Dual Pup Post (ota)

Nov 22, 2009 16:40

You know what sucks? Getting your butt kicked by a girl two inches shorter and about 50 pounds lighter. That, in Jamie Madrox's opinion, sucks. It had started simple enough, a sparring match with Laura. It ended with a thud and several moments later, Laura was heading out as though nothing had happened and Jamie was staring at the ceiling of the ( Read more... )

✝ laura 'x-23' kinney, ✝ louisa 'lou' worth-canns, ✝ jamie 'multiple man' madrox

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For Jamie micro_power November 23 2009, 00:47:35 UTC
Louisa had gone to the kitchen for a drink. That was it. She didn't mean to get side tracked and end up mixing up God knew what in a blender and mixing it.

She didn't intend on drinking it. Just label it with a name, any name, and pop it back in the fridge. She didn't even plan to wait and see who drank it.

While the milk was heating though, she got bored, and started to doodle on the cartoon she was planning on putting it back into. She'd written out Rogue's name in red and green letters, coloring the rest of the package in while sitting on the counter in the back of the kitchen.


Re: For Jamie uptonogod November 23 2009, 00:52:49 UTC
Even though Jamie knew this wouldn't exactly work, in an effort to alleviate some of his discomfort, Jamie split off a duplicate. Jamie Prime went to sit down at the table while the second went to look for a bag of peas.

Neither dupe nor original were really feeling all that spectacular, however and as the original almost missed his chair, the duplicate dropped the bag of peas. The bag broke open, a knee smacked on the underside of the table in an effort to not completely topple over and both Jamie's gave the girl a sheepish look.

"Sorry about the noise," they both stated as both started to clean up the frozen food.


Re: For Jamie micro_power November 23 2009, 01:05:48 UTC
It was odd as hell, and Lou was trying not to gape, really she was. It took her a minute before she got down off the counter, minding her footing, because she was accident prone at the best of times, and heading to the fridge.

There was a pack of frozen rice at the bottom, and she picked it out, along with another pack of peas. "Here, you...two, should sit." They looked identical, they spoke in the same voice -and at the same time- and she was sure there was only supposed to be one of them. "I'll get the peas on the floor."

What she really meant was she'd toss the remaining peas back in the freezer and sweep the rest to the corner for someone else to pick up.


Re: For Jamie uptonogod November 23 2009, 01:15:21 UTC
Jamie was used to gaping so if she had done it, he wouldn't have noticed. Much. Okay, yeah. He would have. And he would have let it go right to his ego. At the moment, his main concern was the mess he'd made and the fact that someone else was cleaning up after him. That didn't feel right. Neither did he, however, so when he was told to sit, he did so carefully.

"Thanks," the original Jamie said, holding the bag of peas to the back of his head. The duplicate held the rice to it's right shoulder, sighing. And then he was up again, hurrying to the oven where something didn't quite smell right. Jamie moved the little pan of milk off of the burner, stirring it slightly.

"I'm Jamie."


Re: For Jamie micro_power November 23 2009, 01:22:22 UTC
Looking over, Lou noticed her milk. "Shit, thanks, damn." It wasn't anything special, but the chance that someone might drink turned milk wasn't a good one.

Shit, what if Rogue did drink it and she was lactose intolerant? Maybe the milk was a bad idea. And the peanut butter too. "I'm Lou." It took her a minute or two to remember and introduce herself.

Too busy wondering about the liquid she'd mixed up. "Is that turned?"


Re: For Jamie uptonogod November 23 2009, 01:51:23 UTC
"Um..." Jamie looked from Lou to the milk, nose scrunching as he shook his head. "Your...stuff should be safe," he said with a small nod and a smile. "I'm pretty sure we caught it just in time."

Looking at the stuff in the pan again, he tilted his head slightly. "What, exactly, are you making?"


Re: For Jamie micro_power November 23 2009, 02:04:30 UTC
Lou just grinned, shrugging slightly. "Just something."

Fraser and Alec did it growing up. Taking anything from the pantry and just tossing it in a pot. Jane got it more often than not, but Lou had her own fair share. The one time no one thought it was funny was when their Mom got it.

Beans, jam, honey, mayo and salmon were not a good combination. "Mix it up, put it in a carton, leave it for someone and," she offered another shrug, indicating to the carton with Rogue's name on it. "If they take it, too bad for them."

She'd need to make up something for Jane later, and see if he'd believe it was from Desdemona.


Re: For Jamie uptonogod November 23 2009, 02:31:03 UTC
Well, that sure had Jamie's attention. Forget the slight bruises on his head and anywhere else Laura had landed a blow. He felt much better, now. He looked at what she was mixing, chewing his lower lip slightly. It looked like something was missing. He just couldn't place what.

The duplicate vanished, reabsorbed and a suddenly pain free Jamie made his way to the large pantry. Pulling open the doors, he started scanning the shelf and soon returned with a jar of off white caviar.

He held it out to her, smirking and shrugging slightly. "Maybe, if we're lucky, someone will think it's tapioca beads."


Re: For Jamie micro_power November 23 2009, 02:37:46 UTC
A grin spread over Lou's face, nodding her head. "Hell yes." She was usually a solo mission prank girl. Mostly because the kitchen was too small for a two man job at home, and it was always every kid for themselves, regardless of loyalties.

"You don't know her or anything, do you?" Lou had bumped into Rogue once and only once, and she was a sort of sweet girl and all, but, like at home, every man for himself.

Or girl.

It's just that way. "Who the hell is eating caviar in this dump anyway?"


Re: For Jamie uptonogod November 23 2009, 02:45:44 UTC
Jamie liked that smile just a little bit, not gonna lie. He watched her a moment before the question registered and he shook his head. "I don't think I have officially met her, no. I've met Victor, though. And a few others."

He pulled himself onto the counter to sit, running his fingers through his hair a moment. "How long have you been here, anyway?" he asked as he leaned the back of his head on the cabinet behind him.


Re: For Jamie micro_power November 23 2009, 02:54:11 UTC
She shrugged lightly, what was it, a week, maybe two? "I don't know, I think it's a fortnight. I haven't really been keeping track." Because out here there was little to keep track off.

Lou mixed up the newly added ingredients and poured the soup like liquid into the container, pulling a slightly disgusted face but still smiling slightly. "How about you? I'd say 'I haven't seen you around' but I'm usually the stay in a corner till it collapses type."

She'd met a total of five people. And one of them didn't like her much, as far as she could gather, or Logan just didn't do the talking thing at all. Whatever. "And some of these people are a little weird." Like the aforementioned Logan.


Re: For Jamie uptonogod November 23 2009, 07:11:19 UTC
"You know, I think Stryker eats those fish eggs," Jamie said with a frown, nose wrinkling slightly. He was amused at what he and Lou...mostly Lou...had just done.

"I just got here," Jamie said as he turned slightly, opening one of the cabinets and digging through it for a box of chocolate chip cookies. He checked them over, satisfied that they didn't have anyone's name on it. Not that it would have stopped him completely.

At the comment about people being a little weird, he smirked and nodded. "Yep." He shrugged. "Not that I have much room to talk. I was my own best friend growing up and redefined talking to myself." He paused and then mentally facepalmed at how that sentence sounded. "In the sense that I'd create a duplicate or two and spend hours playing with them instead of the other kids."

Well. now. If that didn't make him sound like a moron, he'd be surprised.


Re: For Jamie micro_power November 23 2009, 09:29:18 UTC
Lou just chuckled lightly. "I don't have the 'I made another me' excuse." While Lou was friendly enough growing up, she had few friends she'd invite over or who would invite her out. She tended to play on her own or with her brothers.

The older she got, the more she stayed with her brothers. "Your own company's the best anyway." She shrugged slightly, mouth in a tight smile.

"I have family though, I mean, brothers." She didn't want to sound like she was just making the comment, but then she'd already made it, so there was no way to unhear it.


Re: For Jamie uptonogod November 23 2009, 17:10:43 UTC
Jamie smiled, relaxing after what he'd thought was an idiotic comment on his part. Maybe he was just tired or still feeling a little embarrassed after getting his ass handed to him by Laura. It was probably the latter. That's his story and he's sticking with it.

"What's that like?" he asked, holding out the box of cookies with an eyebrow raised slightly. "Having siblings, I mean."


Re: For Jamie micro_power November 23 2009, 21:33:16 UTC
Lou nodded slightly, a small smile on her face. "It's good. It's nice. Three big brothers is a little suffocating, but I don't mind too much. They're great."

Lou's family came first in everything, Jane so much so that she'd trekked out to Russia for him. "It's like having best friends, regardless of what you do, because they're always there."

Probably not for everyone though, people would probably think her too attached. "You're an only child then?"


Re: For Jamie uptonogod November 23 2009, 22:03:46 UTC
"That makes sense, though. I mean, if I had a sister, I'd probably be the same way," he said with a small half-smile. Done with the cookies, he set the box on the counter and hopped off, leaning on it and crossing his arms over his chest.

"As it is, I'm an only child, yeah."


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