*Hiding. ~ OTA*

Nov 09, 2009 21:04

*Edie was sitting in the snow, just behind the first line of trees. She may not have known Evan as well as some of the others in camp, but his death still hurt. She hoped she hadn’t put Angelo off, that would have been unfortunate and she was sure Jamie just thought she was quiet or whatever. At least she hadn’t almost cried in front of him.

The snow that was melting through her pants was uncomfortable but she couldn’t care, she barely noticed. She rolled a small sliver of flame around her fingers and hummed the tune to Lifehouse’s ‘You and Me’ quietly. Her and Ophelia had barely spoken when in their room together and she knew the other girl was just as upset as she was, if not more so. She debated going to find Asher or Martini or Nicky, but found she didn’t have the energy so instead she sat in the almost completely melted snow and played with small flames and hummed her song.*

✝ remy 'gambit' lebeau, ✝ edie daine/tammy daine, ✝ asher banks

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