Out of the Frying Pan [OTA]

Nov 06, 2009 15:15

Forge had seen his share of hard winters growing up in Montana on the rez; he had spent hours breaking skims of ice from basins and water troughs, was proficient at walking in snow shoes and knew the perfect mix of fatty oils to work into his hands to when they'd start to chap and crack--ironic as that knowledge was to him now. Yet for all of his ( Read more... )

✝ talia moretti, [content] arrival, chris 'bolt' bradley, ✝ forge, ✝ allison 'magma' crestmere, ✝ elizabeth 'el' gamble

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bitter_sweet_t November 7 2009, 03:51:53 UTC
*Talia started her walk at the start of the complex, as she usually did most days since she had gotten here. Noticing a face she hadn't seen before. She decided that she should say hello and ask if he needed any help finding anything. Talia walked over to the brown hair man.*



forgebyfire November 7 2009, 04:13:00 UTC
Forge turned to the woman addressing him, breathing puffing out in a cloud as he answered. "Hello." At least the people here seemed friendly--even if none of them could ever be listed as harmless.


bitter_sweet_t November 7 2009, 04:18:00 UTC
I'm Talia. *Talia thought about it for a moment and then held out her hand towards the new arrival. Hoping she wasn't being to forward. She smiled.*

Do you know where your meant to be going?


forgebyfire November 7 2009, 04:22:11 UTC
Forge took her hand with a careful sort of precision--his grip was absolutely average except that perhaps, under the glove, his hand didn't quite give the way flesh and blood should have.

He hadn't shaken many hands since he'd lost his. Never this many in so little time. "Forge," he said. "And I should see Stryker."


bitter_sweet_t November 7 2009, 04:25:55 UTC
*Forge's handshake felt a little off, but Talia couldn't figure out why and she didn't want to ask him, just in case it offended him. Talia nodded when he mentioned Styker.*

Would you like me to show you where he is?


forgebyfire November 7 2009, 04:28:49 UTC
He surely could have seen to it himself--Forge didn't think that he would have any trouble locating the man's quarters, but telling the Talia No would have been awkward when she'd asked him so directly. "Thank you." He adjusted the duffel on his shoulder.


bitter_sweet_t November 7 2009, 04:35:05 UTC
*Talia noticed something in Forge's features, but couldn't exactly tell what it was.*

Okay. Follow me. *He probably could have found Stryker's office by himself, but Talia felt it was polite to ask him. Talia started walking to where Stryker quarters were.*

Indian? *Talia was trying to figure out where exactly Forge was from. She guessed the first place that came to her mind, which looked to be somewhat right.*


forgebyfire November 7 2009, 04:39:24 UTC
Forge fell in step as someone who had spent years in formation. At her question he simply stared at her for a moment. "As in India?" The question was out of his mouth before he understood what she must have meant.

He gave a dry snort and did not correct the terminology. The last thing needed at the moment was a lesson on 'white man' lingo. "I am Cheyenne," he agreed.


bitter_sweet_t November 7 2009, 04:44:56 UTC
*Talia nodded taking in that Forge was Cheyenne. Hoping she hadn't offended him by only saying Indian, but Talia didn't really know much about the Indian tribes.*

Military? *Talia was trying to get information out of Forge, without being too obvious.*


forgebyfire November 7 2009, 04:48:27 UTC

At least Talia's idea of small talk wasn't far from Forge's own. Clipped, informational. It wasn't painful and there was something to be said for that. He looked around as they walked.


bitter_sweet_t November 7 2009, 04:50:51 UTC
*Talia looked over her shoulder at Forge.* It's not that big of a place, but you get used to the place.

*Talia looked forward once again. They came up to Stryker's quarters. Talia stopped and turned towards Forge.* Well here you are.


forgebyfire November 7 2009, 04:58:54 UTC
There was a small crook of a smile that lifted a corner of Forge's mouth in a wry expression. "Size means very little to me." He thought of what Allison had said, that the compound was cramped and boring. He was absolutely sure that his idea of stimulus and hers were two different things.

Forge inclined his head. "Thank you. Talia."


bitter_sweet_t November 7 2009, 05:00:40 UTC
Pleasure to be of service. *Talia smiled. Talia began to walk away but before she left, she turned around and waved at Forge and continued on her walk around the campsite.*


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