Brawl in the mess hall *OTA*

Oct 21, 2010 02:45

Daken had patiently waited for Rictor to heal. There was no point in murdering someone as they slept in their bed. Any common criminal could do that. But to be a true assassin, to take it to the next level and turn it into an art form, that required a certain level of skill and finesse one could only come by after years of training. Now that the man was spending more time outside of the infirmary then in, it was the time to strike.

The mess hall would be the place.  He’d never admit it anywhere but inside his head, but Daken was an attention seeker at heart. He liked for people to know who he was and what he had done. Now all that was left was to wait for the right opportunity to present itself. It came as soon as Rictor entered, acting like a clownish buffoon. The feral mutant was once again left wondering how an idiot such as the Mexican was could have been granted enough power to level half of Japan with. No matter. In another minute, he would be dead, and that wasted power would be no more.

He strode over to the table where Rictor was sitting. Without any introductions, a gun was pulled out and leveled at the other man’s head. He uttered only one sentence, his eyes as cold as his words. “The Japanese government sends its regards." He began to squeeze the trigger.

((OOC: Toss your characters in and save an idiot Mexican! Just keep in mind they will get hurt (IM me if you have any objections), but will also eventually take out Daken in the end.))

✝ john 'kestrel' wraith, captain ethan sykes, akihiro 'daken', julio 'rictor' esteban richter, marie 'rogue' darkholme, ✝ james logan, sarah 'ophelia' mayspring

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