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45825243_t78_a April 30 2010, 14:54:20 UTC
((Sooooo, Logan and his team were gonna 'free' Jubilee just before she got released, by way of exercise (and to piss Stryker off), but that kinda went nowhere. If it's OK, we can continue that here? Basically, there's gonna be people (represented by Logan and whoever else chooses to turn up) sneaking into the brig in the middle of the night and opening the door of her cell. They're not gonna actually set her free, of course, just take her to their team's room. Sorry to disappoint. XD
Of course, if you want her to stay locked up a little longer, this could simply take place after whatever else you had in mind.))

It had seemed pretty simple, and for once it had actually been pretty simple. No hitches. A distraction, the guards unconscious, the door unlocked. Logan would love to take credit for it all, say it was because of his extensive training, but of course it was just luck, pure and simple. Still, it could've gone a lot worse. His team had done well so far. He'd make something of them yet.

After the door was unlocked, he was the one who opened it, filling the doorway as he looked at the prisoner inside. "You Jubilation?"


bubblegumfizz April 30 2010, 15:15:52 UTC
[by all means, break her out, I saw the 'plan' and was 'yessss~' love it. so feel free.]

She stood up at the noises, the scuffling feet, the footfalls and then her door opened. The cage only got opened when they were tossing food in for her, and if she was right, this wasn't meal time.

Her stance was less than imposing, hands still contained in front of her, but she stuck her chin up in defiance anyway, "Who wants to know?" No one had bothered to come by and ask her if she wanted to be there.

Even with her restraints, this cat had claws and she was gonna use 'em.


WTF LJ? Notif lag AGAIN?! 45825243_t78_a April 30 2010, 15:22:32 UTC
Logan rolled his eyes at the attitude. That was as obviously a 'yes' as if she'd just said 'yes'.

"Name's Logan. You're gonna be on my team." He took a step inside, tilting his head a little as he looked at her. "You want out of here or not?"


Yeah; it's being heavy on the wank bubblegumfizz April 30 2010, 15:42:05 UTC
She didn't like the easy route, she didn't really like the 'locked in a cage' thing either though, so maybe easy was just that whole 'better the devil you know' crap. "Gonna be?"

It was one hell of an introduction, for sure. But then, it was the most she'd gotten out of anyone so far. "No, I think I wanna stay here in my pretty cell. D'uh, I wanna get out." Moving to step forward, she remembered her bag, and her hands, "Wanna gimme my fingers first?"


45825243_t78_a April 30 2010, 19:28:00 UTC
"Once you get outta this cell, yeah." Maybe it would have been a good idea to explain this strange and slightly insane plan they had going, but he wasn't in a mood to. She wanted out, he wanted her out - so what was she waiting for?

Logan glanced at the restraints. Well, shit. He hadn't expected those. "We got some keys off the guards. We'll try 'em once we get you to the team quarters." They were kind of in a hurry here. Even if their little rescue game was bound to come out soon enough, Logan would rather have it happen tomorrow, when they were less likely to get caught in the act and shot by overzealous human soldiers.


angelica_jinx April 30 2010, 21:26:31 UTC
Angel had stayed quiet during Logan's speech, only picking at the bandages on her hands. She'd managed to bring Warren in but he wasn't happy about and she hated that she had to do it by force. He really did seem nice.

That was the only reason she was agreeing to this jail break. Doing what she was told made her feel terrible. Breaking the rules did too but at least she would be able to live with herself. Maybe.

"Logan!" Angel whispered loudly. "I appreciate the need for friendly chit chat but if you don't get a move on, we're going to be in the cell next to her."


123_kaboom April 30 2010, 23:00:00 UTC
Katie had been lurking in the doorway, half-listening to their conversation, but more concerned with how well her adjusted smoke grenade had gone off. There were still occasional cracks and flashes and the clouds of thick smoke still clung to the buildings, but the whole effect was definitely dissipating.

"We have about ten minutes before the smoke is totally cleared," she announced to the room at large, but glancing towards Logan.


More notif fail; yey bubblegumfizz May 2 2010, 20:27:37 UTC
It took her a careful minute to analyse things. She could kick up a fuss, try to get out of there with her hands still clasped together and without a clue how to get away from where she was or where she was, or go with the group -the ones that seemed willing to get her out of her damn cage, and find out what was going on.

Even for her, it was a no brainer.

"Will you at least grab my bag?" She didn't want to leave that lying around, and she'd keep one hell of an eye on it until she could get out of here -or to a shipping company. "Where're we going?"


Next mission: blowing up LJ, Y/Y? 45825243_t78_a May 2 2010, 21:26:34 UTC
Logan glanced at Angel with a little growl, not at her so much as at the situation; she was, of course, right. When Katie appeared in the doorway, he gave her a little nod. Ten minutes should just be enough.

He rolled his eyes at Jubilee's request - women! - but grabbed her bag anyway. Behind Jubilee now, he gave her a little shove towards the door. (What? It was gentle enough, for him.)

"Angel, take the lead. Back the way we came." With everyone who he expected might get in their way taken care of, Logan was comfortable taking the rear guard. That way, he could keep an eye on Jubilee, too.

((F everybody's I: Jubes-mun and me have talked, and Jubilee will probably come along fairly quietly. So if you wanna put your chars in other threads while this plays out, that's what will have happened.))


Y! angelica_jinx May 4 2010, 00:16:54 UTC
The growl didn't phase her even a little bit. She worked on a team with Nick Fury and if the name didn't give it away, the man was the definition of grouch when he wanted to be.

Giving him a little nod, she glanced at the new girl and Katie before she slipped back into the hallway into the dense smoke. Then like a petite mutant Rudolf, she started to slightly glow yellow to lead her blinded team to safety.


45825243_t78_a May 4 2010, 06:37:47 UTC
((Oh, dear God... Rudolf?! XD That made my day.))


angelica_jinx May 4 2010, 13:25:15 UTC


yesplz 123_kaboom May 4 2010, 19:55:26 UTC
((Oh goodness, how can I beat that imagery? xD))

Katie followed closely behind Angel, careful not to lose her in the thick clouds of smoke, which felt like they were asphyxiating her. It stung at her eyes and seemed like it was clogging her mouth and throat- she didn't envy Logan for his heightened senses at the moment. Trying not to breathe too deeply, she followed Angel blindly, struggling to see anything but her yellow glow.

Once they left the building, the smoke had cleared to the point where the stars were visible. She was so grateful that she drew in a deep breath and promptly hacked it back out in a giant cough.


agreezwivall bubblegumfizz May 4 2010, 23:35:16 UTC
The shove, she thought it was unneeded, but didn't bitch it out yet. Hey, they were busting her out, she was gonna keep her damn mouth closed till she got those stupid pieces of shit off her hands and could actually blow something.

All the smoke hardly helped, yeah, her eyes watered and her throat choked up, but she sucked it up -metaphorically- and kept following, kinda awkwardly without her hands to help her along.

Clearing the smoke was a relief, but at the same time, she didn't like the look of the place. Yeah, this was military, and Shaw had better have a damn good reason for leaving her in this piece of shit base. He had telepaths out the ass, he could've found her when she missed her deadline. "Okay, now what?" She kept her voice low, her throat scratchy, and she just held back from coughing up her lungs like the dark haired girl.


45825243_t78_a May 5 2010, 19:05:24 UTC
Logan froze as Katie coughed, immediately on alert for any sign that they'd been spotted. Thankfully, nothing seemed to stir - yet - but that didn't mean he was happy about it.

"Move!" he hissed at Jubilee. Suddenly, ten minutes didn't seem nearly long enough.

They went along the back of the buildings again, the long way around, but it was a hell of a lot safer than going over the parade ground. The human guards had been taken care of, sure, but Logan thought Zero or Jack might still be wandering around, making sure curfew didn't get broken. He really didn't want either of them to have the satisfaction of catching him doing this. His team needed to get back to their room, get those restraints off Jubilee, and get some sleep. He fully intended to begin training at the usual time tomorrow morning.


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