(open to all. tag wraith and anyone she hadn't spoken to in a while)

Oct 27, 2009 22:46

It was very safe to say X23 was incredibly bored. She didn't normally go to the gym for anything. Not that she couldn't use the extra training. She would rather keep her mind occupied with other things and she'd discovered she actually enjoyed talking to other people on the team and not just Wade even though he was her favorite person. Her ( Read more... )

✝ talia moretti, ✝ laura 'x-23' kinney, ✝ neena 'domino' thurman, ✝ john 'kestrel' wraith, ✝ rahne 'wolfsbane' sinclair

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Comments 28

alwaysthelucky1 October 28 2009, 06:15:50 UTC
Domino was antsy from her and Logan's 'fight' and the first place she'd wanted to go was the gym. She figured not many people would be there and...well, now she had some frustration to work out on.

She was surprised a little to see Laura there. She blinked as she watched her break the bag and the sand pour out. If she wasn't so upset she probably would have laughed in good nature. Instead she went to stand beside her and admire the damage.

"Don't worry Laura. It comes out of Stryker's paycheck."


x_twenty3 October 28 2009, 06:24:03 UTC
Laura looked from Domino, to the bag, to the sand on the floor, still unsure of how to react. Her hands were over her mouth as she watched the sand finally stop pouring out. Blood gushing from a wound didn't horrify her but this did.

Domino's comment however? Well, Laura reacted to that and actually started laughing, one hand over her eyes.

Domino was one of three people she'd laugh around and surprisingly this felt like something she actually needed to do.

"Oh, God. I did not expect to ...it was an accident." Whether she was talking about laughing or breaking the bag, that wasn't clear. She still retained a few of the habits from The Facility.


alwaysthelucky1 October 28 2009, 06:27:30 UTC
Despite her state, Domino was very happy to have made Laura laugh. Especially since she'd told her how uncomfortable she'd been in this area. She always loved making people happy. Especially those she was close to.

"Accidents happen. It's not you're fault the punching bag wasn't strong enough to take your hit."

She smiled a little half heatedly and shrugged out of her jacket and began to start stretching. Maybe a little exercise and release of endorphins might help her.


x_twenty3 October 28 2009, 06:30:43 UTC
Laura was only now picking up on the difference in Domino and she immediately stopped laughing, watching her friend carefully. She headed to one of the closets in the gym to search for a broom or something to push the sand out of the way, grabbing an old and splintered one from the back.

"You are displeased," Laura stated as she began to sweep. Straight to business, that was her.


bitter_sweet_t October 28 2009, 06:18:06 UTC
*Talia stepped into the gym just as the women swung her fist into the punching bag. Talia had to do a double take, when she was what looked like a metal coming from her hand, then the punching bag began to spill sand. Talia knew she had seen right*

Uh... need some help? *Talia called over to the women, from where she stood at the door to the gym.*


x_twenty3 October 28 2009, 06:25:41 UTC
"Yes, please," Laura said, her hands over her mouth as she looked at the damage. "There is a broom and dust pan in the hall. It would be helpful if you retrieved those items."

Laura looked at the woman, sniffing the air slightly. The scent was familiar but it did not have a name yet. She was sure she'd seen her in passing.


bitter_sweet_t October 28 2009, 06:34:48 UTC
I'll be back in a jiffy! *Talia walked out of the gym and into the hall and retrieved the broom and the dust pan and returned swiftly back in to the gym.*

How about I sweep and you hold the dust pan? Or the other way around. *Talia shrugged her shoulders.* Either way. By the way I'm Talia.


x_twenty3 October 28 2009, 06:38:42 UTC
"I will sweep," she stated, reaching for the broom and taking it gently. She'd never swept before and wanted to try it. When the woman offered her name, Laura offered a mildly awkward smile.

Smile at strangers. It wasn't comfortable for them to just stare. That's what she'd learned.

"I am Laura. It is nice to meet you," Laura stated as she began sweeping quickly and carefully. She had the sand in a pile in a minute.


wolfsbane_rahne October 28 2009, 10:18:32 UTC
Rahne loomed in the doorway as the sound of a 'rip' and 'whoooosh' had drawn her attention as she'd been making her way to Stryker's office. It was Laura. She'd hadn't seen Laura since...well...yeah.

"Don't feel bad, I've done that at least twice by accident," she had a reassuring tone to her voice as she saw a large broom in the corner and started to try to help at least get it into one pile, not thinking twice of it.


x_twenty3 October 28 2009, 16:59:48 UTC
Laura had just about given up trying to get the sand to stop pouring out of the bag. She would just have to wait it out, see if it'd stop eventually. When Rahne spoke, Laura felt just a little bit better. It didn't quite show, however. Rahne was still new so Laura was stuck on what Nori called her default setting. Stoic.

She turned to look at the woman, grateful that she'd at least had the presence of mind to clean it up.

"Thank you for your assistance," Laura stated as she brought the garbage can over.


wolfsbane_rahne October 28 2009, 17:24:19 UTC
Rahne gave Laura a soft smile.

"Hey no problem, trust me, been there, done that... Someone piss you off?"

She could still smell the adrenaline in conjunction with that odd metallic smell. Rahne just could not figure out what type of metal it was. She'd seen her claws, both sets when she'd seen Logan and Laura having a snowball fight. Rahne kept going about helping clean up as she spoke.


x_twenty3 October 28 2009, 17:48:35 UTC
"Yes." If anything, Laura was honest. She was not sure if she should tell Rahne or not, nervously wiping the palms of her hands on her jeans. They itched and Laura was wondering if sand had gotten in under her skin. While she knew it wasn't likely, just the idea of something like that happening had her unnerved so she popped her claws again, examining them.

No sand. She was okay.

"I am just finding my current living arrangements problematic." She retracted her claws, the injuries healing over rapidly.


hunt_the_devil October 28 2009, 21:13:34 UTC
John was finding of late that the gym was one of the only ways to keep his mind occupied. It was far too cold to venture outside, though no doubt he would do eventually before he got too stir crazy.

He could hear the steady rhythm of someone working away on the equipment. As he stepped into the gym the first thing he saw was the now empty remains of punching bag which was hanging limply, looking rather sorry for itself. It was then that John noticed Laura, busy working away on another piece of gym equipment, that look of steely determination settled firmly on her features.

"Penny for your thoughts?"

John ambled over, slinging his towel onto the treadmill nearby.


x_twenty3 October 29 2009, 06:30:01 UTC
Laura had, for the most part, forgotten about the gym bag. They were made to be abused so, really, what she'd done to it shouldn't really be a problem. When John walked in and saw it, Laura turned a bit red again.

She looked from the bag to John, smiling a bit sheepishly.

"Emma is my room mate. Victor has been by a couple times to 'visit'." She paused, her nose wrinkling slightly. Did she have to say more?


hunt_the_devil October 29 2009, 09:59:33 UTC
"Say no more."

Starting up the treadmill John begun at a slow walking pace, stretching his muscles as he did so to warm up.

"At least you took your frustrations out on some inanimate object... I gather that was you unless Emma an' Victor have been in here?"

Barely supressing a shudder John glanced down at the treadmill hoping to whatever Holy individual was listening, that the pair hadn't been here.


x_twenty3 October 29 2009, 16:14:12 UTC
Laura turned red. There was no controlling that. She looked at the bag again, feeling as though she'd been caught doing something awful.

Turning her eyes towards John, she held up a hand and popped her claws out. "I may have imagined Victors face on the bag and hit it a little too hard."

That was her explanation and she was sticking to it.


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