Dec 10, 2009 21:19

*Talia sat in her room, reading one of her books that she'd brought with her, that she had read too many times. She placed her book down on her bed and went to the mess hall to get a drink, deciding she wanted milk instead of coffee, she grabbed a glass out of the cupboard and poured some milk. She drank her milk quickly, washing and drying it, she placed it back in the cupboard, before moving on towards the rec room, in the hopes to find something on the TV, or maybe even someone to play table-tennis with.

Upon reaching the rec room there weren't many people in there and none of which she actually knew. Sitting in a corner of the rec room in one of the chairs she watched people, walk to and fro busily. Smiling at the people who looked her way but most didn't see her or didn't realize who she was. Either way she didn't mind, she was happy just watching.*

((Sorry for my absence peeps.))

✝ talia moretti, ✝ louisa 'lou' worth-canns, [plot] age shift

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