"Oh what am I to do I do not believe in God anymore and you know what the pope said?fake it. " (OTA)

Jun 03, 2010 21:53

Tramping past guards, security fences and an abundance of other mutants Teddy spent his first day lingering in the background, taking his old war skills and using them as a level of secrecy over his otherwise magnetic personality ( Read more... )

✝ theodore bradson, ✝ james logan, dr hope chandler

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45825243_t78_a June 5 2010, 10:23:59 UTC
Show-off. It's the first thing Logan thinks as he spots the dust storm, assuming it to be a new addition to the team, though there's a couple of existing members who could probably pull off something like this.

"Hey, pal, d'you mind? My team's trainin' here in a coupl'a minutes."


dirt_bloodsmile June 5 2010, 16:33:48 UTC
Grumbling as he lets the steadily increasing dust storm stop and fall in a heap at his feet, Teddy brushes off his shoulders before he sees Logan, and stops for a moment to just stare.


45825243_t78_a June 5 2010, 20:18:14 UTC
It takes Logan a lot longer to recognize the man, staring and subtly sniffing to better catch his scent - but then, it's been so long. Even when Logan finally connects the dots, it's difficult to believe what he's seeing. God, the guy's gotten old... Hard to imagine it's been that long.

"... Teddy? What the hell're you doin' here?" Not that Logan minds, he just doesn't understand. But then, this is the guy who just sent dirt flying. Teddy is a mutant?!


dirt_bloodsmile June 5 2010, 22:13:11 UTC
"Your damn boss shipped me in from Virginia." Teddy is subtly looking around for Logan's larger and mildly hairier shadow of a brother, Victor Creed.


45825243_t78_a June 6 2010, 13:30:19 UTC
Logan just stared for a moment. Teddy'd never told him he was a mutant. Well, Jesus - of course he hadn't. Not like Logan told Teddy he was one. It was just so strange to see him here now, older, a mutant... It brought home the things you didn't know about people, even friends. And Logan did consider Teddy a friend, if not a close one. Imagine them meeting up again after this time... What were the odds?

"Fuck," Logan said, still trying to get used to the idea that this was Teddy; Teddy was here. "Haven't seen you since -..." Well, that, at least, didn't need saying. Suddenly Logan felt a little less comfortable, overly aware of the metaphorical shadow of Victor hanging over him. The two of them had been clashing a lot lately.


dirt_bloodsmile June 7 2010, 23:02:10 UTC
"Since 'Nam. Your shadow still lurking around the corner, or am I going to need to keep one eye over my shoulder for good old Vick?"


45825243_t78_a June 8 2010, 10:02:50 UTC
"Victor's around." It was mildly annoying to be considered something like Siamese twins, but at least Teddy considered Victor the shadow. "Keepin' an eye out for him's probably a good idea. He ain't gonna be happy 'bout what you did - if he remembers it was you."

It was a long time ago, sure, but getting a gun shoved in your face made things personal. As for Logan, he was over it. Teddy and the other soldiers had had no choice, just like Logan hadn't. Victor'd had to be stopped, but Logan, well... Logan's first instinct would always be to protect his brother.

Of course, if he'd known at the time what Victor had done to deserve being rounded on, he might've just let him be shot.


dirt_bloodsmile June 8 2010, 10:09:52 UTC
"We did what we had to do, hell if he comes back lookin for a fight I'm game. It'd be nice to shove the prick up for all the crazy shit he did when our divisions met up."

Teddy subtly searches his pockets, barely stopping himself from dancing in triumph when he manages to pull a somewhat bent and beat up cigarette out of his pocket, lighting it with the lighter he kept stashed in his sock.
"You say team?"


45825243_t78_a June 8 2010, 10:21:33 UTC
"Let it go, Teddy. You don't wanna fight him." Shit, that was just what he needed; another person after Victor. And Logan, as always, caught in the middle, losing no matter what happened.

"Yeah, I'm a team leader now." His eyebrows shot up briefly as he looked away; it was a dubious honor, as far as he was concerned. "Bunch'a kids, most of 'em never seen battle in their life. I'm tryin' t' get 'em trained." Like that would ever happen. Well... at least they were better now than they had been before.

That, of course, raised another question, and Logan looked at Teddy again. "What team'd they put you in?"


dirt_bloodsmile June 10 2010, 06:38:03 UTC
Teddy takes a long drag on his cigarette, grumbling about crazy hairy brothers before he gives Logan a shrug and offers him one of the sticks from his pack.
"Team Ryu."


45825243_t78_a June 10 2010, 09:49:25 UTC
At the offer, Logan hesitates, just a moment, before he shakes his head. He's been without cigars too damn long, but cigarettes just aren't the same. Teddy's better off saving his stash for himself.

"Zero's team?" Logan scoffs. "Great."


dirt_bloodsmile June 11 2010, 03:22:25 UTC
Teddy stuffs the pack into his pocket with a shrug, raising a curious and somewhat amused smile on his handsome face at Logan's dismissive tone. "That bad?"


45825243_t78_a June 11 2010, 06:37:26 UTC
"Guy's a dick. Counts success by the number of bodies on the ground."

That wasn't entirely true, perhaps, but it was Logan's opinion. Zero and him had clashed more than once over Zero's ruthless approach to following Stryker's orders.


dirt_bloodsmile June 11 2010, 08:20:27 UTC
"Awesome. Sounds like I'll feel right back at home with this guy." Teddy's sarcasm could peel paint of the walls at this point.


45825243_t78_a June 14 2010, 16:13:08 UTC
"Yeah... Well, it'll get ya the team spirit, anyway. Dunno what Stryker's up to, but I don't like the way he's goin' about it." At least there hadn't been many missions lately. The wait was killing Logan, though, even he didn't want to fight. He needed something to do - which was probably why he was working his team pretty hard.


*kills lj* dirt_bloodsmile June 16 2010, 11:38:31 UTC
"Guess we'll never shake the shady shit will we?"


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