Счастливого пути - Taking a well deserved holiday Ric/Martini style (Narrative)

Mar 23, 2010 23:01

There was no denying that Ric and Martini had certainly earned themselves a few friends (and also enemies) in camp since their arrival on the team way back in Africa. Both known for their loud, brash and occasionally annoying ways both of the boys knew how to rile the other team mates up. This had more recently and most superbly been demonstrated by Martini, who discovered exactly what it was like to be on the receiving end of Logan's claws. The stunt had earnt him two weeks in the Med Bay, a nice collection of bruises, cuts and potential scars as well as one incredibly irritable and stressed out Mexican boyfriend.

So by the time Martini was allowed out of the medical bay Julio had come to a decision; they were going to go AWOL for a few days and get the hell out of camp, to take a well earned break in the nearest city which happened to be St Petersburg. They had already planned this trip way before the skewering incident but various things had gotten in the way and so Julio had been steadily increasing their stash of roubles to the point that they could have at least few comfortable nights off of camp. Sensibly they’d decided to rent an apartment so that they couldn’t be easily traced by Stryker if it came to it.

It had taken about ten minutes of discussion and a couple of days planning the finer details before the boys were able to make a break for it. Not forgetting to leave a note for Victor (Ric worried that the feral might think he’d been abandoned by his friend annoyance that bloody mexican) they snuck off during the early hours of the morning, hitching a ride on one of the trucks that made deliveries to the compound each morning.

Sitting up front in the truck, they settled in next to the driver who was jabbering away in Russian and seemed totally un-phased that neither of them understood what he was saying. Both of them were dressed in civilian clothing to make it easier to blend in during their AWOl stint. As they bumped along, the truck bouncing over the potholes and lifting them off of their seats, Ric grinned brightly unable to contain his excitement. He glanced over at Martini who was wrapped in several layers of Ric’s clothing, hood pulled up to keep him warm. Seeking out his hand, hoping that the driver didn’t notice, Ric tangled their fingers together.

“All good?”

“Yeah,” Mark smiled, peering at Ric around the edge of the hood. “Pretty fucking amazing actually. You?”

“Ditto. I hope St Petersburg is prepared because here we come.”

(Don't worry the boys will be back! Just taking a well deserved holiday from camp. The boys are probably just going to keep this to their LJs apart from their departure and arrival back at camp posts!)

mark 'martini' martinez, julio 'rictor' esteban richter

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