Hush, little baby, don't say a word

May 30, 2010 13:53

Mama's gonna buy you a mocking bird

There was sunlight, it was bright and warm. It touched his skin and warmed it to a comfortable degree. He could hear gentle laughter the sound of waves hitting the ocean walls. There was a woman, she had his eyes . She held him in her arms, gently running her fingers through his hair.

"My boy." She murmured. "My little baby."

A man was there too, he looked the same just as Scion. He was colder, harsher. He argued, he fought, he swung. Scion couldn't get over the sound of the oceans, the waves as the flooded over the rocks and drowned the sand. A little boy trailed around his father, pulling at his arm and whine. Crying.

Then there was silence. The sound of gears turning, harsh lights flooded his eyes as needles pierced his skin. They tore at his flesh, the warmth was gone. Now it was fire, pure flames that ripped at him and dug in to his skin. They intruded in on his mind, tore him apart from the inside out. You do not live, you are a told. A tool. A tool. A tool.

Screaming filled his ears, cries as he curled on the ground unable to breathe. He gasped, he shuddered, his flesh on fire as the humanity melted right out of him. No mother. No father. Just a tool.

A tool.

Scions eyes snapped open, the weapon gasping for breath as he clouds passed by over head. That was odd, he could feel tears rolling down his cheeks. Had he been crying? How absurd.It didn't make sense. X had fallen asleep outside, under the shade of a tree near the gate that faced the ocean. HIs breath was a bit stunted as he slowly pushed himself up to a seated position, the weapon scrubbing a hand over his face. He didn't understand why he had that dream, it didn't make sense to him. He had no idea who those people where yet they had his eyes. Taking a slow breath Scion slowly pulled his hand from his face, his eyes flickering back out to the ocean as he sat there, absorbing the warm breeze and the sounds of the world around him.
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