So not getting involed [ota - kids beware, he'll bite]

Dec 08, 2009 01:42

Jane had taken to avoiding places again.

The rec room. The mess hall. His room. Scion as a kid? Wow, that was just...that was Silent Hill type creepy. He could respect the guy as a grown up; fully functioning, well mannered, capable and responsible soldier that he was. Scion was the embodiment of the military in his adult form. As a kid. Creepy.

And Jane didn't really like kids. Not these ones. Noisy, messy kids. He'd had trouble with Lou at first -naturally, he was only ten when she was born, but still. She screamed all the time and pooped and puked and God, why did people want those things? Then she started walking and talking and it wasn't so bad. And why the time he was fifteen and Lou was a little tag-along, he totally dug her. She was awesome, his baby sister.

But that was where his affection for kids started and stopped. His little sister was different, and he was sure, should it happen, his own kids would be exempt.

Until that day arrived, he was avoiding the brats. And staying the garage, cleaning his gun and tinkering with his rubix cube. Again.

lt jane 'spike' worth, [plot] age shift, elisabeth 'psylocke' braddock, ✝ forge

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