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accretion_disk January 9 2010, 18:56:32 UTC
Asher strolled toward the truck. He wasn't very impressed with it tugging his coat around himself to cover his guns from the cold. He hurried a little wanting to grab the passenger seat if he could. Asher hated riding in the backs of vehicles it made him a bit carsick sometimes. He opened the door and offered Emma a smile,"Going my way?"


blazing_touch January 9 2010, 23:46:49 UTC
*Edie made her way to the truck. She'd wanted to get out of camp but this was in no way what she had in mind. She climbed into the back seat, smiling at Asher and offering a nod to Emma.*

I'm assuming we're all going the same place?


cover_your_ears January 10 2010, 01:59:28 UTC
As she walked to the truck, Jessie checked her weapons. The Glock was loaded and she sheathed in her hip holster. The four extra magazines were tucked into one of the pockets of her cargo pants, several knives were secreted in the other pockets.

Jessie opened the back door of the truck, smiling to see Edie in the back seat. She climbed in beside her. "Hey," she nodded to the girl. She assumed that the guy was Asher and she had briefly met the blonde when she first arrived at camp. Emma. She hoped they would discuss some sort of plan on the way into St. Petersburg.


icecoldwit January 10 2010, 02:27:26 UTC
As Jessica closed the door, taking her seat, Emma pulled out of the base and headed towards the road that ran along side, carrying on until they exited the compound completely. With one hand, she fished out a picture from inside her jacket.

"This is Dr Vynski. We've to apprehend him, and our glorious leader wants him all in one piece." Emma stated, passing the picture to Asher. He's some kind of geneticist, hardly a threat alone, but the building is secure."

She hated the handling of trucks, the annoying bounce and uneven suspension on this one only irritated her more, it came across in her tone. "There's to be as little bloodshed as possible on this one."


accretion_disk January 11 2010, 01:57:10 UTC
Asher took the picture looking it over to memorize the features. He handed it backward to whoever wanted to grab it from him. The team make up was sort of making sense for a non-violent grabbing.

"Any idea how many people we might be expecting on the inside?"


blazing_touch January 11 2010, 06:43:10 UTC
*Edie took the picture from Asher, eyes scanning over it before she passed it to Jessie. She leaned forward in her seat so she could hear what Emma was saying better.

She also figured tuning into someone else may help shut Tammy up.*


cover_your_ears January 11 2010, 07:52:10 UTC
Jessie looked it over quickly and handed it back to Emma. She sat forward a little, also to hear Emma better. She was interested to hear the answer to Asher's question.

She was also curious about how they expected them to get in and out with the Dr with as little bloodshed as possible. But first she wanted more detail.


icecoldwit January 11 2010, 13:38:12 UTC
She tilted her head towards Asher a little, glancing away from the road for a moment, "As far as I've been told, not a lot. It's a facility in the main part of the city, so it's not heavily guarded. I can do a scan for life signs when we get there for an accurate number."

Although she wasn't intending on stretching her powers too thin, she would be able to handle the more basic of things. Which meant her team mates would need to push themselves too.

With a quick scan of each of them, Edie's being the shortest thanks to the sheer noise in her mind, Emma gathered a quick understanding of what her team mates could do and how it would assist her plans. "Jessie will get us in undetected." She decided, raising an eyebrow with a small smirk. Her smirk would be unseen, thanks to her focus on the road then.


cover_your_ears January 11 2010, 14:29:57 UTC
Her jaw dropped open. Jessie had nearly forgotten that Emma was a telepath, and a powerful one at that. For a fraction of a second, she thought about acting dumb and asking if the facility was surrounded by a moat, but thought better of it. No, if she did that, Emma would call her on it.

"I'm not so sure that's a good idea," she finally settled on saying. It wasn't a complete cop-out, but it still sounded lame when she said it.


icecoldwit January 12 2010, 02:36:22 UTC
Emma didn't look away from the road. "It's a perfect idea, it's my idea, it's happening."

Jessie's reluctance to do it only solidified Emma's determination to make it happen. The girl needed to embrace her abilities, not hide from the sides she didn't like.

And if Emma needed to shove, so be it. Emma would shove.


cover_your_ears January 12 2010, 03:07:30 UTC
"I've never tried to use my power that way. I'm not sure if it will work," she told them. Great now she sounded whiny and Edie and Asher were both staring at her. "Did anyone think to bring ear plugs? What if I accidentaly effect all of you?"


blazing_touch January 12 2010, 04:28:57 UTC
*Edie shook her head, looking to Jessie.*

I'm sure we'll be fine.

*There wasn't a whole lot that could damage the fire starter. If it came down to it, she could look after herself. Her eyes darted up to Asher's face. She hoped if it turned to shit and Emma's plan didn't work (not that she was assuming it wouldn't), that nothing happened to him. She needed him, more than she'd admit out loud. She swallowed nervously and turned her attention back to other's.*

Not that I'm overly concerned, but is there any particular reason the bossman wants him?

*She wasn't fond of Doctors who worked on people. In her experience, they had a habit of... hurting their patients.*


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