Fucking with Logan - embarrassing fun tiems with you and Jean - OTA

Jan 31, 2010 00:23

((With a little help from Jean, Logan has figured out how to build a mental block in his head, to keep nosy telepaths out. What Logan doesn't know is that Jean strengthened this block to far beyond what he could've achieved himself - at least, without years of training. But he's still the one in control of it, and he has to learn how to use it, to focus - and to push people out when they do get in.

What Logan doesn't know either is that Jean will now train him in the use of his new skill by throwing pornography at his mind at awkward moments. Like when he's talking to your character!

If you reply to this, please note that Jean is allowed to threadjack at any point. At the same time, she may decide not to threadjack at all. This is up to her mun.

Feel free to run into Logan outside or inside (in the mess hall, most likely). The location is left open on purpose.
Backdated to before this, right after this.))

After spending the night with Jean, Logan woke up early. Giving her a gentle kiss, careful not to wake her up, he got dressed and went outside, taking a long walk around the compound. Taking in the fresh air, walking and smoking, he was almost happy. Almost. It was as good as he'd felt in ages, and if the Victor shit still niggled in the back of his mind, well... It wasn't like there hadn't always been some sort of Victor shit bugging him, the last couple of decades.

Finally finishing his cigar, Logan headed back to the main building. He was getting hungry by now, and some breakfast would be pretty damn good. Maybe he'd take some to Jean, too. He wasn't the world's most considerate person, but the thought of getting back into the warm bed with her for breakfast and who knew what else? Suddenly breakfast sounded even better.

✝ mercy 'vortex' dyer, ✝ jean 'phoenix' grey, ✝ james logan

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