Калинка - OTA

Nov 12, 2009 19:02

The last few of nights, a couple of hours before curfew kicked in, John had taken to socialising with the local guards who had been recruited by Stryker. In exchange for a nice hot cooked meal, the soldiers had invited John into their guard hut, shared their drinks and tried to teach him traditional songs. It wasn't easy to learn a tune and words that he couldn't understand but John found himself relaxing and trying to teach the guards his favourite country songs in exchange.
   Now as John wandered through the snow he hummed the tune to Kalinka, he had developed a new routine since arriving in Russia, he would often go out jogging for miles in Africa but out here in Russia the thought of torturing himself like that was not on the agenda so instead John had taken to walking the perimeter once a day. Now with Atticus cloaking the compound he had to be careful not to stumble or wander outside the boundary, just incase he couldn't teleport back in and that was why he'd always let one of the guards know where he was and how long he should take.

The layers of clothing helped to keep out the cold but if it got too bad John would "cheat" and teleport along, avoiding the larger drifts of snow and speed up the process. The daily walk gave him chance however to observe any changes to the perimeter as well as kept him sane.
  Apparently he was due to be sent on a supply run with a few of the others. Molly had been allocated the task of kitchen provisions (which to be honest suited John just fine as it was always a headache to cater for all the needs of the team without going over budget) so he'd probably offer her a helping hand before getting chance to go off and explore.

Trudging through the snow John smiled to himself knowing fully well he'd be finding the nearest bar with Fred and settling there for a few hours to consume as much alcohol that they could. It was a shame that Bradley hadn't been given a spot but heck they'd try to bring the poor guy back a gift.... maybe.

✝ john 'kestrel' wraith, elisabeth 'psylocke' braddock, ✝ fred 'blob' dukes

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