Act Your Age, Not Your Shoe Size! (AKA, Kid!Plot is Go!!)

Nov 27, 2009 03:17

Martini threw himself at the door once again, nails scratching along the metal as he scraped his fingers over them. No one would hear him. It was the middle of the night. Stryker had decided to punish him for destroying the camp in Africa, putting him in one beyond all other for him. Solitary confinement. His fingernails had been mostly ripped off ( Read more... )

✝ talia moretti, [plot] age shift, ✝ jamie 'multiple man' madrox, mark 'martini' martinez, jack hendley, ✝ brian simpkins, emma 'white queen' frost, ✝ heather 'lifeguard' cameron, elisabeth 'psylocke' braddock, ✝ jessica 'siren' davies, ✝ esme 'demon' meyers, ✝ molly white, ✝ yuriko 'deathstrike' oyama, victor creed, ✝ forge, st john 'pyro' allerdyce, julio 'rictor' esteban richter, ✝ olivia ranulf

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Comments 102

hunt_the_devil November 28 2009, 00:34:42 UTC
John stared at the reflection that gazed back at him and wondered when he had exactly lost his mind. Currently what was facing him in the mirror was a reflection of an awkward, wide eyed, big eared, short, twelve year old kid who was giving him a look of sheer terror and absolute horror.

He had known the moment he had woken up mid-teleport and lying in the middle of the room on the floor that something wasn't right. John had only ever randomly teleported when he was under threat, a child with little or no control over his powers or if something odd happened as he was sleeping.

Apparently all three of those boxes had been ticked during the night and along with it John's mind had been taken too.

"Aww hell no. I ain't goin' through puberty again!" The combat trousers pooled around his ankles and the army issue shirt he slept in looked more like a dress currently.

And John didn't even want to contemplate how his hat wasn't going to fit.


proper_twinkie November 28 2009, 01:19:21 UTC
It's amazing how easily distracted a person could become with they turn a corner to find a young black boy with his pants around his ankles. She was on her way to Stryker's office to let him have it. Instead, she skid to a stop and stared.

As angry as she was, it was too funny not to laugh. "I was just thinking the same thing. Nice legs."


hunt_the_devil November 28 2009, 01:23:57 UTC
John turned to look at the la.... girl and gave her his best 'unimpressed' look.

"Gee thanks."

He tried to pull up his trousers and force another hole into the belt but he looked more like Dopey from the Seven Dwarfs than anything else. John had been planning to go and see Stryker as well but his progress had been hindered by the wretched trousers!


proper_twinkie November 28 2009, 01:36:21 UTC
He could give her all the dirty looks he wanted but even at 14 she was still a gangly 5'7" and smug in her lofty position. "For your sake I hope this situation gets rectified quickly. You look ridiculous."

She sashayed past but without her usual curves she just looked a little ridiculous herself.


guardyourlife November 28 2009, 01:27:43 UTC
Heather woke early, in the dark. Her time sense was still a little screwed up from coming three quarters of the way around the world and getting used to the new environment. Back home she'd been an early riser - she'd get up, go out for a swim, come home and get breakfast and change, and then head for the beach again to go to work. Here in Siberia the swim was out but the early rising had continued ( ... )


bitter_sweet_t November 28 2009, 01:28:09 UTC
*Talia stretched while still in bed, she moved her legs over to the edge of the bed. She stepped off her bed, stepped wasn't the exact word, it was more of a jump. Talia looked down at her legs, they were shorter and her toes were shorter.

Talia combed her hands through her hair. She knew something was wrong when she felt the layers that she hadn't had since she was 12. Talia went to the closest mirror, noticing her appearance, she was no longer the 24 year old, she was yesterday. She was now her teenage-self.

Talia screamed touching her hair. She tightened her sweat pants and wrapped a dressing gown around herself. Walking out of her room, she went to the mess hall. Looking around she didn't recognize anyone. She sat down in one of the chairs with her head in her hands.

How did this happen? Talia thought to herself.*


cover_your_ears November 28 2009, 07:21:48 UTC
When she reached the mess hall, it was getting quite full. People were milling around, she hardly recognized anyone. Of course, the world looked entirely different from her shortened perspective.

"Talia?" if she was going to find her, she'd have to holler, she wasn't sure she'd recognize her younger. "Talia?"


bitter_sweet_t November 28 2009, 08:07:31 UTC
*Talia looked around at the mention of her name. She didn't recognize the voice but there was something about the face that reminded of her roommate.*

Jessie? *Talia narrowed her eyes.*


cover_your_ears November 28 2009, 18:22:08 UTC
"Talia! I'm so glad I found you. Yeah, it's me," she said as she pulled out the chair and got up on it. She sighed. Jessie pulled her legs up to sit Indian-style and wrapped the ends of the long t-shirt around them and her freezing feet. She was barely tall enough to rest her elbows on the table. "I hate to state the obvious, but this sucks."

Her roommate looked like she was about twelve. And very anxious about the whole thing. Jessie knew how she felt. Looking around the room she hardly recognized anyone. "Do you still have your powers?" She raised a small web-less hand. "Cause, mine seem to have disappeared."


hunteroffreaks November 28 2009, 01:40:37 UTC
Jack had opened his eyes that morning and immediately known something was off. For one, he could see through his left eye again. That wasn't supposed to be possible. He hadn't been able to see anything out of it in five years. Immediately, he was put on edge. Getting up, he noticed there were definitely less aches, pains, and scar tissue then he was used to. His fingers weren't locking up, as they were prone to do in the Russian cold ( ... )


cover_your_ears November 28 2009, 04:50:54 UTC
She was awakened by a high-pitched scream. Something was wrong with Talia. Jessie heard the door open and close, but she couldn't hardly move, she was drowning in the covers!

After struggling a few minutes, her toes hit cold air. She worked her way to the floor but only after a sudden drop. The floor was a lot farther away than usual. She looked down at them and let out a little scream of surprise herself. Her clothes swamped around her, obviously too large. She stepped out of her loose bottoms and went to look in the full-length mirror on the back of the door.

"Oh, shit!" She said in a voice that she hadn't heard for over twenty-three years. At least the t-shirt she was sleeping in was long enough to cover everything but her feet.

She hurried out of her room toward the mess hall and spotted a much younger (but thankfully not as young as her) Jack coming in from outside. No one was in the hallway and she ran towards him at full speed. She barrelled into his legs, nearly knocking him off his feet. "Uncle Jack!"


hunteroffreaks November 28 2009, 05:09:34 UTC
Jack saw a small blur just before it collided with him, hearing a high-pitched squeaky voice that brought back memories. "Jesse!" He backed up against the wall to keep from being completely knocked down.

Far too happy at being de-aged to keep up his normal grumpy demeanor, he knelt down and wrapped his arms around Jesse, hugging her as he once had, many years ago. Looking her over, he saw Jesse looked about six or seven. Clearly, he wasn't alone in having time turned back.


cover_your_ears November 28 2009, 05:26:37 UTC
When he knelt down, she slipped her small arms around his neck. For a few moments at least, time stopped, and really reversed completely. Siberia melted away and they were safe in Frankfurt. In her father's house. Where nothing bad would happen. And he was smiling at her, not in his usual guarded-cynical way, but really smiling.

"It looks like you got the better end of this deal." Jessie released her grip on his neck, and ran a hand through his gray-less hair. They were firmly back in Siberia, her bare feet freezing on the cold floor.


hellion_king November 28 2009, 05:24:00 UTC
Something was entirely wrong ( ... )


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