Tyger, Tyger, burning bright....*OTA*

Oct 08, 2010 01:24

Daken had gotten the call while he was in Rome, finishing up another assignment. "I trust you've seen the news?" the voice on the other end of the line asked in Japanese. Daken stayed silent. Who hadn't? An earthquake of that size and magnitude, with the scope of the tragedy involved. Every news station in the world had been eating it up like ( Read more... )

[content] arrival, victor creed, ✝ tabitha 'boom-boom' smith, akihiro 'daken', roy 'raven' levoch, ✝ james logan

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double_dynamite October 8 2010, 11:23:23 UTC
"God damn' ugh!" To say Tabitha looked like she was struggling was an understatement, as she finally took the bag she'd been lugging, dropped it and plopped down on the battered green material, and started to chew on her dog tags in a bored offhanded manner, completely unawares anyone was close by.


mongrelverine October 9 2010, 10:37:19 UTC
Daken appeared right next to her, moving with a speed that seemed to be almost supernatural in origin. "Having difficulties?" He wasn't about to break cover just yet, so he was stuck playing the role of the good little soldier boy. That was alright. Daken was used to masks. He saw them all around him constantly.


double_dynamite October 10 2010, 06:14:55 UTC
Tabitha practically jumped out of skin in surprise at the sound of another voice, out of freaking nowhere and only just stopped herself from faceplanting. "Uhh yeah you could say that."

This dude looked well a little different, meaner then the other soldier boys she'd met, but then again he could just be another stick in the mud.


mongrelverine October 10 2010, 06:42:47 UTC
Most mutants were so incredibly idiotic that Daken wondered if they hadn't been given their powers as some sort of cosmic joke. Still, patience was the key. He didn't smile, knowing it would come off as looking fake, but he managed to look a little less intimidating. "Not that I blame you. From what I heard, you all had a hell of a time back in Japan."

The information he'd been able to receive on his target had been frustratingly limited. He knew his target was male and able to control seismic energy. Other than that, Daken had nothing to go on. Hopefully, he'd be able to get the information he needed out of the woman before him with little difficulty. His pheromones, already in the air, would make her most cooperative in his plans. Assuming, of course, she was anything like all the others he had manipulated in the past.


double_dynamite October 10 2010, 07:02:36 UTC
Those pheromones were certainly helping to ease her already overtly friendly nature and she turned further towards him with a shrug.

"Can't complain, the military is usually funded by a bunch of bright eyed ass wankers anyway so meh-I mean no offense or anything, I don't mean you but like the higher up generals with a stick up there ass and march in their sleep."
She hoped she hadn't pissed him off, he was so oddly inviting, it was kind of creepy how much so actually.


mongrelverine October 10 2010, 07:53:37 UTC
Daken acted like he was interested, nodding in all the right spots as she chattered on, but on the inside, he was thinking, "My God, where is the off switch?" He was inwardly thankful when she finished her rambling. Even his self-control could only take so much before he wanted to stab someone.

He leaned in as Tabby turned towards him. Everything he did had another meaning behind it. Now that he had her full attention, it was time to establish a little bit of trust. After that, she'd be in a better mood to give him information without being too suspicious. "I know what you mean. Truth be told, I'm not too fond of the higher-ups myself. Just don't let them know that or I'll be put on latrine duty again."


double_dynamite October 11 2010, 00:51:36 UTC
Tabby's eyes narrowed in suspicion for all of five seconds, before she crossed her arms and nodded-if this dude was trying to get her in trouble so be it she was bored and he was being talkative, so she smiled at him.
"Secrets safe with me Capitano, and you probably already got the low down on all of us but just in case the name is Tabs."


mongrelverine October 11 2010, 10:10:43 UTC
Friendly people were so much easier to manipulate. Whatever dark god was looking out for Daken's well being had surely sent Tabby his way to help him. "My name is Ryan." The lie flowed effortlessly from Daken's mouth.

"Actually, I don't have the first clue who is who around here. They didn't really tell us much other than you all were coming." He hoped that she might turn that chatter in a direction towards her other teammates.


double_dynamite October 12 2010, 02:17:04 UTC
"Well you should be alright, most of us are pretty controlled unless we get err like damaged up in angry headspace, and we've got everything from bad ass ferals to empaths."


mongrelverine October 12 2010, 05:53:04 UTC
"Duly noted. I'll make sure to stay out of the way of the crazy ones. Unless, of course, you're one of them." He winked at Tabby in a flirtatious manner. "Did one of the ones screwed up in the head cause the sudden move, or was that just part of the master plan by whoever is in charge of this crazy train?" The question seemed just like idle curiosity, but Daken would be taking note of the answer.


double_dynamite October 12 2010, 08:00:57 UTC
Tabby gave him a flirtatious smile in response but calmed slightly at the mention of what had prompted the move. "They really don't tell you guys anything do they? Well that whole shit storm in the lovely Japan? Let's just say one of my favorite people had a hand in it, and more then a few people are pissed royally."


mongrelverine October 13 2010, 09:19:05 UTC
"Nah, they all just assume we're little drones who don't need to be told jack shit." It didn't show on Daken's face, but when Tabby mentioned one of her 'favorite people' caused the quake, he took notice. All he needed was a name now. Still, his tone remained casual if a bit curious. "And who might this person be? Just so I don't piss them off and cause another move for you guys."


double_dynamite October 13 2010, 09:21:55 UTC
Tabby snorted and shrugged a shoulder/ "Oh! Uh his name's Ric-nice guy, great hair sweet ass."


mongrelverine October 13 2010, 09:46:12 UTC
Ric. Daken would keep that name in mind. He'd ask someone else where he could find this Ric. No need to ask too many questions and get Tabby suspicious of him. "Duly noted, Tabs." He tapped the bag she was sitting on. "Better get this inside, or someone higher up than me will be yelling at you soon enough.


double_dynamite October 13 2010, 09:50:05 UTC
Tabby stopped smiling when he mentioned the bag and eyed it like the old, beaten hand me down of a bag had personally wronged her for a good few seconds before she heaved a sigh, stood up, and swung the great thing over her shoulder. "See you later Broseph." With that she Saluted Daken, stalked off towards the doors with a slow walk and for no particular reason Sparta kicked the half open door the rest of the way open (and visibly limped inside for doing so).


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