Honey I'm home! - OTA

Apr 06, 2010 18:34

Their arrival back in camp was pretty uneventful. Hitching a ride back was easy enough as was sneaking out the back of the truck and getting inside the camp, especially since Martini could slow down time and give them a pretty clear route back to their rooms. Parting from his boyfriend in the corridor of the mens dorms with a lingering kiss Ric had grinned brightly all the way to his room, feeling suitably relaxed and chilled out. Changing back into his uniform Ric read the note that he'd found on his bed, left by Tristan, a wistful smile tugging at his lips. Heading out to the mess hall Ric screwed the note up, shoving it into his back pocket to show Martini later on.

It was a shame he'd missed the kid, Tristan had left earlier that morning from the sounds of it, (he'd overheard one of the guards muttering about the comings and goings of the mutants as he wandered through the building) before the boys had returned from their AWOL trip away.

Bounding across the mess hall, Ric slid to a halt hopping up onto the kitchen work tops and drumming his boots loudly against the cupboard doors as he waited for the fresh pot of coffee to finish percolating. He wondered if anyone had actually noticed that they were missing or just assumed that they were laying low. The fact that Wade had been the one to get the message to Martini that they were moving camp kinda gave a hint that their little trip off camp hadn't gone unnoticed.

✝ jason 'j-143' stryker, ✝ mortimer 'toad' toynbee, julio 'rictor' esteban richter, dr hope chandler

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