I'mma come outta mah room now [OTA]

Dec 01, 2009 23:26

She'd been hiding, not because she was powerless, not because she didn't know what was going on, not because she was scared. No. She was hiding because my god, if it wasn't hard being a teenager again ( Read more... )

✝ remy 'gambit' lebeau, [plot] age shift, ✝ fred 'blob' dukes, mark 'martini' martinez, julio 'rictor' esteban richter, marie 'rogue' darkholme, ✝ elizabeth 'el' gamble

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Comments 25

silverhypnosis December 1 2009, 23:31:33 UTC
*El entered the mess hall, he pant legs dragging on the floor and her sleeves scrunched up to reveal her hands. This was frustrating. She spotted a girl she'd never met before and was now confused: was she actually a teenaged girl or was she under the effects of... whatever had reverted her back to a nine year old. Shrugging, El walked further into the room and sat in an empty seat.*


*God, she sounded so... so... little.*


drainingtouch December 2 2009, 00:25:15 UTC
Turning her head, Rogue stopped and stared. Pretty obvious about it too. "Um, hey." She had to figure out if this was a new girl, or a girl from before turned into a kid. Since she'd seen Pyro as a kid, it was totally possible.

"Is that you as always, or have ya been messed with an' woke up bein' littler again?" Rogue asked, her accent heavier in her youth.


silverhypnosis December 2 2009, 00:34:58 UTC
Um... *Something about this girl was familiar... her accent. She was part of the group that had gone to St Petersburg.*... I woke up like this.

*El's feet dangled off the chair, unable to reach the floor.*

I'm El.


drainingtouch December 2 2009, 00:42:44 UTC
Ah, so she must've been one of the blonde girls who were around camp. "Rogue. Little younger than usual, Rogue." She wondered if that made her Marie again, but didn't bother saying anything.

She didn't have her powers, but then, she was grateful for it. "So, it's kinda," Rogue searched for the word to describe what this was. Weird didn't cover it, and freaky was a little less than intended to, "different." That worked.


cajun_trickster December 2 2009, 08:40:47 UTC
*Remy knew about the whole age deal going schizo, but he didn't really believe it... until now. Rogue sat in the mess hall - well, he thought it was Rogue... just a much younger version of her. Should be go over and say hello? Would it be rude not to? He mentally shook himself. Still the same Rogue.

He went over and tapped her gently on the shoulder*

Hey, cher.


drainingtouch December 2 2009, 16:50:28 UTC
Her face practically lit up, turning to face Remy, "Hey, sugah." And yeah, he hadn't been affected -lucky Remy, maybe. "Wow, no change, huh?"

Of course, even at fifteen, Rogue blushed furiously in the face of possibly her biggest crush since Kevin Costner had been Robin Hood.


cajun_trickster December 3 2009, 18:25:50 UTC
Not so far, anyway.

*Which, Remy had learned, meant little around here. Also, was it wrong that he thought Rogue was a little, well, a lot actually, cute at fifteen?*

How y' doin'?

*What a stupid question to ask. But he just hadn't been able to think of another.*


drainingtouch December 3 2009, 19:40:57 UTC
She shrugged one shoulder. "Ah've been better, but, Ah don't know. Maybe sometimes y' just need a break?" Rogue at fifteen was far more carefree than Rogue at twenty one.

"Not like this, probably." She gave an awkward laugh, and smiled sweetly. "But Ah don't mind it none." She wasn't hearing voices, or sucking the life from people when she touched them. That counted as a plus.


un_move_able December 2 2009, 20:33:59 UTC
Rogue as a child was exactly as Fred imagined her. He had heard she might have been one of the individuals stuck as a kid, based on her recluse-like behavior. There she was looking a little overwhelmed, but still very much herself.

Just... button sized.

"Well hey there, sweetcheeks."


drainingtouch December 2 2009, 21:05:21 UTC
Rogue managed a grin for Fred, putting aside her discomfort for now. "Hey there, darlin'."

She really was button sized. And terribly frail. But utterly glowing. "How ya fairin' with this new madness?" Her accent was thicker, more obvious. As if she'd never left Mississippi.


un_move_able December 2 2009, 21:11:45 UTC
"Well, if I had any feelin's against kids before, then they got worse," Fred replied with a chuckle. "Damn, it's crazy... all these lil' ankle-biters runnin' 'round... hell, it's hard enough makin' sure I don' knock people down or squash 'em when they're adults."

He knelt down to talk to Rogue better. "At least you an' Wraith ain't terrible kids, right?"


drainingtouch December 2 2009, 21:47:19 UTC
"Oh, Ah'm'a angel, Fred. Ain't ya noticed?" She joked lightly, curling her hand into a fist and knocking him harmlessly on the shoulder.

"At least Ah was at this age." At this point, Rogue was still Marie. Still Daddy's little girl when she could be, still blushing at boys and trying so hard to pass biology.

It was surprising how far she'd gotten.


movetheearth December 2 2009, 21:56:41 UTC
Ric had already "searched" the womens' dorms, literally running in, hollering Rogues name and waiting for a response. When he got none he huffed and wandered back out in the hallway wondering where she was.

He was starting to learn that this teenage body had more and more perks as time went by. Okay sure he was as randy as sin and his voice breaking randomly was rather annoying but still he could put up with that.

Bounding past the mess hall, legs and arms arriving before the rest of him did. His stomach was grumbling loudly as he headed for the kitchen, waving a hand at the teenage Rogue.

"Hey Ruby!"

He opened the fridge, hauled out as much food as he could carry and wandered over to the table which Rogue was sat at. Ric stopped and frowned.

"You look.... fucking hell! You look so young!"


drainingtouch December 2 2009, 22:04:12 UTC
With a frown, almost a glare, and stealing some of his food. "Y'r one t' talk. What are you, like twelve?" She knew of course that he wasn't, just a little too into puberty to be twelve. But still, she didn't really want to be told how young she looked, thank you very much.

"Besides, Ah'm guessin' Ah'm fifteen." She chewed on the piece of cold meat she had, thinking it over. "Ah don't got no powers, so Ah must be."


movetheearth December 2 2009, 22:15:05 UTC
"I reckon I'm about sixteen maybe seventeen." Ric would be impressed if Rogue could actually understand what he just said as at that exact moment he had half a bread roll shoved into his mouth and it was soon to be followed by some cold cuts of meat.

He swallowed the mouthful of food and glared at her through his stupidly long hair, shoving it back out of his face with one hand as he rummaged through the pile of food to find something else to munch on.

"A very cute... wait you don't have your powers? Does that mean...?"


drainingtouch December 3 2009, 00:01:19 UTC
Shaking her head, and looking at him ruefully, Rogue leaned over and poked his nose with a bare finger. "Ah'm completely, and utterly, 'normal'." She even added in the air quotes.

"It's kinda weird, y'know? When Des stripped me, Ah still felt the powers right there. An' now, they're just gone." She wasn't overly concerned. She knew that natural would somehow fix it. But until then, she was powerless.

It felt strange not having Carol's strength.


time_schizo December 4 2009, 08:38:24 UTC
This shifting ages thing was getting old. Literally. In the middle of the night, Martini had aged rapidly, to about the age of seventy. And for all his efforts, had not been able to age himself back. He was very much not okay with this. Perhaps he had been a little too vain, dwelling a little too much on his naturally handsome good looks. But man, what a way to knock him down a peg or two. God had a sick sense of humor, of this he was certain ( ... )


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