Have a flexible blonde...that came out wrong (OTA)

Jun 13, 2010 00:25

Tabitha rushed to the rings, taking the early hour of the morning and using it to her advantage; the gym was open and on one was up early enough to be using it. Which gave Tabitha the perfect excuse to flip back and forth around the room like a monkey and not be pressured into an actual work out routine.

victor creed, ✝ tabitha 'boom-boom' smith, ✝ fred 'blob' dukes

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Oh no, darlin', I think that came out just right... watch_the_nails June 13 2010, 07:47:23 UTC
Tabitha wasn't the only one awake at this hour. Victor tended to keep to his own sleep pattern whenever he could, sleeping when he felt like it and napping here and there; he'd been awake for some time now, prowling around the compound, marking and patrolling 'his' territory until the sound of somebody using the gym caught his attention. He moved closer, slipping quietly inside the doors and hanging back as he took a moment to work out who was doing all the exercise. Realising that it was Tabitha, a wicked smile spread across his face, and he allowed himself to enjoy watching the way her lithe body moved around the gym, noting each and every curve.

If the girl wanted to play with him, that was just fine. She probably wouldn't know what the hell she was getting into until it was too late.


Re: Tabby cat wont know what hit her. double_dynamite June 13 2010, 07:52:05 UTC
Tabitha moved easily around the gym, flipping and tossing around the mats before pulling herself onto the rings, and pulling herself upside down to wrap her long slim legs around the metal bar and wrap around it as her arms strain apart before separating them into a split and pulling herself back to the ground.
She is blissfully unaware of Victor as she pulls her little ribbed tank top down from where it had rolled over her tight belly.


watch_the_nails June 14 2010, 12:39:33 UTC
Victor couldn't help but wonder what it would feel like to have those long legs wrapped around his waist as he watched her twist and turn, picturing her body moving against his own; she'd teased him when he'd been dumpster-diving (at least, that was how he'd interpreted it) and he was determined to discover whether there was anything behind her flirtations. His eyes lingered on her midriff as she adjusted her top, as yet unaware of his presence.


It's 5:47 am here and my insomnia is in double gear so excuse any extra crazy XD double_dynamite June 14 2010, 12:50:32 UTC
Tabby had finally moved into a routine, shadow boxing and dancing joyfully against the large red punching bag for a few reps, before moving into a series of dodging attacks with some harmless little firecracker bombs that did nothing but singe the mat.
Her back was still to Victor, blissfully unaware of the show she was giving him.


Craziness excused, I'm off work today and considering an afternoon nap... watch_the_nails June 14 2010, 13:02:23 UTC
The feral raised an eyebrow at the use of Tabitha's explosives; it certainly made him re-evaluate the female, wondering just how he could get around her defences if he tried to make a move. Only recently had he been badly burned by another young woman who had set the room aflame in order to rebuff his advances.

"Nice little party trick y'got there," he uttered, stepping closer.


double_dynamite June 14 2010, 13:06:48 UTC
Tabitha stops mid roll, and lands on the balls of her feet, and looks up at the large imposing frame that is Victor Creed.


watch_the_nails June 14 2010, 13:22:15 UTC
"Hey there, darlin'." A wicked grin spread across his face as he smiled down at her, pleased that he'd managed to elicit that kind of a reaction. It always made him feel better when women seemed to be scared of him, and despite her bold teasing a few days before, she appeared to be a little surprised to see him now. "If I didn't know better, I'd say y'didn't look all too pleased t'see me."


double_dynamite June 14 2010, 20:08:42 UTC
Tabby pulls herself to her feet, and leans her head back so she can look at Vic properly."Just surprised sideburns."


watch_the_nails June 15 2010, 05:23:13 UTC
An' would that be a nice surprise or a nasty surprise?" he smirked, his tone light and flirtatious; his words held the hint of a promise - or a threat. "Y'said before that you're good at findin' what people want an' givin' 'em what they need. I wanna see if you got what I need right now."


double_dynamite June 15 2010, 05:31:11 UTC
Tabby would love to say that this turn of events was unexpected, but with a big man like Victor that practically oozes testosterone with every step the flirtation would be insane not to see.
"Depends." Tabby shrugs, still rather cheerful and smiles at his comment on there little conversation yesterday. "I'm good with helping people in most areas."
She can't help the slight bubble of nerves as it surfaces however.


watch_the_nails June 15 2010, 20:45:50 UTC
"Oh yeah? Well, I got this particular area that really needs some work right now."

He smirked suggestively - very suggestively - moving even closer as he gauged her reaction to his obvious come-ons.

"Well, whaddaya say? You wanna take a look?"


double_dynamite June 15 2010, 21:09:11 UTC
Tabby stands her ground, even though in all honesty she wants to back up ever so slightly.
"At least buy me dinner first sideburns." She's joking, and it's obvious that it's an old defense mechanism.


watch_the_nails June 15 2010, 21:19:12 UTC
He wants to push it further, but he can't; he's already been in enough trouble for some of his 'romantic' liaisons with another team member, and just the other day he was bested by Angelica Jones when he tried to take her - and so he remains standing close to Tabitha but not touching her, not just yet.

"Dunno about dinner, but I can wait while y'make a sandwich."


double_dynamite June 15 2010, 21:22:04 UTC
That alone gives her a small laugh, she's still on her guard but that bundle of nerves bouncing around in her stomach has eased ever so slightly.


watch_the_nails June 17 2010, 05:31:01 UTC
"Well? How about it? You wanna take a walk somewhere or are y'gonna stay here all day jumpin' around like a Jack-in-the-box?" He smirked and stared at her, sensing that she was relaxing slightly and deciding to press his advantage.


Grawr. *stabs lj notifs* double_dynamite June 19 2010, 10:04:23 UTC
"I think I'll take a rain check, after all even I don't jump into bed without a little more info on the boy, big sexy sideburns and a crazy hot voice box or not."


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