming in clothes might not be a good idea." She turned to smirk at the older guy with a towel over her head. "I'm Sergeant Richards, but everyone calls me Mac or they get kicked in the nuts."


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